Title: Microquasars
- Yoshihiro Ueda
- Kyoto University
2Astrophysical Jetunresolved issues in BH
- Dynamics of the accretion and outflow as a
function of mass accretion rate - Crucial for understanding the accretion history
of the universe (growth of supermassive black
holes) and formation of the large scale structure
(e.g., heating source stopping the cooling flow
in clusters of galaxies) - Formation mechanism of relativistic jets
- Jet power exeeds the luminosity from the acretion
disc - Energy source gravitational energy
- The physical process for the energy transfer is
mistery (radiation pressure driven? magnetic
pressure driven?) - Common physics that can be normalized by BH mass
- AGN vs Galactic BHs
3Microquasars(originally, Galactic black hole
binaries with relativitic jet)
- Microquasars (BH mass 10 M? )
- 10-6 times quasars (106-9 M? )
- X-ray bright
- varies on short timescale
- Ideal Laboratory for studying the relation
between accretion disc and jet
Accretion disk ?X-rays Jet ?Radio
- Infrared
Multi-wavelength approach is important!
Mirabel Dodriguez (1998)
4 Examples of microquasars (including neutron star
BH binaries jet velocity GRS
1915105 V 0.92-0.98c GRO J1655-40 V
0.92c XTE J1550-564 Vapp gt 2 c
1E1740.7-2942 V0.27c Cyg X-1
All BHCs in the Low State NS binaries Cir
X-1 Vappgt15c Sco X-1
V0.5c BH or NS ? SS433
V0.26c Cyg X-3 V0.3c
C J. Orosz
5X-ray State of black holes
Gierlinski1999, MNRAS, 309, 496
6State as a function of accretion rate
Slim disc (opt. thick ADAF) at mgtgt1
- When accretion rate is high
- optically thick disc (standard disc) extends to
the innermost stable orbit - strong soft X-rays (blackbody like)
- When accretion rate is low
- ADAF hot corona
- strong hard X-ray emission via Comtonisation
(power law)
(soft state)
(hard state)
Esin 1997, ApJ, 489, 865
7The microquasar GRS 1915105
- An X-ray Nova detected by the GRANAT satellite
(Castro-Tirado 1992) persistent since then -
- The first superluminal source in our Galaxy
(1994, 1997) - Jet intrinsic velocity 0.92-0.98 c
- inclination 70
- (Mirabel Rodriguez 1994)
- Black hole
- MX 14 ? 4 M? (Greiner 2001)
- ? black hole
- Peculiar time variability in X-rays
- gt13 patterns (Belloni 2000)
- due to thermal instability in the inner part of
the disc under high mass accretion rate?
Mirabel Rodriguez (1994)
X-ray Variability Pattern (Belloni 2000)
1000 sec
State B
State C
Transition between 3 basic states
State A
9Typical SED of GRS 1915105 (VHS)
(YU 2002)
Synchrotron from Jet
I ??0
Multi Color Disk
Reflection component
10Jet from GRS1915105
Dhawan 2000, ApJ, 543, 373
11YU 2008
2005 Oct Multiwavelength Campaign
Hours since 16 Oct 05 (UT)
12X-ray State (Oscillation)
- Class ?(State C? State A (soft dip) ?State C)
13YU 2008
Near IR (Subaru)
Ks mag
10 minutes
X-rays (Suzaku)
Count Rate
RelativeTime (Hours)
14Repeated Jet from GRS 1915105
Mirabel 1998
- Flux peaks later at longer wavelength radio flare
delays by 15 minutes - Synchrotron emission from an expanding region
(e.g., van der Laan 1966)
15Repeated Jet from GRS 1915105
YU (2002)
- Time delay of the IR flare from the time of X-ray
state transition by 5-30 minutes - Flare in Jet occurs at far from the BH (1AU)
- internal shock?
- Time variability of 1 minunte constrains the size
of flare to lt0.1AU evidence for collimation
X rays
40 minutes
16Indication to disc-Jet connection
- Radio/IR flares occurs with state transition of
the accretion disc, sometimes with 0-30 minutes
delay. - The wavelength dependent profile is qualitatively
consistent with an expansion as a jet. - Transition from the hard state to the soft
state triggers the ejection of plasma. The
ejected material will flare up by shock,
probably with slower jet emitted previously (see
Fender2004). This can cause significant time
delay between ejection and flare, the latter
can occur at far from the black hole (r1e12-13
17Transient Jet from Cyg X-1
- Relativistic Jets are common phenomena in stellar
mass BH - Ejection at transition to the soft state ?
Fender 2006
18Compact Jets in the Low/Hard State
- Persistent jet detected from BHs in the Low/Hard
State and Very High State (i.e., related to hot
corona) - Quench in the High/Soft State (ie. standard
accretion disc) - Flat spectrum optically thick synchrotron
emission from partially self-absorbed jet
Cyg X-1 (Stirling)
1E1740.7-2942 (Fender2001)
19Summary Jet from microquasars
- ( the numbers are for the case of GRS 1915105)
- Large flare with superluminal motion
- S 1 Jy (optically thin)
- time scale rise 1 day, decay months
- Pjetgt5x1038 erg s-1
- Repeated flare in the oscillation state (so far
only from GRS 1915105) - S10-300 mJy
- time scale 20 minutes hours
- Pjetgt1038 erg s-1
- Compact jet in the low/hard state or very high
state - S1-50 mJy (optically thick)
- Persistent
- X-ray spectra strong Comptonization by hot
corona Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flow
Trancated accretion disc?
20Prospects for VSOP-2
- Microquasars radio quiet (mostly lt100 mJy)
- Increased sensitivity compared with HALCA makes
these objects as targets of space VLBI for the
first time! - Case of GRS 1915105 (_at_12.5 kpc)
- size 0.04 mas 0.5 AU (2e6 Rs for a 14 Mo BH)
- veloicty vc 0.6 mas/hour
- (cf. similar for SS 433 v0.26c _at_ 5 kpc)
- Integration withinlt10 minutes is required to
fully utilize the VSOP-2 resolution (0.1 mas) - snap shot mode to constrain (at least) one
dimensional spatial information
21VSOP-2 imaging the compact jet
- Persistent jet in the low/hard or very high
state full 2 dimensional images can be obtained
with 0.5 AU resolution - How well is the jet collimated?
- Any features (knots) or smooth?
- Measure polarization to constrain the geometry of
magnetic field (so far not successful) - Key information to understand the accretion flow
in the RIAF mode
Dhawan 2000
22VSOP-2 imaging the transient jets
- Directly measure the position of flare to test
the internal shock scenario at 10 AU from the
BH? - Evolution of jet structure in the very early
phase estimate of the true jet power (E/?t) - TOO upon detection of state transition in
X-rays (monitor by e.g., MAXI)
30 mas resolution (VLA or MERLIN)
Fender 1999
- Microquasars provide us with the unique
opportunity to investigate the relation between
accretion flow and relativistic jet - VSOP-2 can make new science in resolving the jet
structure in microquasars both in the radio flare
and persistent states - Multiwavelength approach (in particular with
X-ray observations) is crucial.