Title: Diapositive 1
1Student Manager 101 Names
2The Promise of Student Manager
- It can help you do your job Faster
Easier With more accuracy
3Student Manager is an Instrument... it is not a
CD player Your participation and
involvement is mandatory - Nothing happens
without YOU!
4Part 1 Overall Orientation and Name Record
Orientation to Menus General Navigation
In SM you have choices
Menus Short
Cuts You also have HELP - On Line - In
6Part 1 Overall Orientation and Name Record
Orientation to Menus General Navigation
In SM you have choices
Menus Short
Cuts You also have HELP - On Line - In
Line Student Manager Name
Record Using the FIND tool Getting
Acquainted with the Name Record Mai
n Screen Comments Ad
ditional Info
7Part 1 Overall Orientation and Name Record
Adding a new name Preferences.. How you
can change Name Screen Fields/Entry A Few
Helpful Hints Blacklisting "Spec
ial" button Quick
Reports Label Flag procedure
(brochure fulfillment) Call
Back Copying Name informationQuestions....
8- Student Manager data is managed through three
major areas.. - Names - your students, your potential students
- Courses Your programs, classes, workshops,
conferences, online programs, etc. - Registrations and the payments related to them
Blue name Yellow course Green registration
9- Other icons on the toolbar include
- Lookup Faculty
- Add/Edit Codes
- Edit Preferences
- Open the Online Help Guide
- Log on a Different User
10Click on the icon, or use the drop-down menus to
access each area.
11To Close
Go to File and choose Exit
12Clicking on Edit provides the opportunity to
Undo, Copy, Edit, Paste, Clone and Paste Name
record, set Preferences and establish a User
13Module Is where you can get to your data To
add/edit or Delete records in your system.
14Reports .. They are GREAT 290 reports in 84
different areas (all reports can be modfied)
15Tools for maintenance, cleanup, and security
16 In the Help area you can Access Help, Technical
Support Information, the Student Manager website,
and Student Manager System information (About
Student Manager).
17Next, well put a name in Student Manager
From Modules, select Names, Add New Name
Click the sign to add a name
3 ways to begin!
On the keyboard Alt A
19You Have Choices.. With Edit Preferences
you can remove unused fields, and control the
behavior of others. Only checked fields are
displayed on the Name screen.
20Data Validation (fields with Dropdowns..)
Pink brackets are also validated data fields.
21Student ID
The SSN/ID is the unique identifier for the
Names table. Organizations have the option of
entering the individual's Social Security number
or allowing the system to generate an ID number
for the Name record (if you do not enter a SSN,
the system will generate the number when you save
the record). System generated ID numbers begin
with your site code (e.g. if 'X' is your site
code the numbers would begin at X00-00-0001
select Edit / Preferences / Organization Defaults
to set the site code.
22A few fields deserve extra mention . . .
Badge Name for those people who dont like the
name their mother gave them, or prefer to go by
the name Bubba
When a husband and wife enroll for ballroom
dance, you dont need to send the household two
brochures. Dont mail will block one of the
names on the mailing list only.
23A few fields deserve extra mention . . .
A complimentary field to Dont Mail is Excl
which excludes the name from mass emails
24A few fields deserve extra mention . . .
In Fee Category you can set a default for future
registrations. For example, if the individual
is entitled to a staff discount, select Staff Fee
from the Fee Category list. When registering
online the individual will automatically be
assessed the selected fee if the selected fee has
been set up on the course screen.
In 7.2 you can set a fee category as a default
on the firm record. Everyone associated with
that firm will receive the fee rate when
enrolling in courses.
25A few fields deserve extra mention . . .
Source identifies how the customer arrived at
your doorstep the first time.
Add Interest identifies those classes in which
the customer expressed an interest. As they
register for courses, the subject code from the
course is added to this field. No limit is
placed on the amount of Interest codes a student
may have.
26A few fields deserve extra mention . . .
Occupation and Organization are paired together.
Record the students career choice in occupation,
and the industry in which they work in
organization. For example, on campus you have
nurses and law enforcement officers (occupation)
who work in education (organization). Recording
both is more accurate when deciding on mailing
27A few fields deserve extra mention . . .
You can temporarily change the sort order of the
name records. View the list of available sorts
by clicking on the Sort button. Make your
selection with a double-click. Then use the
left/right arrows to move through the data using
the new sort.
28WOW ! ! ! A new Membership(s) Section. . .
You now have some powerful tools to manage,
track, and control access to classes with the new
Membership System. ( Watch for a special webinar
this fall to give you all the details on the
29Student Manager Automatically handles.
Add Date, Updated Time, Updated, Created by and
Updated by record historical activity of the
30Any Button EXCEPT Undo Abandon Esc Will SAVE
your edits
You do NOT have to hit SAVE Before doing OK/Close
Saving your work.
If you have NOT saved changes, will UnDo any
Edits (Screen Remains Open)
If you have NOT saved changes, will UnDo any
Edits (Closes Screen)
Saves.. Screen Remains Open
Saves (Closes Screen)
Looks up (finds) a new name (also SAVES)
31Once youve built a list of names, use the Find
tool to locate a name in the list.
32Navigating the FIND windows
- Multiple Search Options - Tab to go to next
Column (Firm, Zip, Phone, Email, etc.) - No Field to type in.. JUST TYPE IT
- For Name Look-up, Type Last name, First Name
eg Havlicek, Chuck - When at desired name, touch ENTER or Dbl Click
to Open Name Edit Screen
33Getting your Timing down..
- You may set the of Seconds the FIND window
waits for you to enter the next keystroke(s)
( Default is 3.5 )
34Cant find a name with FIND?Try the F5 Find
- Lets you search
- using about
- anything you want
- First Name
- Partial Address
- Key word in Firm
- Notes in Comments
A Googleish tool
35Heres a few good tips!
Deleting an email from the name screen will bring
up a dialog box
For the special case when you REALLY REALLY want
to NOT ever email this person Blacklisting
prevents the email address from being
inadvertently added later.
37Special Button Gives you someHandy Short-cuts
38Quick Reports
Additional Reports provides the ability to print
a 10 envelope!
39Label Flag
OUTSTANDING tool for tracking Catalog/Brochure
Reports / Demographic / Mailing Labels ? Print
Marked Labels
Remember HELP is available
40Callbacks help you remember to call
students/faculty back
On what date
Who calls
- When the user logs in on the Call Back date,
the Call Back window will open showing the Call
Back information
41Copy Name Info / Alt 3
Some Really handy tools.
42Email Student
Some Really handy tools.
Just Double Click on the Email Address
We're done!
Remember HELP is available At www.aceware.com
45Student Manager 101 Courses
Thursday, August 26th (AJs Birthday!) Same time,
same link!