Title: Dr Jerome Anekwe's Fun Facts
1Dr Jerome Anekwe's Fun Facts!
2Meet Dr Jerome Anekwe..
- Dr Jerome Anekwe the Founder and Senior Pastor of
Destiny Christian Centre. Since it began in
October 2010 DCC has grown to over 450 members in
2 locations, and is one of the fastest growing
churches in the UK today.
3Fun-Facts About Dr Jerome Anekwe..
4 1. Favourite holiday destination - Maldives or
2. Places that inspire you - Niagara Falls,
Mother Africa !!
5 3. McDs or KFC - KFC.any day of the week, man!
4. Favourite sport - NBA Basketball
6 5. Football team - Arsenal (cmon you gunners
6. What would you do if you werent a Pastor -
an NBA all-star (move over Kobe and LeBron..!!!)
7 7. How do you relax - with my beautiful wife and
playing with my 4 boys
8. Favourite Starbucks - in the summer its a
Caramel Frappuccino and in the winter its a
Caramel Hot Chocolate (extra hot, extra caramel,
extra cream!!!)
8 9. Can you speak another language - fluent in
Igbo (mother tongue), French (intermediate) and
Dutch (basic)
10. One thing your church doesnt know about
you? - I take 3 sugars in my tea!!! (its not a
secret anymore!!!)
9Know more about Dr Jerome Anekwe at