Title: Dia 1
1the hero of legend haarlem!!!
By Pim , Lise Wessel.
The story is about a boy who Haarlem rescued from
the water.
3The legend
There was once a boy who was called Hansje
Brinker. He was 8 years old. He lived in
Haarlem. His father was a lock. And loved the
water level. That was an important profession.
Picture of a lock
4He ran from school to home. And thought about
anything and everything.
5He thought if the dike was not there than Haarlem
having stalled.
So would it be like if the dike was not there
6Haarlem was the Ijsselmeer and if there was storm
could Haarlem inundated.
7He heard once on water. he thought where does
that come from.
8When he looked around him he saw water spraying
from the dike.
9He knew immediately what he had to do his finger
in the dike to stop.
10It seemed days before anyone came.
11After waiting more than a day, the pastor and
that aid has achieved. For example, the dike
The Reverend
12That was the legend of the hero of Haarlem!
Greets Pim, Lise Wessel