Title: Cygnus X-1 is a Black Hole Binary
1Cygnus X-1 is a Black Hole Binary
2Accretion Disks are Efficient
- E mc2
- Complete conversion of mass to energy is only
possible in matter-antimatter annihilation - But normal accretion disks can convert gt 5.7 but
lt 32 of mass to energy - This is far better than chemical reactions
( 0.0001 ) or even nuclear fusion (0.7 ) - Full conversion of 1 M? /year 5.7 ? 1039W
3Accretion Disks Can Launch Jets
- Numerical simulations of jet launching and
propagation. (PLATON Stone)
4Q4 Quasars Require
- Tremendous powers 1039 Watts gt 1012 L?
- Small volumes because of rapid variations
- Jet production (frequently)
- THEREFORE, the standard model now involves BHs
Accretion Disks - Accretion disks are very compact, with most
energy coming out within 20 RS or 5 light-hours
for 108 M? BH
5Evidence for Supermassive Black Holes
NGC 4261 at core of radio emitting jets is a
clear disk 300 lt-yrs across and knot of
emission near BH
6Direct Evidence for Rotating Disk
Masers formed in warped disk in NGC 4258 (and a
few other Seyfert galaxies)
7Supermassive BH at Core of Milky Way
Radio core of Sgr A is unresolved at 43 GHz,
very close to RS for a 2.6 million solar mass BH
weighed by orbits of stars measured over a
decade in the infrared.
8Active Galactic Nucleus Model
9Different AGN from Different Angles
Luminous Quasars seen close to perpendicular to
disk and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies near
disk plane Weaker Type 1 or Type 2 Seyferts If
jets are important BL Lacs along jet
axis, Quasars at modest angles Radio Galaxies
at larger angles
- Black holes are the natural endpoint of massive
star evolution and they have been detected in our
galaxy and nearby ones. - Quasars are distant, extremely powerful cores of
galaxies. - Accretion disks are efficient and ubiquitous.
- Accretion disks around supermassive BHs (106 to
1010 M?) are the source of the tremendous powers
emitted by quasars and other active galactic