Title: Web Services Security
1Web Services Security
- Pete Lindstrom, CISSP
- Research Director
- Spire Security, LLC
- www.spiresecurity.com
- petelind_at_spiresecurity.com
- Web Services Threat Profile
- Top Ten Attacks
- Defending Against the Top Ten Attacks
- Conclusions
3Web Services Opportunities Risks
- Multiple data sources provide many alternatives
and opportunities for business. - How do we ensure that the data sources are
legitimate? - Real-time transactions can be submitted
just-in-time. - How do we validate the data prior to its use?
- Contextual data makes integration easy.
- Who else may intercept the data?
- Directories allow for dynamic lookups and
immediate gratification. - How do we validate the directories?
4Web Services Bane or Panacea?
From monolithic mainframe, to two- and three-tier
client server, to n-tier Web. Now, we have n-peer
Web Services
- Standardization common communication protocols
- Easier to learn technology, higher likelihood of
finding a target. - Loose-coupling flexible architecture
- More uniquely addressable attack points.
- Federation working together
- More ways to hide amidst legitimate traffic.
Increased functionality brings increased risk,
but it may be worth it.
5Web Services Components
- XML/SOAP Communication protocols.
- Configuration Data (the setup)
- XML Processors
- Legacy Apps
- External Entities
6XML/SOAP Protocols
- Protocol Abuse
- XML Information as
- Protocol / Tags
- Expected operations
- RPC / Command (embedded code)
- And variables, flags, attributes
- Data/transaction
- URIs - pointers
7Web Services Configuration Data
- Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Files
- XML Schemas
- XSLT Files
- WS-Policy information
8XML Processor
- Standard operations
- Parse XML
- Aggregate data
- Transform data
- Canonicalize data
- All Legitimate manipulation of data after the
source. - Legacy bolt-ons
- Untrusted entities
9Web Services Threat Profile
10Data Protection Goals
- Confidentiality protect data from being seen by
inappropriate people/entities. - Integrity protect data from being modified
inappropriately. - Authenticity ensure the data and its source are
legitimate. - Availability ensure the data is accessible by
appropriate entities.
11Basic Confidentiality
- Encryption
- Encrypt data with symmetric key
- Securely transfer key to recipient
- (e.g. encrypt symmetric key with recipients
public key) - Decryption
- Securely receive key
- (e.g. decrypt symmetric key with recipients
private key) - Decrypt data with symmetric key
12XML Encryption
- Candidate Recommendation
- How to represent encrypted data within XML
- Separate encrypted data from encryption
information - Super-encryption
- http//www.w3.org/Encryption/2001/
13XML Encryption Elements
- ltEncryptedDatagt container element
- ltEncryptionMethodgt element describes the
encryption algorithm. - ltKeyInfogt element defined in XML-DSIG
- ltCipherDatagt envelopes or references raw
encrypted data - ltCipherValuegt raw data if enveloped
- ltCipherReferencegt reference data if detached
14XML Encryption
- Encryption
- Use ltEncryptionMethodgt to create ltCipherValuegt
described by ltCipherDatagt elements. - Securely transfer key to recipient using
ltKeyInfogt or out of band method. - Decryption
- Retrieve key using ltKeyInfogt.
- Take ltCipherValuegt and identify
ltEncryptionMethodgt to decrypt data.
15XML Encryption Scenarios
- Encrypt XML Element
- Encrypt Element and Content
- Encrypt XML Content (Character Data)
- Encrypt Arbitrary Data and XML Documents
- Super-encryption
16XML Encryption - Example
Unencrypted Data
lt?xml version'1.0'?gt ltPaymentInfo
ltNamegtJohn Smithlt/Namegt ltCreditCard
Limit'5,000' Currency'USD'gt ltNumbergt4019
2445 0277 5567lt/Numbergt ltIssuergtExample
Banklt/Issuergt ltExpirationgt04/02lt/Expirationgt
lt/CreditCardgt lt/PaymentInfogt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Source XML Syntax and Processing http//www.w3.or
17XML Encryption - Example
Encrypting an XML Element (ltCreditCardgt)
lt?xml version'1.0'?gt ltPaymentInfo
ltNamegtJohn Smithlt/Namegt ltEncryptedData
ltCipherDatagt ltCipherValuegtA23B45C56lt/Cip
herValuegt lt/CipherDatagt
lt/EncryptedDatagt lt/PaymentInfogt
1 2 3
Source XML Syntax and Processing http//www.w3.or
18XML Encryption - Example
Encrypting XML Elements and Content
(ltnumbergt ltissuergt ltexpirationgt)
lt?xml version'1.0'?gt ltPaymentInfo
ltNamegtJohn Smithlt/Namegt ltCreditCard
Limit'5,000' Currency'USD'gt
ltEncryptedData xmlns'http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xm
lenc' Type'http//www.w3.org/2001/04/xmle
ncContent'gt ltCipherDatagt
lt/CipherDatagt lt/EncryptedDatagt
lt/CreditCardgt lt/PaymentInfogt
1 2 3 4
8 9
Source XML Syntax and Processing http//www.w3.or
19XML Encryption - Example
Encrypting XML Content (number itself)
lt?xml version'1.0'?gt ltPaymentInfo
ltNamegtJohn Smithlt/Namegt ltCreditCard
Limit'5,000' Currency'USD'gt ltNumbergt
ltEncryptedData xmlns'http//www.w3.org/2001/04
/xmlenc' Type'http//www.w3.org/2001/04
/xmlencContent'gt ltCipherDatagt
lt/CipherDatagt lt/EncryptedDatagt
lt/Numbergt ltIssuergtExample Banklt/Issuergt
lt/CreditCardgt lt/PaymentInfogt
1 2 3 4 5
5 6 7 8 9
Source XML Syntax and Processing http//www.w3.or
20XML Encryption - Example
Encrypt Everything
lt?xml version'1.0'?gt ltEncryptedData
MimeType'text/xml'gt ltCipherDatagt
lt/CipherDatagt lt/EncryptedDatagt
Source XML Syntax and Processing http//www.w3.or
21XML Encryption Roundup
- The goal is confidentiality (privacy).
