Title: Jerome Baudot, Strasbourg
1Silicon Strip Detector status report
STAR Collaboration MeetingBNL, 16 July 2004
? Report on last year Completion this year
Jerome Baudot, Strasbourg
2SSD structure
- Strip detectors
- double sided
- 2? in r?, -1lt?lt1
- 500k channels
- Performances
- sRF 20 mm
- readout 5 ms(4 RDO boards)
- air cooled
- Command (JTAG)
- initialize FEE
- slow control
a module
a ladder
3How many ladders do we have ?
run III
run IV
½ SSD 10 ladders 160 modules
1 ladder 16 modules
4Operations in run IV
- Monitoring
- 1st Slow Control version
- 1st histos set in Online
- No alarms handling
- Electronic logbook
- AuAu data 6014 Mevts
- 1 RDO board died mid-february
- 2 others RDO unplugged ! for pp
- FEE eratically loosing bias (know how to fix)
- 1 air compressor failure
- No L2 accept
5Data analysis
- The basics
- pedestal as expected
- noise
- S/N
6We do see particles
Landau fit
P side
same charge collectedon both sides particles
N side
7Data analysis pedestal instability
15 January
2 April
dead RDO board
8Production status now
- Modules
- gt160 done
- Ladders
- (10 already installed)
- 9 done
- ladder 0
- 2 spares done
Detector completedthis summer
1 new sector (out of 2) of 5 ladders
9Installation for summer 2004
- 2-22 August
- get new sectors of 5 ladders
- redispatch mounted ladders -gt sect 7 lad
- test all 4 sectors (2x32x7)
- shielding
- test RDO boards (1 new)
- install new power supplies
- change pedestal compensation (against fluctuation)
- gt23 August
- rolling in
- test
- Integration
- L2 acept
- alarm handling
- no more Reset (FEE bias)
run IV
run V
old sector
new sectors
old sector
10SSD software integration
- Already completed
- Daq SsdReader
- Ssd hit reconstruction
- StiSsd (almost done, not yet reviewed, need to be
tuned) - Almost done
- Databases (Geometry and Calibration) defined,
currenctly filling - Need more work
- Alignement starting from StSvtAlignment ? (used
for the SSD sometime ago)
Material distribution and radiation