Title: Our
1Our Vision
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
2FromIndividual learning
- To
- Team-based and schoolwide learning
February 2008
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
3Learning is both an individual and a social
process. Capturing individual learning for the
benefit of the group enterprise depends on
structures that support interdependence
in serious, substantive ways.
- Elmore, R. (2002, Spring). Bridging the gap
between standards and achievement The
imperative for professional development in
education. Washington, DC The Albert Shanker
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
4From Standardization
To High standards for teaching, professional
learning, and student learning
February 2008
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
5At the end of the day, the success of
standards-based reform will be judged by whether
and how it has changed teachers practice and
improved student achievement.
- Goertz, M. (2001). Redefining government roles in
an era of standards-based reform. Phi Delta
Kappan, 83(1), 65.
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
6From Increasing the number of staff
development days or periods
To Restructuring the workday of all educators to
ensure daily learning experiences
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
7A school isn't likely to have a collaborative
culture without a consistent time each week
for teams to work together during the school day.
Principals should protect the collaborative time
for teamwork just as teachers protect students'
instructional time.
- DuFour, R., Burnette, B. (2002). Pull out
negativity by its roots. JSD, 23(3), 28.
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
8From Separate individual teacher, school, or
district professional development plans
To Effective professional learning embedded
into team, school, and district improvement
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
9The alignment of the pedagogical and leadership
practices of the school with its commonly held
beliefs determines the integrity of the school
and the possibility of equitable outcomes for all
students. Professional development programs that
do not align with the core values and vision of
the school are doomed to failure.
- Baron, Daniel (2007) Critical Friendship Leading
From The Inside Out. - Principal Leadership, 7(9) 56-58
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
10From Improving teacher practice
To Improving teaching quality and student
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
11We cannot afford to keep relearning that
improvement of students learning depends on
skillful teaching, and that skillful teaching
depends on capable teachers and what they know
and can do.
- Ball, D. L. (2003, February). Mathematics in the
21st century What mathematical knowledge is
needed for teaching mathematics. Washington, DC
U.S. Department of Education Secretarys Summit
on Mathematics.
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
12From Relying on outside experts
To Tapping and building internal expertise
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
13Teacher expertise is at the foundation of
increasing teacher quality and advancements in
teaching and learning.
- York-Barr, J., Duke, K. (2004). What do we know
about teacher leadership? Findings from two
decades of scholarship. Review of Educational
Research, 74(3), 258.
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
14From A single career path for teachers
To Multiple options for teachers to become
leaders in schools
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
15Teachers who become leaders experience personal
and professional satisfaction, a reduction in
isolation, a sense of instrumentality, and new
learnings--all of which spill over into their
teaching. As school-based reformers, these
teachers become owners and investors in the
school, rather than mere tenants. They become
- Barth, R. S. (2001). Teacher leader. Phi Delta
Kappan, 82(6), 443.
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
16FromInservice education and staff/professional
To Professional learning
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008
17Every teacher must be learning virtually every
day. Individual and collective professional
learning, getting better and better in the
setting in which you work, must be built into the
culture of the school in both its internal and
external interactions. most schools,
structurally and normatively, are not places
where virtually every teacher is a learner all
the time.
- Fullan, Michael (2006, November)
- Leading professional learning. Think system and
not individual school if the goal is to
fundamentally change the culture of schools.
10-13 (12)
National Staff Development Council www.nsdc.org
February 2008