Title: Grays Convent School Language College
1Grays Convent School Language College
- Grays Convent is a comprehensive school in Grays,
Thurrock - 620 pupils on roll
- 35 ethnic minority (this percentage is rising
each year, this is an asset for our school!) - A language College for a year and a half
- We teach French, Spanish, Italian, Latin and
2Bilingual teaching Why do it?Common sense
- You would not expect a baby who has two hours a
week of interaction with his mother, with 32
other siblings, to become fluent in his mothers
tongue. Therefore, to learn a language we need
many hours of exposure to that language - Anywhere you are born, you will learn the
language of that country because we want to
communicate with adults. - Therefore, we can all learn languages. We all
have an innate ability in our brains to learn
languages. We also need to have a need to learn.
3More essential key facts!
- Only 6 of the world population speaks English
as their first language! - 75 of the world is bilingual and more
4Bilingual education provides
- A motivating context
- Exposure to the foreign language!
- Cross curricular projects provide a need to learn
5What we did KS3
6What we did KS4
7How we did itThe Picasso Project
- First we started by introducing all the
vocabulary of the painting using conventional MFL
methods. - We introduced the history behind the painting
- Pupils explained how they painted a section of it
- They did a Powerpoint
- They evaluated their work
8A visit to the Tate Britain/ Henri Matisse (Y 8)
- Tate Britain project
- Pupils went to the Tate Britain.
- They chose a painting and they described in
French what they did at the museum and a painting
at the museum. - Henri Matisse
- The life of the painters and the style of
paintings were introduced in French.
9What we did in Geography (Y8)
- During the first term, pupils completed a
Powerpoint presentation about the - Physical geography of France
- Economical geography of France
- Population
- French stereotypes
- This term, pupils completed a project on the
Shell Heaven Super port.
10What we did in ICT (Y8)
- A web page pupils researched a topic of their
choice - Data base- Pupils wrote a questionnaire and
reflected on the design of the data base. - Pupils created a data base
- They discussed the differences between manual
data bases and electronic ones.
11An Evaluation by a Year 8 pupil of her web page
- Mon évaluation.
- A mon avis, Jai adore ma page web, parce-que
larriére-plan cétait simple. - En plus, la grandeur des motifs et la police,
cétait approprie. Il y avait de bonne animation
avec , beacoup de couleur mais cétait bien
équilibré. Les liens étaient clairs et ils
travaillé bien. - Cependant, Je remplacerais des images parce-que,
Je navais pas assez de detail. - Jai beaucoup aimé faire ma presentation car
cétait amusant et Jai appris beaucoup de
nouvelle information sur Chanel. - By, Rachel DeGuzman
- 813.
12The projects completed by pupils in Paris (Y10)
13Cross curricular projects completed by pupils in
Toledo (Y10)
14Impact it has had so far
- Pupils achieve more when working on cross
curricular themes. - See for yourself the examples of their
projects/art books! - Pupils who went on the cross curricular exchanges
are now taking up to three languages. They have
also enthused others!
15What Ofsted said in May 2008
It permeates all aspects of the schools work
Language College Status has a
tremendously positive impact on the
16Ofsted May 2008
As a result, pupils are provided with a wide
range of opportunities to travel The students
personaland cultural development is excellent..
17Where to next in September 2008 KS3?
- Links with primary school (90/120 incoming
pupils) - The emphasis will be on cross curricular
teaching. We will apply for funding. - What will be new in Year 7
- More pupils in Yoruba lessons
- 80 pupils going to Normandy instead of 40
project will be done entirely in French - German will be offered after school for all
pupils taking part in the German exchange - One PSHE/ French class
- What will be new in Year 8
- A new exchange with France, hence the opportunity
of new projects! - German after school
- Two PSHE classes (64 pupils)
- Link with the University of Nothingham for video
conferencing - More involvement of parents where they are shown
what pupils have achieved. Pupils will
demonstrate this. - What will be new in Year 9
- A one week trip to Paris with a cross curricular
project (geography /art) - Pupils having reached level 3 (20 pupils) can
take their GCSE in Latin!
