Title: Excel that Scales
1- Excel that Scales
- High-Performance, Scalable Excel Applications
powered by GigaSpaces Middleware
Dekel Tankel, Business Development
2The Challenge
- Excel was not designed to meet Scalability
Availability requirements for high-end users - Process very large and growing volumes of data
- More and more complex analyses
- And do it with better Uptime and Resiliency,
improved Performance, and lower Cost
3The Implications
- Significant impact on productivity and TCO
- Very large Excel spreadsheets working too slow
- Frequent failures
- Overloading the desktop CPU
- High maintenance and customization costs
4The Solution
- GigaSpaces and Microsoft teamed up to allow you
to harness the power of your data center to scale
your Excel-based applications - Offload the data from Excel to the GigaSpaces
Memory Cloud - Move the logic from the worksheets to run (in
parallel) close to the data
5Solution Overview
GigaSpaces In-Memory Cluster
6Solution Overview Step 1 Handle the Data
GigaSpaces In-Memory Cluster
- Offload the data from Excel to the GigaSpaces
Memory Cloud
7Solution Overview Step 1 Handle the Data
GigaSpaces In-Memory Cluster
- Offload the data from Excel to the GigaSpaces
Memory Cloud - Handle more data volumes in a reliable manner
- Share Data between multiple Excel Users
8Solution Overview Step 2 Handle the Logic
GigaSpaces In-Memory Cluster
- Offload the data from Excel to the GigaSpaces
Memory Cloud - Handle more data volumes in a reliable manner
- Share Data between multiple Excel Users
- Offload complex computation from Excel to run in
parallel at server, close to the data
9What is the effort involved?
- Leverage GigaSpaces robust Excel integration
and .NET support to connect Excel to the data
center - Initial effort is minimal
- Replace Excel calls to existing data source(s)
with calls to GigaSpaces In-Memory-Data-Grid - The next step is to migrate the algorithms from
the Excel client to the servers (running close to
the data) - GigaSpaces Microsoft Certified partners are able
to assist in this task
- Which Excel versions are supported today?
- Excel 2003 and Excel 2007
- Will I still be able to do computations on my
desktop? - Of course. The desktop still runs a standard
Excel application which allows you to perform
custom calculations - What if Im using/plan to use SharePoint?
- Excel Services and Excel Web Access can be
integrated to GigaSpaces In-Memory-Data-Grid
(see the joint GigaSpaces-Microsoft white paper) - What if Im using/plan to use Microsoft CCS
(Compute Cluster Server)? - CCS can be used as the grid scheduling mechanism
for the GigaSpaces processing Grid (see the joint
GigaSpaces-Microsoft white paper)
11What will we demonstrate?
- Offload logic and data from Excel workbooks to
GigaSpaces cluster - Sharing data between multiple Excel users
- Data Resiliency
- Logic Resiliency
- Self Healing of the data grid
- Ease of integration via GigaSpaces .NET API
12The Stock Demo An Excel-GigaSpaces workflow
Partitioned In-Memory Cluster
Tick Changes
Primary 1
Primary 2
Model Prices
Backup 2
Backup 1
Market Feeder Processing Unit
Machine B
Machine A
13- Thank you
- A joint GigaSpaces - Microsoft White Paper
describing the solution is available on MSDN