Title: Climate change and sustainable development
1Climate change and sustainable development
Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
- Dr. B. Khuldorj,
- National project Manager, Sustainable Artisanal
2Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
Mongolian Action Programme for the 21st Century
Climate change versus sustainable development
3Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
The reasonable man adopts himself to the world,
the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt
the world to himself. George Bernard Shaw
Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
- Mongolian Action Programme for the 21st Century
(MAP 21) briefing - How NSDS of Mongolia was linked with Climate
change issues 10 years ago - Current problems related to Climate change impact
on sustainable development - This presentation has used data from MAP 21 and
from Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change.
5Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
Mongolian Action Programme for the 21st Century
(MAP 21) briefing
- A. National Strategy for SD
- Local Agenda 21 for 21 Aimags and Capital City
were developed during 1997-1998 and approved by
Local Citizens Representatives Khural (local
Parliament) - National-MAP 21 Endorsed by Government in May
1998 SDS contains 59 goals, 13 environmental ones
6Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
MAP - 21
- Sustainable development scenarios for the 21st
century of Mongolia - Economic development modeling
- Modeling of population projection
- Modeling of energy planning
- Modeling of climate change environmental
pollution - Modeling of agricultural development
- Local Agenda 21
- 21 aimag action
- Programmes
- Capital city action
- programme
7Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
- MAP 21 based Policy documents
- The State Policy on Ecology (1998)
- National Climate Change Programme (2000)
- National Science Technological Programme
(2000) - Mongolian Regional Development Concept (2001)
- Regional Agenda 21s
- Comprehensive policy development (2008?).
8Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
- Local Agenda 21 National Agenda 21
- Regional Agenda 21
- Eastern regional Agenda 21
- approved by Joint Meeting of
- 5 aimag Local parliament in 2004
- Western regional agenda 21 2002
- Central regional agenda 21 2003.
9Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
Climate change versus sustainable development
- According to MAP 21, frequency of drought and
zud is 3 years in eastern steppe and Khangai
Khentii mountainous region of Mongolia has
harmful impact on rural sustainable development - Bayankhongor aimag lost 70 percent of total
livestock during 1999-2002, consequently, 70
percent of cattle breeders were unemployed, most
of pasture land was destroyed, no economic
activities were functioned - poverty increase, production decrease and
environment is getting worse - Between 2003-2007 were dried out (a) more than
800 rivers (b) more than 2000 streams (c) more
than 1000 lakes (d) and about 50 mineral water
10Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
- Dryness and late rain leads to frequent changes
of pasture and long distance of movement - Livestock productivity and efficiency is
decreasing - Winter temperature is increasing on 2 degrees
and summer temperature is decreasing on 1.5
degrees - Herders delay winter stay for 1- 2 months,
consequently, nomadic livestock cycle is changing - Rural population migration to the city, Mostly
to Ulaanbaatar - air pollution social service and supply sectors
are overloading.
11Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
- Development of adaptation mechanism is urgent
(a) meteorological information dissemination
network (b) disaster prevention system and
pre-disaster management (c) semi nomadic
livestock establishment - Alternative business sector for rural areas,
such as small and medium size of Mining,
development and insurance system improvement are
required - Food security is getting important solidarity
problem among nations - Impact of climate change on human health
- Strengthen international cooperation on climate
change issues including coal gasification - MAP 21 is not only document- it is a process
started by UNDP.
12Global Human Development Report Launching,
January 15, 2008, Ulaanbaatar
Web site www.sam.mn Mail khuldorj_at_sam.mn Addres
s 76 77, Diplomatic building 95, Sustainable
Artisanal Mining Project, Chingeltei district,
Ulaanbaatar Phone 328848-108 330572-108 Fax 32