Title: Our Founding Fathers
1 2The Declaration of Independence
With a firm reliance on the protection of Divine
- God governs in the affairs of man.
- Constitutional Convention
- Thursday June 28, 1787
Ben Franklin
- He who made all men hath made the truths
necessary to human happiness obvious to all  Our
forefathers opened the Bible to all. - "American
Independence," - August 1, 1776. Speech delivered at the
State House in Philadelphia
Samuel Adams Principal
organizer of the Boston Tea Party Member of the
Continental Congress Signer of the Declaration
of Independence
- It is impossible to rightly govern the world
without God and Bible.
George Washington
- The duties of men are summarily comprised in the
Ten Commandments, consisting of two tables one
comprehending the duties which we owe immediately
to God-the other, the duties we owe to our fellow
men. -
Noah Webster was responsible for Article I,
Section 8, Clause 8 of the US Constitution To
promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts,
by securing for limited Times to Authors and
Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective
Writings and Discoveries
- And can the liberties of a nation be thought
secure if we have lost the only firm basis, a
conviction in the minds of the people that these
liberties are the gift of God? That they are not
to be violated but with His wrath? - Notes on the State of Virginia (Philadelphia
Matthew Carey, 1794), Query XVIII, p. 237.
Thomas Jefferson
- I tremble for my country when I realize that God
is just and that His justice will not sleep
forever. - Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781
Thomas Jefferson
9Thomas Jefferson
10(No Transcript)
11Slavery and Freemasonry
12How can we know if they were Christians?
- Their own testimony
- The testimony of others
- Their worksfruit
13Their own testimonies
- The doctrines of Jesus are simple, and tend to
all the happiness of man. - I am a Christian in the only sense in which He
Jesus wished any one to be. - April 21, 1803 Letter to Ben Rush
- It the Bible is a document in proof that I am
a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of
the doctrines of Jesus." - Jan 9, 1816 Letter to Charles Thomson
Thomas Jefferson
14Their own testimonies
- We recognize no Sovereign but God, and no King
but Jesus! - April 18, 1775, on the eve of the Revolutionary
War after a British major ordered them to
disperse in the name of George the Sovereign
King of England."
John Adams
John Hancock
15Their own testimonies
- I have a tender reliance on the mercy of the
Almighty, through the merits of the Lord Jesus
Christ. I am a sinner. I look to Him for mercy
pray for me. - July 12, 1804 at his death
Alexander Hamilton
16Their own testimonies
- Unto Him who is the author and giver of all
good, I render sincere and humble thanks for His
merciful and unmerited blessings, and especially
for our redemption and salvation by His Beloved
Son. - Last Will and Testament of John Jay
John Jay
17Their own testimonies
- This is all the inheritance I can give my dear
family. The religion of Christ can give them one
which will make them rich indeed. - The Last Will and Testament of Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry
18Their own testimonies
- Doctor, I wish you to observe how real and
beneficial the religion of Christ is to a man
about to die - June 6, 1799 at his death
Patrick Henry
19Their own testimonies
- Blessed Jesus, wash away all my impurities, and
receive me into Thy everlasting kingdom. - Letter to his wife, 1813, during his final
Benjamin Rush signer of the Declaration of
Independence Physician, Treasurer of the US Mint
20The testimonies of others
- Is it necessary that any one should ask, Did
General Washington avow himself to be a believer
in Christianity?" As well may we question his
patriotism, his heroic devotion to his country.
His mottos were, "Deeds, not Words" and, "For
God and my Country." His life, his writings,
prove he was a Christian. - --Written by his adopted daughter, Nelly
George Washington
21The testimonies of others
- He was a sincere believer in the Christian faith
and a truly devout man. -
- --John Marshall
- Revolutionary General
- Secretary of State
- U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice
George Washington
22The testimonies of others
- To the character of hero and patriot, this good
man added that of Christian. Although the
greatest man upon earth, he disdained not to
humble himself before his God and to trust in the
mercies of Christ. - Gunning Bedford, signer of the Constitution
George Washington
23The testimonies of others
- He looked to the restraining and elevating
principles of Christianity as the hope of his
countrys institutions. - William Wirt Henry
- He committed himself in earnest efforts to
establish true Christianity in our country. - Patrick Henry Fontaine
Patrick Henry
24The testimonies of others
- He ever adorned the profession of Christianity
which he made in youth and distinguished through
life for public usefulness. - 1793 Epitaph
Roger Sherman, signer of The Articles of
Association Articles of Confederation
Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the
25The testimonies of others
- The general principles upon which the Fathers
achieved independence were the general principles
of ChristianityI will avow that I believed and
now believe that those general principles of
Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the
existence and the attributes of God. -
- June 28, 1813 Letter to Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
26The testimonies of others
- It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too
often that this nation was founded, not by
religionists, but by Christians not on religion,
but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very
reason, peoples of other faiths have been
afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of
worship here. - May 1765 Speech to the House of Burgesses
Patrick Henry
27Their works
- George Washington
- James Madison
- Alexander Hamilton
- Noah Webster
- John Quincy Adams
- John Jay
- Benjamin Rush
- Benjamin Franklin
28 29What were the commands and expectations of our
Founding Fathers?