18Where to next September 2008- KS4
- What will be new in Year 10
- Two classes fast tracked instead of one (64
pupils) - A blogg
- What will be new in Year 11
- 35 pupils doing Spanish as a second language
instead of twenty - 15 pupils doing Latin instead of none during
school time (third language) - 15 pupils doing Italian instead of none after
school (third sometimes fourth language) - Pupils speaking other languages will take the
asset qualifications in that language
19 Why do we do this? Final thoughts.
The limits of my language are the limits of my
- If you talk to a man in a language he
understands, that goes to his head, if you talk
to him in his language, that goes to his heart - Nelson Mandela
- I would like to say how advantageous it can be
to have knowledge of foreign languages. I would
have no hesitation in advising people of any age
to learn a language Arsene Wenger (speaks 6
With languages however, I have the world in my
20(No Transcript)
21- Tile Hill Wood School Language College
- -A Specialist Vocational School-
- Chenderit School A visual Arts College
- Immersion Teaching and Raising achievement
22Tile Hill Wood School Language College
- A girls comprehensive school on the outskirts of
Coventry, a multi-cultural city - 1347 pupils, 11-18, 14.4 free school meals,
17.1 ethnic minority pupils, 10 pupils with
SEN, 50 feeders - Specialist Language College 1998, high performing
specialist school 2005 leading to second
specialism in vocational education Jan 2006 - French, Spanish, German Japanese all main
stream Years 7-13, some Italian, Arabic Urdu - 2006 European Award for Languages/Mary Glasgow
Award for Immersion teaching in Year 7
23Immersion teaching a look back
- 2001 Ana Neofitou attended TIPD course in New
Brunswick, Canada to look at immersion teaching
in practice. A Geography-French module trialled
in Year 10. - 2002/3 CLIP Project with CILT, DFES Nottingham
University. Geography modules in French with one
pilot group in Yr 7. - 2003/4 Year 7 scheme of work written for
Geography. With funding from our Franco-British
Council Award, 2 geographers visit our link
school in La Réunion. - 2004/5 Year 8 course written and Year 7 pilot
extended. Module in Science. Enrichment modules
developed in Year 8 and Year 9 for non-immersion
students. - 2005/6 Entitlement to immersion for all Year 7
in PSHE, RE or Geography. Modules in Science
under development. - 2006/7 Year 7 2 PSHE group, 1 Science group, 3
Geography groups, 2 World Citizenship/RE groups. - 2007/8 Year 7 3 PSHE groups, 2 Science groups,
1 Geography , 1 maths, 1music
Progressionand transition
Cross- Dept Links
StrategyAFL thinking skills,creativity
International Dimension
Transferable skills
26How to convince your leadership team
- Most of the barriers to learning encountered by
students have their origins not outside the
classroom but in the curriculum and in the way
learning is managed HMI 2004 - 2008 KS3 curriculum changes an opportunity not
to be missed!!!
27The Dearing Review, March 2007
the curriculum and meanings that
matter providing engaging curriculum
content we recommend that the Department
increases its support for initiatives in this
area National DFES Steering Group for CLIL
28Achievement and standards
- The immersion project where pupils are taught a
variety of subjects through French is raising
achievement and receiving national attention
The outstanding immersion project in Year 7
The schools approach to curriculum innovation is
creative and imaginative. OFSTED 2007
29Impact on host subject
- First early finding
- When taught by the same teacher there is no
significant difference between the value added of
classes taught Geography in French from those
taught in English
30Impact on French
- Second early finding
- There is a dramatic difference in attainment of
students in their French development.
312005 -2006
French Most girls predicted level 6 have a level
4.53 in Feb of Yr7
Levels for all of Year 7 . 240 students All
receiving some immersion
2nd MFL level 6 girls have a level 3.78
0.77 difference
32Impact of progression
- Third finding Students who make the greatest
gains study Geography in French for two years.
Those who study it for one year and then drop it
make gains but they are not as much as those that
carry on with it.
