Title: Class 7'2: Graphical Analysis and Excel
1Class 7.2 Graphical Analysis and Excel
- Solving Problems Using
- Graphical Analysis
2Learning Objectives
- Learn to use tables and graphs as problem solving
tools - Learn and apply different types of graphs and
scales - Prepare graphs in Excel
- Be able to edit graphs
- Be able to plot data on log scale
- Be able to determine the best-fit equations for
linear, exponential and power functions
- Enter the following table in Excel
- You can make your tables look nice by formatting
text and borders
4Axis Formats (Scales)
- There are three common axis formats
- Rectilinear Two linear axes
- Semi-log one log axis
- Log-log two log axes
5Use of Logarithmic Scales
- A logarithmic scale is normally used to plot
numbers that span many orders of magnitude
6Creating Log Scales in Excel
- Exercise (2 min) Create a graph using x and y1
7Creating Log Scales in Excel
- Now modify the graph so the data is plotted as
semi-log y - This means that the y-axis is log scale and the
x-axis is linear. - Right click on the axis to be modified and select
format axis
8Creating Log Scales in Excel
- On the Scale tab, select logarithmic
- OK
- Next, go to Chart Options and select the
Gridlines tab. Turn on (check) the Minor
gridlines for the y-axis. - OK
9Result Graph is straight line.
10Exercise (8 min)
- Copy and Paste the graph twice.
- Modify one of the new graphs to be semi-log x
- Modify the other new graph to be log-log
- Note how the scale affects the shape of the curve.
11Resultsemi-log x
12Result log-log
New Graph
- The equation that represents a straight line on
each type of scale is - Linear (rectilinear) y mx b
- Exponential (semi-log) y bemx or y b10mx
- Power (log-log) y bxm
- The values of m and b can be determined if the
coordinates of 2 points on THE BEST-FIT LINE are
known - Insert the values of x and y for each point in
the equation (2 equations) - Solve for m and b (2 unknowns)
14Equations (CAUTION)
- The values of m and b can be determined if the
coordinates of 2 points on THE BEST-FIT LINE are
known. - You must select the points FROM THE LINE to
compute m and b. In general, this will not be a
data point from the data set. The exception - if
the data point lies on the best-fit line.
15Consider the data set
- X Y
- 1 4
- 2 8
- 3 10
- 4 12
- 5 11
- 6 16
- 7 18
- 8 19
- 9 20
- 10 24
16Team Exercise (3 minutes)
- Using only the data from the table, determine the
equation of the line that best fits the data. - When your team has completed this exercise, have
one member write it on the board. - How well do the equations agree from each team?
- Could you obtain a better fit if the data were
17Which data points should be used to determine the
equation of this best-fit line?
18Which data points should be used to determine the
equation of this best-fit line?
19Comparing Results
- How does this equation compare with those written
on the board (i.e- computed without graphing) ? - CONCLUSION NEVER try to fit a curve (line) to
data without graphing or using a mathematical
solution ( i.e regression)
20What about semi-log graphs?
- Remember, straight lines on semi-log graphs are
EXPONENTIAL functions.
21What about log-log graphs?
- Remember, straight lines on log-log graphs are
POWER functions.
- Points (0.1, 2) and (6, 20) are taken from a
straight line on a rectilinear graph. - Find the equation of the line, that is use these
two points to solve for m and b. - Solution
- 2 m(0.1) b a)
- 20 m(6) b b)
- Solving a) b) simultaneously
- m 3.05, b 1.69
- Thus y 3.05x 1.69
23Pairs Exercise (10 min)
- Points (0.1, 2) and (6, 20) are taken from a
straight line on a log-log graph. - Find the equation of the line, ie - solve for m
and b. - BACK PAIR
- Points (0.1, 2) and (6, 20) are taken from a
straight line on a semi-log graph. - Find the equation(s) of the line, ie - solve for
m and b.
- Interpolation is the process of estimating a
value for a point that lies on a curve between
known data points - Linear interpolation assumes a straight line
between the known data points - One Method
- Select the two points with known coordinates
- Determine the equation of the line that passes
through the two points - Insert the X value of the desired point in the
equation and calculate the Y value
25Individual Exercise (5 min)
- Given the following set of points, find y2 using
linear interpolation. - (x1,y1) (1,18)
- (x2,y2) (2.4,y2)
- (x3,y3) (4,35)
26Assignment 13
- See Handout