- Carry on the Christian religion as the official
religion of America, with no denomination
receiving favor from the government - Elect only Christians for our leaders
- Make worship a part of your public life make
public service a part of your worship - 4) Evangelize the nation, and especially the
children, in the doctrines of Christianity as the
best way to ensure liberty and security for our
nation. Laws are not enough. You need Jesus.
30Christianity, the religion of America
- The name of American, belongs to youand with
slight shades of difference, you have the same
religion. - Paragraph 10 Farewell Address, September 17,
George Washington
31Christianity, the religion of America
- 1799 Runkel v. Winemiller
- By our form of government, the Christian
religion is the established religion, and all
sects and denominations of Christians are placed
on the same equal footing.
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase Signer of the
Declaration of Independence Delegate to 1st and
2nd Continental Congresses
32Christianity, the religion of America
- At the time of the adoption of the Constitution,
and of the amendment to it, now under
consideration i.e., the First Amendment, the
general, if not the universal sentiment in
America was, that Christianity ought to receive
encouragement from the state. - -- Commentaries on the Constitution of the
United States p. 593
Justice Joseph Story
33Christianity, the religion of America
- In 1800, when Washington, D. C., became the
national capital and the President moved into the
White House and Congress into the Capitol,
Congress approved the use of the Capitol building
as a church building for Christian worship
services. - Debates and Proceedings 797 6th Cong., 1st
Session, December 4, 1800 - By 1867, the church in the Capitol had become the
largest church in Washington, and the largest
Protestant church in America
34Elect only Christians for our leaders
- Be religiously careful in our choice of all
public officers . . . and judge of the tree by
its fruits. - An Oration, Delivered at Elizabeth-town,
New-Jersey on the Fourth of July (Elizabethtown
Elias Boudinot President of the Continental
Congress Nov 1782 Director of the United States
Mint (1795 - 1805) Founder of the American Bible
35Elect only Christians for our leaders
- It is apprehended that Jews, Mahometans
(Muslims), pagans, etc., may be elected to high
offices under the government of the United
States. Those who are Mahometans, or any others
who are not professors of the Christian religion,
can never be elected to the office of President
or other high office, unless first the people
of America lay aside the Christian religion
altogether, it may happen. Should this
unfortunately take place, the people will choose
such men as think as they do themselves. -
- Elliots Debates, Vol. IV, pp 198-199, Governor
Samuel Johnston, July 30, 1788 at the North
Carolina Ratifying Convention
Samuel Johnston
36Elect only Christians for our leaders
- Let it be impressed on your mind that God
commands you to choose for rulers just men who
will rule in the fear of God Exodus 1821. . .
. If the citizens neglect their duty and place
unprincipled men in office, the government will
soon be corrupted . . . If our government fails
to secure public prosperity and happiness, it
must be because the citizens neglect the Divine
commands, and elect bad men to make and
administer the laws. - Noah Webster, The History of the United States
(New Haven Durrie and Peck, 1832), pp. 336-337,
Noah Webster
37Elect only Christians for our leaders
- "Providence has given to our people the choice of
their rulers, and it is the duty as well as the
privilege and interest of our Christian nation to
select and prefer Christians for their rulers."Â - The Correspondence and Public Papers of John
Jay, 1794-1826, Henry P. Johnston
John Jay
38Elect only Christians for our leaders
- Article 22 of the constitution of Delaware (1776)
required all officers, besides taking an oath of
allegiance, to make and subscribe to the
following declaration - "I, name, do profess faith in God the Father,
and in Jesus Christ His only Son, and in the Holy
Ghost, one God, blessed for evermore and I do
acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and
New Testament to be given by divine inspiration."
39Make worship a part of your public life
- Prayer and chaplains in Congress
- The Capitol Building, Treasury and War offices
were used for Sunday Christian services.
