Title: PowerPointPrsentation
1 The 7 principles of a modern and sustainable
their meaning in the life of young people
Eva-Maria Piechotka University of Applied
Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
1. What is a modern sustainable nutrition
2. The 7 principles
3What is a modern and sustainable nutrition about?
1.modern sustainable nutrition 2.the 7
principles 3.promoting sustainability
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
4Sustainable nutrition
5The 7 principles
1.modern sustainable nutrition 2.the 7
principles 3.agenda 21 at school
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
6Tasty and digistible food
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- tasty digestible
- plant food
- low degree of
- processing
- organic food
- regional seasonal
- environmentally-
- friendly packed
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
7Preference of plant food
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- tasty digestible
- plant food
- low degree of
- processing
- organic food
- regional seasonal
- environmentally-
- friendly packed
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
8Preference of plant food
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- tasty digestible
- plant food
- low degree of
- processing
- organic food
- regional seasonal
- environmentally-
- friendly packed
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
9Preference of food with a low degree of processing
Valuable ingridients
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- tasty digestible
- plant food
- low degree of
- processing
- organic food
- regional seasonal
- environmentally-
- friendly packed
economic compatibility
health compatibility
environment compatibility
social compatibility
Primary energy consumption Emissions
Children cooking together
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
10Organic food
Higher Work intensity ? Labour demand
The national German logo for organic products
Pesticides Antobiotics
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- tasty digestible
- plant food
- low degree of
- processing
- organic food
- regional seasonal
- environmentally-
- friendly packed
economic compatibility
health compatibility
Bio diversity
environment compatibility
social compatibility
Soil fertility
Primary energy consumption
Imports of cheap feeding stuff
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
11Regional Seasonal products
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- tasty digestible
- plant food
- low degree of
- processing
- organic food
- regional seasonal
- environmentally-
- friendly packed
875 Miles
Jogurt pot
913 Miles
Loaf of bread
Study of the German Federal Environment Agency,
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
12Regional Seasonal products
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- tasty digestible
- plant food
- low degree of
- processing
- organic food
- regional seasonal
- environmentally-
- friendly packed
Carbon dioxide equivalents g/ Mile caused by
different means of transport source K.Koerber et
al Vollwert-Ernährung, S.164, 2006
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
13Reagonal Seasonal products
Survival of small and middle sized farms
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- tasty digestible
- plant food
- low degree of
- processing
- organic food
- regional seasonal
- environmentally-
- friendly packed
economic compatibility
health compatibility
social compatibility
environment compatibility
Range of regional products
Emissions of greenhouse gases
Primary energy consumption
Social network between farmers and consumers
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
14Environmentally friendly packed products
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- tasty digestible
- plant food
- low degree of
- processing
- organic food
- regional seasonal
- environmentally-
- friendly packed
SourceOriginal Artist, www.CartoonStock.com
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
15Fair trade products
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- tasty digestible
- plant food
- low degree of
- processing
- organic food
- regional seasonal
- environmentally-
- friendly packed
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
16Fair trade promotion
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- 3.promoting
- sustainability
- fair trade
- agenda 21 at school
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
17Fair trade promotion
Info Campaign
Roasted with love
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- 3.promoting
- sustainability
- fair trade
- agenda 21 at school
Students from Cologne presenting their first Info
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
18Fair trade promotion
Curved with love.
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- fair trade
- 3.promoting
- sustainability
- fair trade
- agenda 21 at school
Explanation of the meaning of Fair Trade
Fair minded. Human. I by it!
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
19Agenda 21 at school
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- 3.promoting
- sustainability
- fair trade
- agenda 21 at school
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
20Project world-breakfast
Food Nutrition - Nutrition all over the
world - School garden - Critical survey of the
school kiosk and enhance the product range -
Cooperation with local providers - Slow food -
Fast food
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- 3.promoting
- sustainability
- fair trade
- agenda 21 at school
- Product line analyses
- - Analyze origin and conditions necessary for
growth - of agricultural commodities
- Reflection of the social and economic
cicumstances - in the countries of origin
- Critical reflection of the own lifetyle
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany
21Agenda 21 at school
- 1.modern sustainable
- nutrition
- 2.the 7 principles
- 3.promoting
- sustainability
- fair trade
- agenda 21 at school
8th ISS _ Eva-Maria Piechotka _ University of
Applied Sciences _ Weihenstephan _ Germany