Title: Ethnic, Race and Nationalism
1Ethnic, Race and Nationalism
2Ethnic, Race and Nationalism
Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
3Ethnic, Race and Nationalism
Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity Dealing
with Differences
4Ethnic, Race and Nationalism
Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity Dealing
with Differences Dealing with ethnonational
5Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
6Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
Simple Primordialist Approach
7Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Simple Primordialist Approach
- natural superior identification
8Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Simple Primordialist Approach
- natural superior identification
- common religion, language, culture,...
9Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Simple Primordialist Approach
- natural superior identification
- common religion, language, culture,...
- primordial attachments
10Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Simple Primordialist Approach
- natural superior identification
- common religion, language, culture,...
- primordial attachments
- members easily identifiable
11Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Simple Primordialist Approach
- natural superior identification
- common religion, language, culture,...
- primordial attachments
- members easily identifiable
- does not meet the evidence
- nations as heterogeneous groups
12Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
Modified Primordialist Approach
13Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
Modified Primordialist Approach Instrumentalist
14Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
Modified Primordialist Approach Instrumentalist
Approach Constructivist Approach
15Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
Modified Primordialist Approach nation as
extension of the natural selected tendency to
favor kin (emotional ties) Instrumentalist
Approach Constructivist Approach
16Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
Modified Primordialist Approach nation as
extension of the natural selected tendency to
favor kin (emotional ties) Instrumentalist
Approach nation as organizing construct (common
interests) Constructivist Approach
17Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
Modified Primordialist Approach nation as
extension of the natural selected tendency to
favor kin (emotional ties) Instrumentalist
Approach nation as organizing construct (common
interests) Constructivist Approach nation as
socially created (incl. Interests, emotions)
18Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
alltogether insights
19Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- alltogether insights
- emotional normative components
20Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- alltogether insights
- emotional normative components
- perceived common interest
21Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- alltogether insights
- emotional normative components
- perceived common interest
- constructed and manipulated
22Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- alltogether insights
- emotional normative components
- perceived common interest
- constructed and manipulated
- out competing self-interest and other group-IDs
23Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
Nationalist Mobilization
24Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Nationalist Mobilization
- group identification is primordial
25Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Nationalist Mobilization
- group identification is primordial
- - attachment - similarity
26Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Nationalist Mobilization
- group identification is primordial
- - attachment - similarity
- altruism develops
27Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Nationalist Mobilization
- group identification is primordial
- - attachment - similarity
- altruism develops
- - emotional bonds - norms
28Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Nationalist Mobilization
- group identification is primordial
- - attachment - similarity
- altruism develops
- - emotional bonds - norms
- national altruism gets elicited by leaders
29Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Nationalist Mobilization
- group identification is primordial
- - attachment - similarity
- altruism develops
- - emotional bonds - norms
- national altruism gets elicited by leaders
- - direct emotional ties
30Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Nationalist Mobilization
- group identification is primordial
- - attachment - similarity
- altruism develops
- - emotional bonds - norms
- national altruism gets elicited by leaders
- - direct emotional ties - ties to experience
31Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Nationalist Mobilization
- group identification is primordial
- - attachment - similarity
- altruism develops
- - emotional bonds - norms
- national altruism gets elicited by leaders
- - direct emotional ties - ties to experience
- - ties to groups
32Approaches to Nation, Race, Ethnicity
- Nationalist Mobilization
- group identification is primordial
- - attachment - similarity
- altruism develops
- - emotional bonds - norms
- national altruism gets elicited by leaders
- - direct emotional ties - ties to experience
- - ties to groups - personalization
33Dealing with Differences
34Dealing with Differences
- differences exist statistically (Gross,
35Dealing with Differences
- differences exist statistically (Gross,
DuffyOlczak) - underlying reasons complex
36Dealing with Differences
- differences exist statistically (Gross,
DuffyOlczak) - underlying reasons complex
- shaped through interrelationship (Gadlin)
37Dealing with Differences
- differences exist statistically (Gross,
DuffyOlczak) - underlying reasons complex
- shaped through interrelationship (Gadlin)
- should not be disconnected from this fact and
from - the underlying Culture of Racism
38Dealing with ethnonational conflict
39Dealing with ethnonational conflict
Interactional Approach
40Dealing with ethnonational conflict
- Interactional Approach
- communication as culturally patterned
41Dealing with ethnonational conflict
- Interactional Approach
- communication as culturally patterned
- relationship as frame of perceptions
42Dealing with ethnonational conflict
- Interactional Approach
- communication as culturally patterned
- relationship as frame of perceptions
- sequences and patterns of exchange
43Dealing with ethnonational conflict
The Contact Hypothesis
44Dealing with ethnonational conflict
The Contact Hypothesis conditions for improvement
of relationships
45Dealing with ethnonational conflict
- The Contact Hypothesis
- conditions for improvement of relationships
- equal status
46Dealing with ethnonational conflict
- The Contact Hypothesis
- conditions for improvement of relationships
- equal status
- personal sustained communication
47Dealing with ethnonational conflict
- The Contact Hypothesis
- conditions for improvement of relationships
- equal status
- personal sustained communication
- cooperative interdependence
48Dealing with ethnonational conflict
- The Contact Hypothesis
- conditions for improvement of relationships
- equal status
- personal sustained communication
- cooperative interdependence
- authority support for equality
49Dealing with ethnonational conflict
- The Contact Hypothesis
- conditions for improvement of relationships
- equal status
- personal sustained communication
- cooperative interdependence
- authority support for equality
- Interactive Conflict Resolution
What are similarities and differences between
race, ethnic group and nation?
What are similarities and differences between
race, ethnic group and nation? Where is the
difference between patriotism and nationalism?
What are similarities and differences between
race, ethnic group and nation? Where is the
difference between patriotism and
nationalism? Can Gadlin's idea of a Culture of
Racism be applied to nation and ethnicity as
What are similarities and differences between
race, ethnic group and nation? Where is the
difference between patriotism and
nationalism? Can Gadlin's idea of a Culture of
Racism be applied to nation and ethnicity as
well? Is gender as category comparable to race,
ethnicity and nation?