- The key is the key key management.
- Must be able to retain keys over time.
- Must be able to protect the keys.
- Must keep the key and the cipherdata separate.
22Integrity Authenticity
- Sign
- Process data through one way hash
- Sign hash with source private key
- Transmit data
- Validate
- Validate signature with source public key
- Re-hash data and compare
23XML Signature
- RFC 3275, March 2002
- Works with any data object
- Sign data in same XML document
- Enveloped signatures (signature is child)
- Enveloping signatures (signature is parent)
- Sign data that is external to signature
24XML Signature
Format Data
Signature Algorithm
Hash Algorithm
Hash Value
Signed Hash Info
Key Information
25XML Signature Elements
- ltSignaturegt element Root
- ltSignedInfogt element Container for signature
information. - ltC14NMethodgt element Algorithm used to format
data prior to signing. XML-C14N - ltSignatureMethodgt element Algorithm used to sign
the hash (DSA-SHA1 RSA-SHA1)
26XML Signature Elements (contd)
- ltReferencegt container for signatures.
- ltTransformsgt describes processing requirements
prior to sign/validate. - ltDigestMethodgt algorithm used to create hash.
- ltDigestValuegt the hash itself
- ltSignatureValuegt the operational results of
signing the hash. - ltKeyInfogt information on how to retrieve the
validation key.
27XML Signature
- Sign
- Canonicalize data (ltCanonicalizationMethodgt)
- Process data through one way hash
(ltDigestMethodgt ltDigestValuegt) - Sign hash with source private key
(ltSignatureMethodgt ltSignatureValuegt) - Transmit data
- Validate
- Validate signature with source public key
- Re-hash data and compare
- Once-removed signature. Validate the signed
signatures. - Useful for performance considerations.
- Provides selective validation.
- Gotcha individual signature validation must then
occur within the application. - Individual signatures are not validated by xml
29XML Signature Roundup
- Always include dynamic information in signed
data. - Protect against replay attacks.
- Retrieve key info out-of-band.
- Validate all algorithm sources.
30Transaction Attack Methods
Attack Description Solution
Modify Change data within a transaction. Sign
Sniff Intercept and read data in a transaction. Encrypt
Spoof Submit fake transaction. Validate
Replay Resubmit real transaction. Validate/Audit
31Transaction Security
32Authentication Access Control
- On the user side
- Authentication validates the identity of the
credential owner. - Access control maps an entity to its
corresponding attributes (e.g. roles, group
membership, etc.) - On the resource side
- Describes under what conditions an entity is
allowed to access a particular resource. - e.g. user name, group membership, time of day,
33Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
- OASIS Committee Specification
- Assertions about authentication
- Assertions about attributes
- Assertions about authorization decisions
- http//www.oasis-open.org/committees/security/
35SAML Bindings and Profiles
- Binding
- SOAP over HTTP
- Profiles
- Browser/Artifact Profile (URL Query)
- Browser/POST Profile (Form)
- Replaces cookies
36SAML Roundup
- Web Services Implementation
- Session-based Protocol
- Basic usage model Single Sign-on
- Useful for existing web and legacy apps
37XML Access Control Markup Language (XACML)
- Rule
- Target, Effect, Condition
- Policy Statement
- Multi-rule, Target, Obligations
- Policy Set Statement
- Multi-policy, Target, Obligations
- PAP Policy Administration Point
- PRP Policy Retrieval Point
- PEP Policy Enforcement Point
- PDP Policy Decision Point
- PIP Policy Information Point
Policy Enforcement Point (PEP)
Policy Decision Point (PDP)
Policy Retrieval Point (PRP)
Policy Information Point (PRP)
Policy Administration Point (PAP)
- PAP PRP define policy. (admin action)
- PEP PDP initial request and final decision.
