Title: Zapping VAP
1Zapping VAP
- Michelle Farber, RN, CIC, Infection Control
- Pam Madrid, RN, CCNS Critical Care
- Mercy and Unity Hospitals
- March 16, 2005
2The Beginning
- Joined IHI IMPACT Collaborative June 2003
- VAP required measure to report
- AIM reduce VAP by 50 by 3/31/04
- Pledged to eliminate infections
- No historical VAP data
- New Infection Control practitioner
- Define VAP
- Data collection tool
3Already Well Established
- Complication prevention
- DVT and stress ulcer prophylaxis (1999)
- Interdisciplinary Rounds
- Bedside at every room door with staff RN and
interdisciplinary team (1999) - Moved to report room with charge nurse reporting
on each patient (2001) - Short ventilator times
- Median time ranges between 1-2 days
- Rapid Wean Protocol
4Implementing Change
- New collaborative team identified
- Hospital leadership support
- Time
- Financial
- Bundle concept
- Ventilator
- Central line
- Foley
- Sepsis
- What you can do by next Monday
- ICU interdisciplinary rounds are fundamental
5Practical Application ICU Rounds
- Make it a valued time for all disciplines
- Staff/physician champions
- Staff RN joined to discuss each patient (2004)
- Scripting for the staff RN
- Start small and grow
- 3X/week
- MD/nurse only rounds
6Interdisciplinary Team Members
- RN caregiver
- Charge nurse
- Medical director or designee
- Pharmacy
- Dietician
- Chaplain
- RT
- Social services
7Useful Information for ICU Rounds
- Safety issues
- Goal for the day
- Diagnosis/related procedures
- Ventilator bundle elements
- Glucoses
- Nutritional status
- Invasive lines
- Mobility
- Why does the patient need ICU?
8Basic VAP Prevention Elements
- Hand hygiene
- Ventilator bundle
- Oral care
9Hand Hygiene Campaign
- JCAHO Patient Safety Goal
- CDC posters in visitor lounge and in ICU
- http//www.cdc.gov/handhygiene/Education for
patients and visitors - Patient and family educational brochures
- How to Prevent Infections During your Hospital
Stay - Infection Control info in Visiting Information
brochure - Foam-In and Foam-Out Campaign
- Alcohol-based foam usage reports
- Observation audits were impractical
- Signage at entrance to patients room
10Laminated Signage
11Ventilator Bundle Elements
- HOB elevated gt 30 degrees
- Scheduled readiness to wean assessment
- Sedation vacation/appropriate sedation
- DVT prophylaxis
- Stress ulcer prophylaxis
- If patient condition prohibits intervention it
is NOT counted against the bundle compliance
12Education on Concept of Bundling
- Bundles are not guidelines, but rather
collections of solid science items which when
integrated into a process have the potential of
enhancing the underlying guidelines and improve
the possibility of having superior outcomes. - Roger Resar MD-IHI Consultant
13Practical Application HOB
- Collaborate with Respiratory Care
- Add HOB to vent orders and ventilator checks
- HOB signs in room
- Daily compliance monitoring
- Electronic report
- Visual auditing
- Degree indicator
- Marked on the bed frame
- Protractor
- Discussed at daily ICU rounds
14HOB Elevation Signage
15HOB Education
- Gravity is our friend
- Any elevation is better than none
- Use reverse Trendelenburg if unable to bend at
hip - Exclusion criteria
- Femoral line - can use reverse Trendelenburg
- Hypotension, unstable VS
- Head trauma/spine injuries (needs order from
Neurosurgery) - Seems easy, but can be hardest to get compliance
16Practical Application Readiness to Wean
- KEY CONCEPT This does NOT mean a weaning trial,
but rather weaning readiness assessment based on
clinical condition - Automatic wean per RT is an option on ICU
ventilator pre-printed orders - Many weaning protocols available
- Difficult to get physicians to agree
- Pulmonologists and Internal Medicine trust RT
