Title: NCCR NS : 2a Fase 20052009
1NCCR N-S 2a Fase 2005-2009
- Nueva estructura y temas de investigación
IP fase 1 Individual Project (IP) IP fase 2
Institutional Partner (IP)
3NCCR N-S Fase 1 2001-2005
4NCCR N-S Fase 1 2001-2005
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
5NCCR N-S Fase 1 2001-2005
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
North South Partners
Work Package 3 Health and Environmental Sanitation
Work Package 4 Natural Ressources in Sustainable
Work Package 2 Livelihoods Options and
Work Package 1 Governance and Conflict
6NCCR - NS Estructura de la Fase 2
71a fase Colaboración IPs - JACS
8Colaboración WP JACS2a fase PhD "units"
9Los WP temas de investigación
10Los "core problems"
11Syndrome contexts
12Estructura de la investigación
3 "Thrusts" de investigación
- Syndromes of global change
- 3 contextos de síndromes
- Urban /peri-urban
- Semi-arid
- Highland / Lowland
WP research projects
Potentials for sustainable development
TP specific research project
Pathways for mitigating syndromes
WP activities (PAMS)
13Preguntas de la investigaciónpara los 3
contextos de síndromes
Urban / peri-urban
14Urban / peri-urban
- How does the growing fragmentation of urban
spaces impact on livelihoods, governance
processes, access to services and infrastructure,
and urban economies? - What management approaches can bring improvements
in sustainable land use and urban development in
cities? - How can threats to human health, security and the
environment be mitigated? - What endogenous (local) potential do cities offer
to resolve negative impacts of globalisation,
e.g. rapid environmental deterioration, increased
vulnerability, lack of public policies, or new
poverty? - How could this potential be mobilised and
supported? How can resources in urban and
peri-urban areas be managed in a sustainable way,
e.g. for integrated agricultural production?
- What are the implications of globalisation for
economic and human security in pastoral and
smallholder societies? - How can conflicting formal and informal
institutional regimes be harmonised? - How can access to essential services as key
determinants of development be achieved in a
highly dynamic environment? - How can the multiplicity of livelihood strategies
be shaped to help reduce vulnerability and
increase adaptability, in order to ensure the
sustainability of both livelihoods and
- What clusters of core problems of non-sustainable
development and potentials for sustainable
development can be identified in the mountains
and highlandlowland areas under investigation? - What specific conditions and processes favour
sustainable development in the highlandlowland
context? - How can the livelihoods of mountain people be
supported and their needs balanced against the
multi-functional demands made on these areas by
society at regional, national and international
scales? - What are specific impacts of local and global
changes on highlands and how can they be either
mitigated or used as opportunities?
17Preguntas de investigaciónpara los 3 thrusts
Syndromes of global change
- What core problems of non-sustainable development
form persistent clusters in the three chosen
syndrome contexts? - What is the status and importance of their key
determinants, what are their impacts, and what
are their dynamics? - Which are the typical patterns in each context?
- What does syndrome mitigation research imply for
societal processes aiming to assess and negotiate
18Potentials for sustainable development
- What conditions and processes in the different
syndrome contexts show a potential for
sustainable development? - Do these form specific patterns for each context
chosen, and what determines their specificities? - What innovative possibilities do local actors
have to exploit these potentials?
19Pathways for mitigating syndromes
- How can local efforts for enhancing sustainable
development be supported in different contexts? - What partnership actions can reinforce these
efforts? - What positive effect on peoples livelihoods and
natural environments do these actions have? - How can they be adapted to achieve replication
and more widespread impacts through knowledge
transfer and interventions at multiple levels? - How do such mitigation efforts relate to patterns
exhibited by processes of global change and
globalisation, i.e. what is the external
relevance of the different local efforts? - Are there any typical patterns of mitigation
activities in specific syndrome contexts and can
they be generalised?
