Title: Migration and Sustainable Development
1Migration and Sustainable Development
- by
- Nils-Petter Wedege
- Senior adviser, The Norwegian Labour Inspection
Authority - Technical adviser, IALI
- International Conference on Integrated Labour
Protection System and Social Dialogue, Riga
9.-10. November 2006
2Migration and Sustainability of OSH
- Sustainability in relation to migrant workers
- To maintain and develop a sound and healthy
working environment for - migrant workers as well as for Norwegian workers
3Possible impact on
- OSH in enterprises
- Competence of enterprises and employees
- Quality of performance
- Communication in enterprises and between workers
- Role of workers representatives
- Relation between workers and employers
- Challenges for Labour Inspectorates
4Recruitment of migrant workers to Norway
- Temporary service providers or contractors with
posted workers - Individual job seekers looking for employment
- Hiring of employees from temporary work agencies
- Independent single-person firms (self-employed)
offering temporary services
5Volume of migration
- Statistics is not good, as is the case in other
European countries - We know little about migration through work
agencies and about posted workers - Total number is estimated to 70.000 100.000
migrant workers mostly in the construction
sector. - The total Norwegian work force in the
construction sector - 45000 enterprises and 157.000 employees
6Posted workers from Poland and Baltic countries
70 from Poland
7Working permits issued to individual job seekers
Total 43 677
8Why so many migrant workers to Norway?
- High activity in Norwegian economy
- High demand of workforce
- Agricultural sector
- Construction sector
- Limited need for vocational training
- High salaries
- Good working conditions
9Migration an advantage for Norway
- Migrant workers is a positive and highly needed
contribution to the Norwegian labour market - Construction sector
- Agricultural sector
- Hotel and restaurant sector
- Industry
10Situation for migrant workers
- Many migrant workers are without contracts or
have got false contracts - Many with too long work hours, bad accommodation
and bad facilities at the work place - Many are exposed to high risks and a bad working
environment - Illegal and black work is frequently observed
- The posted or hired worker is most often the
loosing partners
11Results from an investigation
- Workers from EU 8 countries
- have a lower absenteeism than Norwegian workers
- have a greater will to work
- entail language and communication problems at the
work place - have less knowledge about OSH
- Less competence?
12Basic Norwegian Policy
- Ensure that migrant workers have decent working
conditions at the same level as Norwegian workers - Counteract criminality and illegal work
- Ensure that the Norwegian OSH standard will be
maintained at a high level without making it a
hurdle for the migration.
13The Role of Labour Inspection
- LI has got the responsibility to follow up the
policy of the Government by - Running inspection programmes particularly in the
construction sector - Disseminating information and guidance to
- Norwegian enterprises
- Migrant workers
- Authorities in other countries
- Exchanging information with Labour Inspections
particularly in Poland and the Baltic Countries
14Inspection program in 2006
- 538 inspection towards social dumping carried
out before August - 550 notices given (order to comply with
regulations) - 33 enterprises reported to police
- Most reactions in the construction sector
15Challenges for the LI
- Difficult to get in contact with the workers
because of - Language problems
- Cultural differences
- Fear
- Difficult to communicate with the employers and
get relevant documentation - Difficult to identify the real problems
- Implementing reactions towards foreign
enterprises is difficult and time consuming
16Agreement between Labour Inspectorates concerning
migrant workers
- Intention of agreement
- To protect workers and to ensure that migrant
workers will have non-discriminatory working
conditions - Aims at facilitating the necessary information
flow between countries - Designation of Liaison offices
- Joint annually meeting between the agencies
- Procedures on exchange of information
- Scope of information
- Covers the cross-boarder posting of workers in
the meaning of Directive96/71/EC - Employers, posting workers and natural persons
17Some conclusions
- Migrant workers contribute considerably to labour
market in Norway - To avoid Social dumping is highly prioritised
by the Norwegian Authorities - Bad working conditions are often observed
- More knowledge is needed and the development has
to be followed closely - Labour Inspection is playing a major role
- There is a need for cross-boarder co-operation
between Labour Inspectorates