assessment skills - Communication has been the key
17Practical Application Readiness to Wean
- Compliance at Mercy was already good Unity had
opportunity for improvement - Mercy RT had a culture of proactive weaning
- Unity improved over a short amount of time
through collaboration between nursing and RT - Timeframe
- Required in last 24 hrs per IHI
- To be completed every shift per pre-printed
ventilator orders - Part of ventilator macro for documentation
18Practical Application Daily Sedation Vacation
- Does not replace other assessments and
appropriate weaning of medication - Not a true vacation, but a purposeful decrease
- Allows use of minimum dose with effect
- Allows complete neuro assessment at least once
per day - Amount of decrease is dependent on the medication
- Ordered for a set time - between 0800 and 1100
19Practical Application Daily Sedation Vacation
- Included in pre-printed sedation orders
- Exceptions for CLRT, PC ventilation, or
neuromuscular blockade - Culture of not overusing infusions
- Daily compliance monitoring
- Electronic report (MAAS score)
- Discussed at daily ICU rounds
20Sedation Scale
- Changing to RASS (Richmond Agitation-Sedation
Scale) Late spring 2005 - 10 levels
- 4 Combative
- 3 Very agitated
- 2 Agitated
- 1 Restless
- 0 Alert and calm
- -1 Drowsy
- -2 Light sedation
- -3 Moderate sedation
- -4 Deep sedation
- -5 Unarousable
- Linked to ICU Confusion tool
21Practical Application DVT Prophylaxis
- Implemented in 1999
- Mechanical or medication
- SCDs/TEDs (automatic when ICU Ventilator
pre-printed orders are used) - Aces
- Anticoagulant
- Daily monitoring
- Electronic report
- Discussed in ICU rounds
22Practical Application Stress Ulcer Prevention
- Implemented in 1999
- Medication or tube feeding
- Pepcid (automatic on ICU Ventilator pre-printed
orders) - Protonix, etc (by physician order)
- Tube feeding (when patient tolerating, meds can
be discontinued) - RD consultation automatic and discussed at ICU
Rounds - Daily monitoring
- Electronic report
- Discussed in ICU rounds
- Pharmacy monitors in all ICU patients
23Vent Bundle Audit Tool
24Ventilator Bundle
25Oral Care
- Developed and implemented protocol in end of year
2002 - Teeth brushing Q 8-12 hours
- Oral care with swabs Q 2-4 hours
- Sub-glottic suctioning Q 6-8 hours
- Reinforced in the ICU Standards of Practice
- Included on pre-printed ventilator orders
- Products
- Non-alcohol based antiseptic solution or
toothpaste (i.e., Perox-A-Mint) - Oral suction swabs with mouth moisturizer
- Suction toothbrushes
- Sub-glottic suction catheters
- Covered Yankeur
26Q2 Kits
- Supplies for 24 hours of oral care
- Tooth brushes
- Swabs
- Sub-glottic suctioning
- Covered Yankeur
- Discard unused supplies
- Use for patients who are expected to be on vent gt
24 hours
27Covered Yankeur
- Change Yankeur and tubing to canister Q 24 hrs
(0600) - be sure to label tubing - Store properly to prevent risk of environmental
contamination - Keep covered when not in use
28Y - Connection
- Use a separate suction tubing for oral care/oral
suctioning and ETT suctioning - Prevents contamination between areas suctioned
- Keeps system closed
- Use Y connector on top of suction canister
29Sub-Glottic Suctioning
- Sub-glottic suctioning Q 6 hours and PRN
- 0000, 0600, 1200 1800
- Prior to repositioning ETT and extubation
(including CABG patients)
30When to PerformSub-glottic Suctioning
- To ensure that secretions are cleared from above
the tube cuff - Before deflating the cuff of an ETT in
preparation for removal - Before repositioning the tube
- Routinely every six hours
- This includes surgical patients (i.e., CABGs,
vented overnight, etc.) - Physician interest in the Hi-Lo Evac tubes
31What Happened in early 2004?
