Title: FrontPage
- For a 30-day trial, that allows you to use it
over the internet - http//www.runaware.com/microsoft/frontpage2003/
Liz Stacey
2Table of Contents
- Basic webpage design
- Organizing your page
- Designing your page
- Images
- FrontPage
- Sources of help
3Basic Webpage Design
- Keep it simple
- (KISS, simple straight)
- (KILL,large legible)
- Easy to Read
- Fonts
- Color/background
- Avoid green/red combinations.
- Avoid text over images.
- Left justified
- Patience
- Mistakes are learning tools.
- Help is readily available.
4Organizing Your Page
- Visit other websites
- What did you like?
- Was it easy to follow?
- Was it well organized?
- What didnt you like?
5Organizing Your Page
- Map out a rough design
- Save time
- Prevent mistakes
- Assist with links
Heading or Banner using a table for ease in
Menu with links
Display linked page
6Organizing Your Page
- Create one folder
- All webpages for your site
- All images, html files, etc.
7Creating your Folders for WT in Explorer
- Create a folder for your site Under WT
- Create folders for
- images
- assign1
- assign2
- .
- .
- assign10
- exercise1
- .
- .
- exercise10
- Copy your wt.jpg and your two picture files to
images under WT
9Different Views
10Create a Three Frame Window
- Choose New from File Menu
- Choose In the New Page section on the Taskbar,
click More Page templates - Click the Fames Pages tab, then Choose Banner and
Contents, then OK
11Split Frame Window
- Select the Banner Frame (top)
- Choose Frame Split Frame into columns
12Split Frame Window
13File Save
- Choose File Save.Under WT\index
14Frame Naming
- With the Correct Frame Selected (click in the
frame to select it, then right-mouse, under
properties) - Name Frame
- logo.htm
- id.htm
- menu.htm
- main.htm
15id frame Selected (Click on it)
16id frame Selected (Click on it)
- Use jpeg format for faster transfer.
- MUST be saved in Images folder and inserted from
folder. - Edit image size to fit layer. Image size does
not change to fit in layer as a background.
18Logo Frame wt.jpg Image
- Select Logo Frame
- Insert image via Insert menu or Common Toolbar
19Preview in Browser (File Preview in
Browseriexplore or F12)
20Menu Frame Table Properties
- Create a 22 row, 2 column table
- Merge cells for Assignments Exercise titles
- Add 10 Assign 1 10
- Add 10 Exercise 1 10
- Properties Assign 110
- Link assign1/assign1.ppt
- Link assign2/assign2.htm exercises
- Target main
21Main Frame Image
- Insert your Face Front Picture
- In picture properties
- Center Picture
22Events and Event handlers
- Events that cause javascript code to be executed
- onmouseover
- onmouseout
- Rollover example Events for an Image Object
lthtmlgt lt!-- code the event in the image tag
directly poor because not all browsers support
events in img tag --gt ltheadgt lt/headgt ltbodygt ltdiv
align"center"gt ltimg src"images/harrison_ford.jpg
" width"240" height"350" name
photo onmouseover "document.photo.src
'images/harrison_ford_rollover.jpg'" onMouseout"
document.photo.src'images/harrison_ford.jpg'" al
t "Harrison Picture"gt lt/divgtlt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
the event handler sends a single line of code to
the browser the code is enclosed within
quotes statement must end with a semicolon
23Events and Event handlers
- Events that cause javascript code to be executed
- onmouseover
- onmouseout
- Rollover example Events coded for an anchor tag
lthtmlgt lt!-- code the event in an anchor tag
better because not all browsers support events in
img tag --gt ltheadgt lt\headgt ltbodygt ltdiv align
"center"gt lta href "" onMouseOver
"document.photo.src 'images/harrison_ford_rollov
er.jpg'" onMouseOut"document.photo.src'images/h
arrison_ford.jpg'"gt ltimg src"images/harrison_for
d.jpg" width"240" height"350" name photo alt
"Harrison Picture"gt lt/agt lt/divgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
24Events and Event handlers