Parts of Speech - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Parts of Speech


Parts of Speech Standard: Written and Oral English Language Conventions: Grammar---know how words, sentences, and paragraphs are used to convey different effects and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech
  • Standard
  • Written and Oral English Language Conventions
  • ---know how words, sentences, and paragraphs are
    used to convey different effects and
  • ---Identify and use different types of sentence
  • structures

Journal Prompt 1
  • To be a power one must know how to use
    languageHenry Kraemen.
  • Do you agree with this quote? Why or why not?
    Can you think of an example where words or
    language are not important? Can you think of an
    example where they are?

Parts of Speech- Rationale
  • We study parts of speech to improve our writing
    and to increase our understanding of the English

Sentence Variety- Goal 1
  • Adverb
  • Surprisingly, English is my favorite class.
  • Adjective
  • Fascinating and challenging, English is my
  • favorite class.
  • Prepositional Phrase
  • Out of all my classes, English is my favorite.

Sentence Variety- Goal 1
  • Participial Phrase- verb form used as an
  • Adj.
  • Thinking carefully, I decided that English was
  • my favorite class.
  • Infinitive Phrase- verb form, uses to
  • To be honest, English is my favorite class.
  • Appositive Phrase- extra info. set off in
  • commas.
  • English, a fascinating and challenging subject,
  • is by far my favorite class.

Sentence Variety- Goal 1
  • Subordinate Clause (dependent clause)-
  • cannot be a separate sentence
  • Because I find it easy, English is my favorite
  • class.

Diagnostic Preview
  • Complete the D.P. handout

1 The Noun-pg.3
  • A Noun is a word or word group that is used to
    name a
  • person, place, thing, or an idea.
  • A proper noun names a particular person, place,
    thing, or idea and is capitalized.
  • A common noun names any one of a group of
    persons, places, things, or ideas and is
    generally not capitalized.
  • Checking for Understanding
  • List three examples of a noun, proper noun, and
    common noun.

Write Source
  • Appositive- an explanatory word,
  • phrase, or clause, that renames or
  • adds more information about the noun or pronoun
    that comes before
  • it.

Paragraph w/ appositives
  • Cerritos College, my favorite place to
  • be, is home to many educational
  • classes and after-school activities.
  • Football, a team-building sport, is a fall
  • favorite and so are other sports like
  • cross country, tennis, and soccer. My
  • best friend, Janette, is on the soccer
  • team.

2 The Pronoun-
  • The Pronoun is a word that is used in place of
    one or more nouns or pronouns.
  • Directions
  • Write five descriptive, favorable sentences
    about a classmate without ever mentioning the
    persons name. Underline your pronouns and be
    prepared to share your sentences.

2 Pronouns continued-
  • Personal Pronoun refers to the one speaking
    (First person), the one spoken to (second
    person), or the one spoken about (third person).
  • First person I, me, my, mine, we, us, our,
  • Second person you, your, yours
  • Third person he, him, his, she, her, hers, it,
    its, they, them, their, theirs.
  • The word that a pronoun refers to is called an

Pronoun Usage
  • Use first person to focus on personal thoughts,
    feelings, and
  • experiences for freewriting, journals, and
    personal narratives.
  • Ex. I really blew it at play practice
  • last night. I was late making my
  • entrance, and I forgot my line.

Pronoun Usage cont.
  • Write in the second person to speak
  • directly to your reader, as in letters,
  • and email. Avoid this for formal
  • assignments.
  • Ex Before you log off, you will want
  • to save your work to a backup file.

Pronoun Usage cont.
  • Write in the third person to focus on
  • the subject, not yourself. Use this
  • voice in most formal writing and in
  • stories that are not about you.
  • Ex Conflicts may be unavoidable, but
  • they can provide an opportunity
  • to improve friendship among students.

3 The Adjective
  • An Adjective is a word that is used to modify a
    noun or a pronoun. To modify a word means to
    describe the word or to make its meaning more
  • An adjective modifies a noun by telling what
    kind, which one, or how many.
  • What kind?
  • Gray skies, far-fetched tale, lowest price
  • Which One?
  • Either way, next day, those skies, last chance.
  • How Many?
  • Five fingers, one river, fewer hours, some

Pronouns or Adjectives?
  • Pronouns or Adjectives?
  • This, that, these, and those can be used as
    adjectives and pronouns.
  • Nouns or Adjectives?
  • Example
  • Nouns cheese, snow, winter, weather
  • Adjectives cheese sandwich, snow sculpture.

Practice Quiz
  • Identify the bold italicized word or word group
    as a noun, pronoun, or adjective.
  • 1. All of the episodes of that show have been
  • 2. I made myself a peanut butter and banana
  • This copy of the magazine is hers.
  • That is the third time he has called on me in
  • Which of the liquids in the smaller beakers is
  • One of the oldest poems in the collection deals
    with the concept of honor.
  • The cast of the film includes many popular

4 The Verb-
  • The Verb- a verb is a word that is used to
    express action or a state of being.
  • main or helping verbs
  • action or linking verbs
  • transitive or intransitive verbs
  • A helping verb helps the main verb express
  • action or a state of being.
  • A verb phrase consists of at least one main
  • verb and one or more helping verbs.

Verbs continued-
  • An action verb expresses either physical or
  • mental
  • A linking verb connects the subject to a word
  • or word group that identifies or describes
    the subject. The most commonly used
    linking verbs are forms of the verb be.

Verbs continued-
  • Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
  • 1. A transitive verb expresses an action
    toward a
  • person, place, or thing. The action
  • by a transitive verb passes from the
  • subject-to the receiver of the action.
    Words that receive the action are called
  • 2. An intransitive verb expresses action (or
  • something about the subject) w/o the
  • passing to a receiver, or object.

The Adverb-
  • An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, or
    another adverb
  • 1. An adverb tells where, when, how, or to what
    extent (how long or how much).
  • 2. An adverb makes the meaning of a verb, an
    adjective, or another adverb more definite.
  • Adverbs that modify other adverbs
  • Ex. Calvin was almost never there.
  • Ex. Well meet shortly afterward.
  • Ex. She slept too late.
  • The conjunctive adverb is an adverb used as a
    connecting word between independent clauses in a
    compound sentence.

Adverbs continued
  • Ex We tried to be at the stadium by 630 pm
    however, we arrived at the wrong time.
  • The relative adverb is often used to introduce
    adjective clauses.
  • ----Ex
  • Uncle Lionel told us about the time when he drove
  • across the country

The Preposition-
  • The Preposition
  • a. the preposition is a word that shows the
  • ship of a noun or a pronoun to another word
  • b. the noun or pronoun that a preposition
    relates an-
  • other word to is called the object of the
  • (the object of the prep. follows the prep.)
  • c. prepositions that consist of two or more
    words are
  • called compound prepositions

The Conjunction-
  • The Conjunction
  • a. a conjunction is a word that joins
    words or word groups.
  • b. a coordinating conjunction joins
    words or word groups that are used in
    the same way.

The Interjection-
  • The Interjection
  • a. An interjection is a word that
    expresses emotion.
  • b. An interjection has no grammatical
    relation to the rest of the sentence.
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