33June 2006 Year8 Geography and French Value added
Geog difference is -0.07 same 2 form groups not
Taught by same Geog teacher as immersion group,
but in English in Yr 7 and 8
Geog diff is -0.22 not sig
French difference is -0.38. sig
French diff is -0.74 sig
Taught Geography in French in Year 7, then opted
in Year 8class size 31
Taught Geog in French in Year 7 and opted to do
in English in Y8
34Whole school impact
- Fourth finding
- There is strong evidence that immersion teaching
will lead to gains in overall achievement of
students at KS3 and GCSE level.
35Impact on chance of gaining 5 A-C grades
- Fifth finding
- Less able students are more likely to succeed if
they follow an immersion course. 11A students all
studied Geog in French and had a French speaking
tutor . They need about the same chance to get
5A-C. - However students with low FFT predictions from
KS2 are achieving much higher grades than
predicted. If you have 28 FFT chance of 5 A-C
you can be on the 5A-C border if you study
through immersion in yrs 7 and 8but the average
score needed for the whole year group is 54.26 - There are fewer students with higher FFT
scores in the 5 A-G category. This means that
fewer are falling below target.
36Students have more chance of gaining 5 A-C
5 A-C
5 A-C border
5 A-G or less
Fewer students miss targets
11A immersion teaching in yr7 and 8
38Impact on student voice
- Sixth finding
- When the whole year group studies in this way
..it changes the perception and attitude of
student voice. - When a pilot 53 opted for Geography in year 8
- When an entitlement 93 opted
39Impact on numbers of linguists at AS
Immersion Group 11A
40 7th finding Impact on numbers of Geographers
- There have been no reduction or increase in the
numbers opting for Geography although some girls
interviewed by Nottingham University said they
would have chosen Geography if it had been in
French in Year 9!!! - A longitudinal survey by Nottingham University at
THW reveals that students can remember who
taught them for Science but they can remember
lesson by lesson what they learnt in
Geography..What will happen to Science now..is
it the immersion or just the subject???
41Impact on the international dimension
International Schools Award
- Pupils spiritual , moral, social and cultural
development is also outstanding - OFSTED 2007
42Impact on enjoyment
- Ninth finding
- The students enjoy immersion teachingalthough
they find it difficult they know that it is good
for them!!!
44What Year 7 pupils say!
45Assessment completed after 6 weeks Oct 2004
Insert West midlands brochure scanned September
46Writing completed in half an hour in November 2004
Writing insert november writing
Level 5 Geog detailed description and explanation
47Two letters written without writing frame June
Able to produce arguments for and against ,
explain and express values and attitudes
48We use a point scoring system to encourage
spontaneous language. 10 points gain a
49Managing the project
50Find your staff
- Enthusiastic
- Risk taking
- Can enthuse and motivate pupils even when they
say they want to do the lessons in English! - Prepared to work hard
51Start small, make it manageable
- If your staff lack confidence then start with a
module - Produce French materials but deliver the module
in English if still nervous - Gradually speak French
- Visit each others classrooms
- Team teach
- Make language training available
- Have set up immersion for the whole year group
because there was expertise already
53Inform parents
- We allowed parents to opt out but not in.
- We have run sessions at parents evenings where
parents have been taught like their daughters. - At Chenderit we involved parents in the
curriculum review
54Think about a model that will work in your school
- Think about sustainability
- Think about staff development..will you grow your
own staff? - Which groups will you target? This may depend on
how your curriculum is organised. - Plan progression routes for students
- Be prepared to change direction to accommodate
55THW model
- Year 7 3 Geog, 1 Science, 2 PSHE, 2 World
Citizenship(with RE dept). - Geography 3 lesson per 2 weeks.
- French 1 lesson a week (From 5 a fortnight)
- RE one lesson a week (From French, plus links to
specific projects eg Fair Trade Fortnight) - Science 6 lessons a fortnight plus one a week of
French) - PSHE, daily contact from tutor plus a float tutor
who delivers a session once a fortnight. - Year 8 3 Geog plus French PSHE, some enrichment
Geography - Year 9 Citizenship in French, Enrichment in
Geography, Fast track French - Year 10 Citizenship in languages
56Chenderit Model
- All of Year 7 at one time !