- In 2003, Mercy reduced VAP rate by 50 and Unity
rate went to zero - By 05/04, Mercy had 2 cases of VAP Unity none in
407 days - Questioning why the difference?
- One hospital, two campuses
- Same Policies Procedures
- Same respiratory equipment
32Current Practice Comparedto CDC Guidelines
- Suctioning
- Use only 5 ml saline bullets
- Education on suctioning
- Assure use of 72-hr Ballard product
- Document in-line suction changes q 72 hr
- Limit saline instillation, if possible
- Audits
- New device for condensation removal in vent
tubing - Evidence-based care
- ICU Journal Club articles
33Suctioning Education
- Do hand hygiene before and after
- Use new clean gloves
- Closed in-line system preferable
- Change catheter every 72 hours
- NO routine suctioning
- Review CXR or talk to RT
- Auscultate
34Suctioning Procedure
- Advance suction catheter until resistance is felt
- Withdraw 1 cm (prevents trauma to the carina)
- Hold down suction for 2 seconds before slowly
withdrawing catheter slowly over 5-7 seconds or
patient toleration - Use correct port for saline instillation (if
necessary) and cleansing the catheter - Distal vs. proximal
35Saline Instillation Education
- No physiologic benefit demonstrated by
administering saline - Does not thin or liquefy secretions
- Causes small decreases in oxygenation saturation
SvO2 - Potentially costly unnecessary procedure
- Can increase colonization
- Recommend NO routine saline lavage
Raymond SJ. AJCC 19954267
36Research on Saline Instillation
- Purpose To determine the extent to which
saline instillation and suction catheter
insertion dislodge viable bacteria from the
endotracheal tube - Results Greater dislodgement of bacteria seen
with saline and suctioning versus suctioning
Hagler Traver, AJCC3444-447
37Cleanse Suction Catheters
- Rinse suction catheter between each pass
- Instill sterile saline into port while suction
Reduces Sputum Adhering to Inner Lumen
è More Effective Suctioning
38Saline Bullet Reminders
- Never leave saline bullet attached to suction
catheter - Discard saline bullet after suctioning series
39Tube Positioning
- Reposition ETT Q 24 hours
- Left , right, or center
- ETAD (commercial device made by Hollister)
- Preferred securing device
- Assess skin and tissue for edema and breakdown
- Helps prevent unplanned extubation
- Roles and responsibilities
- Collaborate with RT
- Documentation
40Breathing-Circuit Tube Changes
- Humid heat device instead of traditional heater
humidity - Change intervals
- HME changed every 24 hours (manufacturer
recommendation) and PRN visibly soiled or
malfunctioning (CDC recommendation) - Circuits are changed only when visibly soiled
(CDC recommendation)
41CDC Recommended Procedure for Condensate Removal
- Decontaminate hands before and after procedure
- Wear new clean gloves
- Periodically drain and discard any condensate
that collects in the tubing of mechanical
ventilator - Use sterile trap without opening system
- DO NOT allow condensate to drain toward the
42Feeding Tubes
- Routinely verify appropriate placement of feeding
tube - Post-pyloric placement best for patients with
- Gastric problems
- High residuals
- High-risk for aspiration
- Pre-printed order set for post-pyloric placement
- Assess for continuing need at extubation
43How the Work Gets Done!
- Mercy ICU Respiratory Clinical Action Team (CAT)
- 2 staff RNs
- Infection Control Practitioner
- RT Coordinator
- Pulmonologists (ad hoc)
- Unity ICU Council
- Staff RNs
- Nurse Manager
- Unit-based Educator
- Mercy Unity Critical Care Quality Committee
- Hospital based broader than pulmonary issues
- More representatives (i.e., ICU medical
directors, nursing director, nurse manager,
respiratory care management, reps from both
44What Works!
- Oral care protocol
- Vent bundle
- Collaboration - RN, RT, MD, IC
- Measure current practice vs. evidence-based
practice - PDSA Cycles
- Celebrate successes!!
45What Works!
