Title: Surviving Accreditation and Audit
1Surviving Accreditation and Audit
2Events at NTU
- Only Average Result at QAA
- Impending IEE Accreditation
- Reorganization of Academic Year
- Resulted in need to Update Scheme and Quality
3NTU Degree Scheme
Final Year
Second Year
First Year
Practical Competition
Group Project
Major Group or Individual Project
Motive (Why) Opportunity (When) Method (Ho
w) Evidence
What is the purpose of the module ? Develop
Skills ? Deepen Knowledge ? Promote Student
Confidence ? Pursue Departmental
Research? Entertain Students? Fill the Curriculum?
Learning Outcomes !
6Learning Outcomes
- Programme Specific Skills
- Research
- Referencing
- Analysis
- Selection
- Qualitative Judgement
- Design
- Construction
- Precision
- Evaluation
- Test
- Budgeting
- Costing
- Recording
- Public Presentations
- Generic Outcomes
- Project Management Skills
- Ability to solve non-routine Problems
- Creative Innovative Skills
- Formal report writing Skills
- IT Skills
- An Awareness of constraints in applying
technology to create products - An ability to work safely and apply safe systems
of work - An appreciation of the commercial, social and
environmental issues related to engineering - Skills in objective thinking and research
- The ability to integrate engineering Knowledge
and skills
When do you assess ? At the End Or Continuously O
r At Pre-determined Stages
How do you assess ? Written Report(s) Verbal
Presentations Viva Voce Examination Personal
9Assessment Programme
How do you ensure equality of treatment
? Documentation Internal Moderation Examination
Board External Examiners Staff Development
12Final Year Project Concerns
- General Concerns
- Individual Grades in Group Projects ?
- Inflated Grades ?
- Independent Marking ?
- Moderation ?
- Requirement
- Proof
- Proof
- Proof
- Proof
13Group Projects
Supervisor defines project with Identifiable
Tasks Students produce Individual
Reports Students attend Individual Viva Voce
Exam Majority of marks from Individual
Contribution Group mark allocated Equally to All
in Group Peer Marking used as Supervisor Guidance
14Inflated Grades 1
15Inflated Grades 2
16Inflated Grades 3
Moderator Involvement
External Examiners Interviews Examination board
- The Author presents this information without
prejudice and makes no claim of originality or
performance of Good Practice. But the scheme
answered any criticism by the IEE and resulted in
5 year Accreditation!! - Good Luck.