Title: The KB on its way to Web 2.0
1The KB on its way to Web 2.0
- Lower the barrier for users to remix the output
of services. - Theo van Veen, ELAG 2006, April 26
- Goals
- Trends in information retrieval
- How do we enhance integration
- Explanation of the concept of service integration
- Demonstration of one solution (Ajax)
- What data and service providers can do
- Remaining issues
- Improve sharing of information and services
- Bring enriched information within reach of a
mouse click - Lower implementation barriers to create new
functionality by combining existing services - Enhance personalization user chooses which
services to integrate
4Some trends in information retrieval
- Web 2.0 Let users (re)mix information and
services from others and themselves in their own
way - Ajax (Asynchronous, Javascript and XML)
Simultaneous requests can be sent from a web page
to multiple targets. Results are retrieved
asynchronously without freezing the screen and
are dynamically transformed (and mixed) to new
web pages.
5How to enhance integration
- By
- standardisation of access to services
- publishing standard service descriptions
- creating services registries
- But also by
- describing the non-standard world as it is
- to make use of what is available now
- to facilitate the standardisation process
- combining (the best of) different native
standards to evolve into new ones - describing relations between services and the
metadata that might trigger those services !
6Extrapolation of OpenURL concept
- OpenURL
- Vendor specific knowledge base how to access
services - User is linked to OpenURL resolver providing
links - Links to services are controlled by users
institution - Towards (expected)
- Service providers publish all their services
- User selects preferred services stored in a
personal knowledge base - User controlled criteria for invoking the service
- Direct linking to service, automatic or on user
request, based on users preferences, skipping
the OpenURL resolver
7The components of a new concept
- Any web page, for example showing results of a
search - The services any application that can be invoked
by an URL - The user agent, which can be
- A browser extension (Firefox)
- A portal running in the browser (Ajax)
- A server side application that intercepts user
requests and service responses - An OpenURL link resolver
- A knowledge base containing information on
services, how to access those services, which
metadata should trigger a link and the user
preferences with respect to handling services
8Schematic illustration of the concept
Output from service A
Output from service A gets link to service B
Service B
Description of service B
4. Modify presentation and add links e.g. to
service B
Service A
9Demonstration of concept add image search for
creator field
lth3gtHTMLltp/gt This html pages demonstrates how
the field "ltcreatorgtShakespearelt/creatorgt" can be
processed by a user agent. lt/h3gtltbr /gt
10COinS (Context Object in Spans)
- HTML tag ltspangt to be recognized as OpenURL
metadata object. Example
ltspan class"Z3988" title"ctx_verZ39.88-2004amp
- Usage mainly OpenURL resolution in combination
with browser extension (bookmarklet,
greasemonkey) that can change the behavior of the
ltspangt - Benefits works in most browsers because it makes
use of standard HTML tags and attributes - Disadvantage assumes OpenURL aware services
11Normal response form Google Scholar
12OpenURL link added by user agent to Google
Scholar response
13(semi-)automatic invocation of a SRU search
14When found the link is changed
15Activation of another link
16When it is NOT found the link remains an OpenURL
17Ajax Asynchronous, Javascript and XML
Native protocol
XSL and Javascript
Use XSL and Javascript to create a search page
Transform XML collection descriptions using XSL
User query is sent via SRU to all targets ...
Z39.50 targets will use a Z39.50-SRU gateway
For Z39.50 not under our control ...
a central gateway will be provided
Add your own functionality and collection
Integration is in your browser!
XML collection descriptions (SRU)
18The knowledge database
- Combination of
- Machine readable descriptions of service behavior
and how to access services - URL
- URL syntax
- Request parameters
- Fixed parameters
- User interaction
- Access mechanism (POST, GET, SOAP)
- Services in relation to metadata elements
- Which metadata field triggers which services?
- How does it trigger the service?
Demo of Ajax portal
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26With a little bit of imagination (work to be done)
- Services can be triggered by more complex
criteria rather than the presence of a single
metadata field in a structured metadata record - Services can be activated in the background and
only appear when there is something to show
rather than bothering the user in advance - Services can trigger other services, for example
from location to coordinates to display on a map - Web pages can be analyzed (semi-automatically) to
discover potential services and generate new
service descriptions to be added to the service
descriptions (like favorites) - By formalization of service descriptions users or
user agents may exchange working service
27From service description to development of a
Describing non-standardized services in a
knowledge base will facilitate the
standardization process and the integration
(automatic invocation) of services.
- Describe input and output of different services
that do the same thing - Describe common parameters
- Recognize parameters that describe the
differences between services and their extra
options - A good generic formal description of different
services with native protocols almost specifies a
standard or a universal interface to these
28What can data/service providers do?
- Provide machine readable output (XML)
- Semantic tagging of HTML pages to recognize
metadata in web pages (e.g. COinS, unAPI) - Prevent the need for complex interpretation of
output, be tolerant with respect to input to make
it easy to use output from services and to
generate input into services - Use existing standards or create new ones
analogue to existing ones (e.g. SRU) - Provide service descriptions for any service that
is usable in this context at a standard location
e.g. http//your.host/services.xml and
searchable by Google - Create registries with generic service
- Are providers willing to provide machine readable
data without branding? - Even with semantic tagging there is a possibility
that user agents will hide branding information - Still much variation in the encoding of metadata
- Security issue with mixing and merging services
from different domains in the browser - Providers may not be aware that they are offering
services that are useful for integration - Providers and institutions may not yet be ready
for Web 2.0 (protection of their data)
30Thanks Email theo.vanveen_at_kb.nl