Title: Diet and Health
1Chapter 18
2Ten Leading Causes of Death in US
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Stroke
- Chronic obstructive lung disease
- Unintentional injuries
- Pneumonia and influenza
- Diabetes mellitus
- Suicide
- Homicide
3Leading Causes of Death
4Risk Factors in Chronic Disease
5I. Heart Disease and Stroke
- (cardiovascular disease CVD)
- A. Development of Atherosclerosis 1. Plaque
development a. Damage to artery b.
Platelets and cells migrate to site,
cholesterol is deposited c. Fatty
streaks form ? enlarge and harden d. Arteries
stiffen and narrow 2. Blood pressure
rises a. ? elasticity of blood vessels ? ?
damage ? ? plaques
6Development of Atherosclerosis (cont)
- 3. Blood clots form (platelets respond to
plaques) a. ? Plaques ? ? blood clots - 4. Blockage of artery by clot a. Occurs in
brain stroke b. Occurs in heart heart
8View from Inside an Artery
9Atherosclerosis and CHD
10Heart Disease and Stroke (cont)
- B. Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease
(CVD) - 1. ? LDL, ? HDL a. LDL (cholesterol
linked to CVD) b. HDL (returns cholesterol to
liver) 2. Men over 45 y/o ? risk a.
LDL 3. Women over 55 y/o ? risk a.
Menopause (? estrogen) 1. ? LDL, ? HDL
2. Replace estrogen ? ? CVD
11Cholesterol and CHD
12HDL / LDL Ratio
13 Heart Disease and Stroke (cont)
- 4. Hypertension (? blood pressure) a. ?
damage to vessels ? plaques 5. Smoking a. ?
HDL b. ? O2 ? damages platelets plaque
formation 6. Diabetes a. ? HDL, ? LDL,
HPT, obesity b. 80 die of some type of CVD
14Heart Disease and Stroke (cont)
- C. Recommendations for Reducing Risk for
CVD 1. Know your blood pressure 2.
Cholesterol screening a. HDL, LDL, TGs 3.
Control weight a. Weight loss ? BP, ?
cholesterol, ? TGs 4. Reduce fat, especially
saturated fat Saturated fat ? ? cholesterol
15Heart Disease and Stroke (cont)
- 5. Other dietary interventions a. Two-step
diet plan 1. Focus on reducing
cholesterol a. ? saturated fat especially, ?
total fat, ? cholesterol b. ? soluble
dietary fiber (oat) 1. ? cholesterol c. ?
antioxidant (Vitamin C, Vitamin E) d. Wine
consumption 6. Physical activity a. ? HDL
16II. Hypertension (HPT)
- A. Blood Pressure Regulation 1. Closed
system (heart and vasculature) 2.
Kidneys, liver, hypothalamus, adrenal and
pituitary glands B. Development of HPT 1.
Etiology unknown 2. Kidney a.
Atherosclerosis ? ? blood flow to kidney
? ? blood pressure ? ? burden on heart
17Development of HPT (cont)
- 3. Obesity a. ? insulin ? kidney retains Na
? ? BP 4. Result a Aneurysm (blood vessel
ruptures) b. Heart failure c. Stroke d.
Kidney disease
18Development of HPT (cont)
- C. Risk Factors for HPT 1. Age - arteries
lose elasticity 2. Hereditary - ? risk 2-5
fold 3. Obesity 4. Race - ? risk 2 fold in
19 Development of HPT (cont)
- D. Recommendations for Reducing HPT 1. ?
weight 2. ? physical activity 3. ? Na 4. ?
alcohol 5. Drug therapy a. Diuretics (?
water loss)
20III. Cancer
- Initiation, promotion and progression A.
Development 1. Initiation a. Genetic
damage (critical gene) 1. Carcinogen 2.
Hereditary 3. Free radicals produced in
oxidation reactions
21Cancer (cont)
- 2. Promotion a. Initiated cells are
stimulated to replicate 1. Dietary
compounds 2. Environmental compounds 3.
Hormones (estrogen) 3. Progression a.
Metastasis 1. Cancer cells from the original
tumor spread to other tissues
23Cancer (cont)
- B. Risk Factors 1. Genetic 2.
Environmental 3. Diet - initiator a.
Smoked meats, spices, barbecue, pickled 4.
Diet - promoter a. Fats, calories 5. Diet
- anti-promoter a. Fruits and
vegetables 1. Fiber, antioxidants,
24IV. Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
- A. Insulin Dependent DM (IDDM) 1. Pancreas
unable to synthesize insulin 2. 5-10 of
diabetes 3. Autoimmune disease ? B.
Non-Insulin Dependent DM (NIDDM) 1. 90-95 of
diabetes 2. 90 are obese 3. Pancreas
produces insulin but cells are resistant to
the effects
25Metabolic Consequences of Diabetes
26Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (cont)
- C. Complications of Diabetes related to ?
blood glucose 1. Disease of the large blood
vessels a. Poor control of blood glucose ? ?
TG, ?HDL ? atherosclerosis b. Poor
circulation in extremities 2. Diseases of the
small blood vessels a. Poor circulation 1.
Degeneration of the retina 2. Impaired kidney
27Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (cont)
- 3. Diseases of the nerves a. Nerve tissue
degeneration 1. Loss of sensation - D. Dietary Recommendations for IDDM 1.
Consistent pattern of food intake,
particularly CHO a. Stabilize blood glucose
concentration 2. Consistent activity a.
Stabilize blood glucose concentration
28Diabetes Mellitus (DM) (cont)
- E. Dietary recommendations for NIDDM 1.
? weight a. Dietary modification 1. ?
caloric input b. ? Physical activity