Title: Kids Communicate
1 Kids Communicate By Ann Rossi
2represented base word ending stood
for The series of raised dots in Antonios
Braille book represented letters.
3patent chunk to get sole ownership of an
invention for a period of time The scientist
was the first to patent his glow-in-the-dark hair
4source blend where something comes
from Carmen used the encyclopedia as her first
source of information about vampire bats.
5organization base word ending a group of
people who come together to share common
interests and goals Joey became a member of an
organization that meets each month to trade rare
baseball cards.
6witnessed base word ending saw
observed Tanya and her 4th grade class
couldnt take their eyes off the sky as they
witnessed the space shuttles take-off.
7publication chunk a work printed for sale of
distribution Mr. Anderson bought a music
publication at the newsstand.
8posted base word ending displayed for
public viewing The farmer posted a No
Trespassing sign on his fence to keep people off
of his property.
9evidence chunk an outward sign The
scientists looked for evidence that a meteor
created the large hole in the ground.
10- Team Talk- Day One
- How did the printing press affect the printing of
books? - Which two methods of communication existed before
1895? - The computer and the television
- The radio and the telephone
- The electric telegraph and the telephone
- Fax machines and the electric telegraph
- 3. Explain how the telegraph and the telephone
are similar. How are they different?
11Partner Reading Read pages 8-9 aloud with
your partner.
12Team Talk Extender If you visited a country
and could not speak the language, how would you
13Adventures in Writing Should telephones be
placed in classrooms, or should they be kept out
of classrooms? Take a stand on this issue.
Write a one-paragraph speech that you will
deliver to your school board persuading them to
accept your point of view. Begin your speech
with an introductory sentence that explains how
you feel about this issue. Include at least
three reasons that will convince the School
board to accept your point of view. Add details
that give more information for each reason.
Conclude your speech with a sentence that
restates your point of view.
14Two Minute Edit- Day Two we can communikate in
mini different ways what are some way that we
can comunicate (8)
15- Team Talk- Day Two
- How was the first computer, ENIAC, different from
computers today? - If you wanted to purchase a new pair of tennis
shoes on the Web, which letters would appear at
the end of the website you would go to? Explain
how you know. - edu B. com C. gov D. Org
- 3. What are two ways people can be safe when
using the web?
16Partner Reading Read pages 13-15 aloud with
your partner.
17Team Talk Extender The letters at the end of a
Web address tell the source of the website. For
example, the letters edu tell you that an
educational group designed the site. If you
designed your own website, what would the letters
at the end of your Web address be? Why?
18Two Minute Edit- Day Three
19- Team Talk- Day Three
- Describe a reliable source.
- If you were writing a research paper on
tornadoes, whom would you pick as an expert
source? Why? - Which statement below states an opinion?
- New computers should be placed in every
classroom. - In 1946, two engineers built the first electronic
digital computer. - You can speak directly to someone by phone.
- The internet was invented after the computer.
20Partner Reading Read pages 19-21 aloud with
your partner.
21Team Talk Extender If you were going to write
a research paper, how would you make sure your
information was up-to-date?
22Two Minute Edit- Day Four
23- Team Talk- Day Four
- Why didnt the Navy tell Captain McVay a Japanese
submarine was near the Indianapolis? - What was the difference between the Navys view
of Captain McVay and the views of the many who
survived the disaster? - What happened as a result of Hunters research?
24Partner Reading Read pages 25-27 aloud with
your partner.
25Team Talk Extender Do you think the Navy has
done enough to make things right for Captain
McVay? Why or why not? What else could they
have done?