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21Organización del IP5 / JACS ACC1a fase
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23El WP2
- Theme I Livelihoods, Institutions and Political
Space (Joint) - a) Theoretical methodological approaches of
livelihood analysis - b) Livelihood-oriented local level
decision-making and institutional change - c) Globalization and informal economies
Livelihood Options and Globalization Securing
and improving poor people's livelihoods
- Theme II Livelihood Strategies and Poverty
(DSG/Z) - a) Livelihoods and competition for land and
land-based resources - b) Migration as livelihood strategy
- c) Creating 'glocal' institutions conducive
towards opportunities for the poor
- Theme III Livelihood and Territory (LaSUR)
- a) Livelihoods and habitat
- b) Livelihoods and borders
24Colaboración WP2 - JACS
- Theme I Livelihoods, Institutions and Political
Space (joint) - a) Theoretical methodological approaches of
livelihood analysis - b) Livelihood-oriented local level
decision-making and institutional change - c) Globalization and informal economies
Livelihood Options and Globalization Securing
and improving poor people's livelihoods
- Theme II Livelihood Strategies and Poverty
(DSG/Z) - a) Livelihoods and competition for land and
land-based resources - b) Migration as livelihood strategy
- c) Creating 'glocal' institutions conducive
towards opportunities for the poor
- Theme III Livelihood and Territory (LaSUR)
- a) Livelihoods and habitat
- b) Livelihoods and borders
252a fase PhD "units"
26El "Transversal Package (TP)"y sus 6 temas
27Los TP Themes y los WPs
Work Package 1 Governance and conflict
Work Package 2 Livelihood options and
Theme 1
Theme 2
Theme 5
Theme 3
Theme 4
Work Package 4 Natural resources in sustainable
Work Package 3 Health and environmental
Theme 6
28Los "TP Themes"
Theme 1 Social practices, public policies and
decentralization Theme 2 Vulnerability,
resilience and human security Theme
3 Institutions, resources and economy in
highland lowland contexts Theme 4 Innovative
approaches for planning in urban peri-urban
contexts Theme 5 Negotiation and
decision-making in trans- contextual settings
Theme 6 Societies and natural resource
management in semi-arid contexts
(WP2 Joint WP1)
(WP4 WP2 IP6)
Cambios mas importantes
Individual Projects (IP) a Work Packages (WP)
(De 8 IPs a 4 WPs). IP significa "Institutional
Partner" en uno de los WPs. Transversal Package
(TP) nueva componente que trata del tema
"Syndrome mitigation and its theoretical,
conceptual and methodological foundations".
Transversal Package Themes 6 temas que conectan
los WPs. Thrusts 3 líneas principales de
investigación. Board of Directors (BoD) Sólo los
lideres de los WPs son miembros del BoD (y no los
lideres de todos los IPs) Extended Board of
Directors (ExBoD) son miembros los lideres de
los IPs, los RCO International Scientific
Advisory Board (ISAB) Será remplazado por el
"Regional Advisory Boards (RABs)" en las regiones
del JACS, pero algunos miembros del ISAB de la 1a
fase continuarán supervisando
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- ExBoD
- WP2 con IP6 (GUIZ)
- Theme I Livelihoods, Institutions and Political
Space (Joint) - a) Theoretical methodological approaches of
livelihood analysis - c) Globalization and informal economies
- Theme III Livelihood and Territory (LaSUR)
- a) Livelihoods and habitat
- b) Livelihoods and borders
- T Themes
- Theme 1 (junto con IP6 y WP1)
- Theme 4 (junto con WP3 IP3)
33Y yo, donde estoy?!?
34Preguntas de la investigaciónTemas WP2- LaSUR
- Theme I Livelihoods, Institutions and Political
Space (Joint) - a) Theoretical methodological approaches of
livelihood analysis - Decode the underlying theories and assumptions
and to introduce concise theories of society and
human action (gender and ethnicity-sensitive
approaches are relevant) further develop
theory-guided methodologies for people-centred
research that can encompass various scientific
traditions. - b) Livelihood-oriented local level
decision-making and institutional change - How can the political space of poor people be
increased so that they can actively participate
in shaping livelihood-friendly institutional
contexts? - c) Globalisation and informal economies
- How do poor people cope with these changes and
what are the positive (opportunities, potential)
or negative (illegality, trafficking) effects on
their livelihoods? What policies do public
authorities use towards informal actors in
cities and rural areas and what are the effects?
35- Theme II Livelihood Strategies and Poverty
(DSG/Z) - Core question Which strategies do poor people
follow to sustain their livelihoods and how could
their livelihood security be strengthened? - a) Livelihoods and competition for land and
land-based resources - What are the conditions under which poor people
can secure their access to land, and use land and
land-based natural resources? What is the
contribution of land-based resources to their
livelihoods? How can sustainability be achieved
specifically within the highlandlowland context?
- b) Migration as livelihood strategy
- Is it possible to identify clusters of social
practices and arrangements within the globally
emerging trans-national social space(s), i.e.
impact of migration in marginal rural areas
vulnerability due to (globalised) labour markets,
and policies in destination countries? - c) Creating 'glocal' institutions conducive
towards opportunities for the poor - How could global institutions be created to
help the poor design livelihood supporting
strategies, while respecting endogenous
36- Theme III Livelihood and Territory (LaSUR)
- Core Question How, in the context of globalised
societies, do rural and urban livelihood
strategies and their underlying logics impact on
social and spatial transformations? - a) Livelihoods and habitat
- What strategies do poor people implement to
secure their habitat? How can these strategies
guarantee their social and spatial integration? - b) Livelihoods and borders
- What are the socio-spatial effects of emerging
spaces and borders? How do livelihood strategies
counteract new forms of fragmentation,
segregation and social exclusion?
37El IP5 y los "TP Projects" (Proyectos de
investigación transversales)
Theme 1 Social practices, public policies and
decentralization Proyecto en colaboración
con el IP6IP7 Theme 4 Innovative approaches
for planning in urban peri-urban
contexts Proyecto en colaboración con el IP3
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