- PDP Reconciles SAML assertions and XACML policy
info. (next-gen firewalls?) - Takes request from PEP, policy from PRP, and
attributes from PIP.
41XACML Roundup
- Not ready for primetime, but
- Vendors have always had this capability in native
apps. - Will standardize ACL models.
- Can (potentially) replace native models.
- Great for interchange of rules/policies.
SAML Assertions
43Security Specifications
WS- Secure Conversation
SOAP Foundation
- Message Integrity
- Message Confidentiality
- Message Authentication
- Associated Security Tokens
- Encoded Binary Security Tokens
45Follow-on Specs
- WS-Policy How senders and receivers specify
capabilities and requirements. - WS-Trust Establish direct and brokered trust.
- WS-Privacy State privacy policies and adhere to
them. - WS-Secure Conversation How to establish keys.
- WS-Federation How to link trust models.
- WS-Authorization How access policies are
specified and managed.
- Web Services Threat Profile
- Top Ten Attacks
- Note These are primarily THEORETICAL attacks!
- Defending Against the Top Ten Attacks
- Conclusions
471. XML Encapsulation
- Attacks legacy bolt-on XML processors.
- External operation of normally local functions.
- Uses CDATA feature in XML to tunnel through
to app.
48XML Encapsulation Example
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gtlt?xml-stylesheet
type"text/xsl" href"?mux" ?gtltxslstylesheet
ptgtlt!CDATAxnew ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell")
x.Run("systemroot\\SYSTEM32\\CMD.EXE /C DIR
C\\ /a /p /s")gtlt/xslscriptgtltmsuxgtmsuxwri
tten by georgi guninskilt/msuxgtlt/xslstylesheetgt
Source http//www.guninski.com/exel2.html
492. Coercive Parsing
- Attacks legacy bolt-on XML processors.
- Attacks old targets in new ways.
- External operation of normally local functions.
- Instead of using CDATA, uses XML parsing
503. Recursive Elements
- Use XML within a document to reference another
point in the document. - Infinite loop
514. Jumbo Payloads
- XML is verbose by nature, but still expected to
be of reasonable size files measured in KB or
MB. - Jumbo payloads send a single file of hundreds of
gigabytes (for example).
525. Schema Poisoning
- XML Schemas are used to define format and
function of a document. - Manipulating the schema can
- Execute denial-of-service attack.
- Change formats from dates to numbers, for example
- Obfuscate data.
536. WSDL Enumeration
- WSDL files provide detailed API-like
information for anyone accessing them. - Enumeration of WSDL files may expose debug
information or private commands that arent
intended for public use.
547. Routing Detours
- XML by design is highly flexible.
- WS-Routing allows for inserting or appending
in-process instructions that ensure a document
gets to its anticipated destination (proxy-like). - Inserting inappropriate or malicious routing
instructions can allow for a man-in-the-middle
attack or other attacks against conf, int, and
558. External Entity Attacks
- Rather than attacking the XML document, attack
the individual components of an architecture. - Many waystations/interim queues of documents
provide an opportunity to modify the contents.
569. XQuery Injection
- XQuery and XPath are ways to describe database
queries using XML. - XQuery injection is the same as SQL injection
insert commands into an element that gets
interpreted inappropriately.
5710. Malicious Morphing
- Web Services is malleable by design.
- Aggregate/Transform/C14N operations are expected.
- When they are performed by the wrong entities,
they can be used as an attack.
58Traditional Transaction Attacks
By the way, dont forget these
Attack Description
Modify Change data within a transaction.
Sniff Intercept and read data in a transaction.
Spoof Submit fake transaction.
Replay Resubmit a legit transaction.
59Web Services Threat Profile
Modify Sniff Spoof Replay
- Web Services Threat Profile
- Top Ten Attacks
- Defending Against the Top Ten Attacks
- Conclusions
61Security Reference Model
4. Monitor/detect inappropriate and/or malicious
2. Control sources (users/others)
- Harden the
- Infrastructure
3. Harden the Process/data
62Vulnerability Management
- Assumption operating systems, databases, other
existing components are hardened. - Evaluate external configuration data for leaks
- XML Schemas, WSDL files
- Create validated config files that can be
compared/matched inline. - Create policy for authorized programs and input
validation bounds.
63Identity Management
- Manage/issue certificates to known
partners/customers/others. - Always use certificates for identification and
authentication. - Users/Servers/Applications
64Trust Management
- XML-Encrypt
- XML-Sign
- Many other protocols
65Threat Management
- Monitor for policy violations
- Excessive size out of bounds attributes other
incorrect values. - Evaluate unsigned/unauthenticated transactions
- Transaction logs
- Harden the hosts
- Authenticate the components
- Access Control
- Limit usage to specific entities
- Validate inputs (user and application)
- Secure the transaction
- Always follow the data
67Agree? Disagree?
Pete Lindstrom petelind_at_spiresecurity.com www.spir