- Department newsletters
- Bulletin boards
- High traffic areas (staff bathroom)
- Formal inservices
- Modified orientation
- Measurement and Feedback
46Measurement VAP Data Collection
- Collection Tool
- User friendly tool developed
- RCAT review charts
- Definitions imbedded in tool
- Used as worksheet
- Archived after data collated
47VAP Data Collection Tool
48NNIS Criteria
- URL for the pneumonia criteria is on page 15-18
- http//www.cdc.gov/ncidod/hip/NNIS/NosInfDefinitio
ns.pdf - Timing
- An infection in a NNIS ICU patient that was not
present or incubating at patients admission to
ICU but became apparent during ICU stay or within
48 hours after transfer from ICU. - An infection in a patient with a device (e.g.,
ventilator or central line) that was used within
the 48-hour period before onset of infection. - If interval is longer than 48 hours, there must
be compelling evidence that infection was
associated with device use. - Continue surveillance for 48 hours after
extubation - Reference http//www.apic.org/AM/Template.cfm?Sec
eID26 - AJIC 1997, Horan T, Emori G Definitions of key
terms used in the NNIS System
49NNIS Definition of Ventilator
- A device to assist or control respiration
continuously through a tracheostomy or by
endotracheal intubation. - Lung expansion devices such as those that provide
intermittent positive pressure breathing, nasal
positive end-expiratory pressure, and continuous
nasal positive airway pressure are not considered
ventilators unless they provide assistance or
control through tracheostomy or endotracheal
50VAP Measurement and Feedback
- Surveillance
- VAP rates/1000 vent days
- Ventilator hours per month/24
- of patients on ventilator at midnight
- Device utilization ratio (DUR)
- of patients on ventilator/total ICU patient
days - Benchmarking NNIS rates depends on type of ICU
- VAP rate for non-teaching M/S ICU 5.1/1000
ventilator days - DUR rate for non-teaching M/S ICU 0.37
- http//www.cdc.gov/ncidod/hip/NNIS/2004NNISreport.
51Other VAP Measurementand Feedback
- Grid on a shared nursing leadership drive
- Contains information on VAPs in ICU
- Vent hours, who/where intubated, date of
infection, diagnosis details, intervention/outcome
- Bundle compliance
- Timeframe is in place at 24 hours
- Audits - spot checks
- Suctioning
- Oral care documentation
- Oral care product usage
52Critical Event Analysis
- New in 2005 review of VAP case
- Look for contributing factors
- Reported back to interdisciplinary staff
- Elements
- Patient description
- Hospital course
- Positive Findings Celebrate!
- Opportunities for Improvement
- Lessons Learned
- Retrospective review of all of 2003
- Comparing 2003 to 2004
- 50 reduction at Mercy and Unity
- Well below than NNIS benchmark of 5.1/1000
ventilator days in 2004 for M/S ICU - Mercy finished 2004 with no further VAP
- AACN Practice Alert VAP
- http//www.aacn.org/AACN/practiceAlert.nsf/Files/V
APi/file/VAP.pdf - Guidelines for Preventing Health-Care-Associated
Pneumonia, 2003 - http//www.cdc.gov/mmwr/PDF/RR/RR5303.pdfCDC
Recommendations - Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care
Settings - http//www.cdc.gov/mmwr/PDF/RR/RR5116.pdf
55Our Next Steps
- Sustain compliance
- Continue staff recognition
- Advanced Pulmonary Education Day
- Sharing/continuing our process
- Safest in America
- Allina Collaborative
- IHI 100K Lives
- Establish critical event analysis
- Investigate use of Hi-Lo Evac ETTs
- Evaluate evidence around use of sterile solutions
for oral care and gastric instillations
56Your Next Steps
- Gap analysis
- Current practice vs. evidence-based care
- Identify low hanging fruit
- Find your champions!
- What can you do by next Monday?
- Just do it (try something)!
- Michelle Farber, RN, CIC
- Email Michelle.Farber_at_Allina.com
- Pam Madrid, RN, CNS Critical Care
- Email Pamela.Madrid_at_Allina.com