- French and German
- 2 classes ICT in German
- 2 classes Geog in French
- 1 class PSHE in French
- 1 class tutorials in German
57Seek support from Leadership team
58Plan with your subject specialists
- The most successful projects are those where
there is true partnership
59Plan in blocks of time if possible
- A day each half term to plan ahead
- Regular liaison meetings between staff involved
during the year.we have a protected hour each
week for key staff involved
60Set up an international link
- If possible send your teachers abroad for a
linking visit so that they can find authentic
materials and establish a really productive link.
61Volcanofriend or foe ?
Cyclones and their impact on the community Yr 8
Shopping surveys Yr 7
Employment surveys Yr 7
Forest ecology Yr 8
Collège de La Marine, La Rèunion
Sustainable tourism Yr 9
62- -Bonjour, je mappelle Adrien M. et ma mère et
mon père mont raconté quil y avait un cyclone
qui sappelait Jenny et il était dévastateur, il
détruisait Presque toutes les maisons. Tout ce
quil y avait sur son passage, et bah il
détruisait. Plein de gens navaient plus
dhabitations et lélectricité, il ny avait plus
63Monitor progress and Evaluate
- Use data
- Use qualitative data too. Student voice has
helped us to refine the project
- Think about how you might maximise the impact of
your teaching. - Certification
- Languages ladder all year 7 students have taken
the breakthrough speaking assessment GCSE grades
EFG.(preliminary possible !) - Fast tracking
- Staff CPD use of TLA scheme run by the GTC
- A very distinctive methodology has been developed
- Enriched content- learning language for a purpose
no long lists of vocabulary! - Challenging
- Discursive
- Encourages thinking
- Encourages opinion giving and justification
67The 4Cs
The 4Cs framework seeks to assure quality in
terms of guidance for Content progression
in knowledge, skills Communication
interaction, language using to learn
Cognition engagement thinking
understanding Culture self and other
68Developing reading skills
- Simplifying authentic material
- Recognising cognates, words they know, words they
can guess - Skimming and scanning, reading for gist
- Using images, titles, diagrams, graphs
- Different types of reading activities
true/false, classifying, cause and effect
69Developing writing
- Make sure the aim of the activity is clear
remember it is communicating the content that is
important - Begin with labelling, bullet points
- Introduce writing frames and gradually withdraw
their use - Class links to improve writing skills
- Using peer and self assessment
70Developing listening skills
- Listen and do
- Encourage pupils to listen for key words and gist
- Encourage pupils to predict what they might hear
- Use a range of activities linked to listening
non verbal response, put cards in to order,
classify information
71Developing speaking
- Encouraging spontaneous language in the
classroom-routines - Reward systems
- Support
- Using key structures
- Speaking frames
- Peer assessment
72Techniques for conceptual delivery
- Learning styles need to be catered for but more
emphasis on the visual. - Design a scheme of work where there is a grand
finale, large piece at the end for assessment.
Include links to a particular country or place
with international link - Make context realistic and link culturally
- Simplify lang not concept, but build up key words
by using again and again in difference contexts.
73Kinaesthetic activities
- Cause and effect cards
- Classifying
- Interviewing all in French class surveys ,
parental interviews - Non verbal responses
- Group work with a purpose which encourages talk
and thinking at same time - Interactive whiteboard
- Building a display
- Tracking hurricanes
- Simulations e.g travel agency
- Creating designs e.g plan a shopping centre
- Respond to oral presentations with a kinaesthetic
response eg mini white boards, thumbs up thumbs
down, votes, filling in classification tables.
- Immersion..getting the gist
- Listening skills and responding
- Mini-translators ..high level debate accessed
through a language. - Teacher delivery but student response in
Englishclosed questions encouraging French. Open
questions to be answered in English.
76Visual techniques
- Powerpoint
- Photographs
- Mime
- Drama
- Role play
- Video
- Picture text
77- mort ou vif
- Tu trouves un serpent dans le sable
- A. Tu manges le serpent
- B. Tu dors au-dessus
- Jwoodfield_at_chenderit.northants.sch.uk