40Make public service a part of your worship
John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg
U.S. Capitols Hall of Statues honoring the
state of Pennsylvania
41Evangelize the nation, especially the children
- In Benjamin Franklin's 1749 plan of education for
public schools in Pennsylvania, he insisted that
schools teach "the excellency of the Christian
religion above all others, ancient or modern."
Benjamin Franklin
42Evangelize the nation, especially the children
- What students would learn in American schools
above all is the religion of Jesus Christ. - speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs May 12, 1779
George Washington
43Evangelize the nation
- On May 2, 1778, George Washington charged his
soldiers at Valley Forge by saying - "To the distinguished character of patriot, it
should be our highest glory to add the more
distinguished character of Christian."
George Washington
44Evangelize the nation, especially the children
- Let divines and philosophers, statesmen and
patriots, unite their endeavors to renovate the
age by impressing the minds of men with the
importance of educating their little boys and
girls, inculcating in the minds of youth the fear
and love of the Deity and leading them in the
study and practice of the exalted virtues of the
Christian system. - Letter to John Adams,
- October 4, 1790
Samuel Adams principal organizer of the
Boston Tea Party member of the Continental
Congress signer of the Declaration of
45Evangelize the nation, especially the children
- In Benjamin Franklin's 1749 plan of education for
public schools in Pennsylvania, he insisted that
schools teach "the excellency of the Christian
religion above all others, ancient or modern."
Benjamin Franklin
46Evangelize the nation, especially the children
- In my view, the Christian religion is the most
important and one of the first things in which
all children, under a free government ought to be
instructed. - Preface to the 1828 American Dictionary of the
English Language
Noah Webster
47Evangelize the nation, especially the children
- I lament that we waste so much time and money in
punishing crimes and take so little pains to
prevent themwe neglect the only means of
establishing and perpetuating our republican
forms of government that is, the universal
education of our youth in the principles of
Christianity by means of the Bible for this
Divine Book, above all others, constitutes the
soul of republicanism.
Letter written (1790s) in Defense of the Bible
in all schools in America
Benjamin Rush signer of the Declaration of
Independence Physician, Treasurer of the US
Mint The Father of Public Schools
48Evangelize the nation, especially the children
- By withholding the knowledge of the Scriptures
from children, we deprive ourselves of the best
means of awakening moral sensibility in their
minds. Letter written
(1790s) in Defense of the Bible in all schools
in America
Benjamin Rush signer of the Declaration of
Independence Physician, Treasurer of the US
Mint The Father of Public Schools
49Evangelize the nation, especially the children
- Public utility pleads most forcibly for the
general distribution of the Holy Scriptures In
vain, without the Bible, we increase penal laws
and draw entrenchments around our institutions.
Bibles are strong entrenchments. Where they
abound, men cannot pursue wicked courses, and at
the same time enjoy quiet conscience. - --1813. Letter for Maryland Bible Society.
James McHenry Signer of the Constitution Maryland
50Have we followed in their footsteps?
- Early American Schools
- Important court casesThe Judicial Branch
- What are the consequences of not following our
forefathers commands?
51Early American Schools
The Bible was Americas basic textbook in all
fields. --Noah Webster. Our Christian Heritage
52Early American Schools
Education is useless without the Bible --Noah
Webster. Our Christian Heritage p.5
53Early American Schools
- Used in public and private schools from 1690 to
1900 second only to the Bible - Some of its contents
- ?A song of praise to God ?Prayers in Jesus
name - ?The famous Bible alphabet
- ?Shorter Catechism of faith
The New England Primer
54The Bulletproof George Washington
- Account of a battle during the French and Indian
War on July 9, 1755 in which George Washington
was clearly protected by God. - Found in virtually all student textbooks until
55School Prayer
- "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon
Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our
parents, our teachers and our Country."
56School Prayer
- "Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon
Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our
parents, our teachers and our Country." - On June 25, 1962, as unconstitutional
57Supreme Court rulings
- 1799 Runkel v. Winemiller
- By our form of government, the Christian
religion is the established religion, and all
sects and denominations of Christians are placed
on the same equal footing. - Justice Samuel Chase
58Supreme Court rulings
- 1811 People v. Ruggles (New York)
- The morality of the country is deeply engrafted
upon Christianity, and not upon the doctrines or
worship of other religions. - In people whose manners are refined, and whose
morals have been elevated and inspired with a
more enlarged benevolence, it is by means of the
Christian religion. - This First Amendment declaration never meant to
withdraw religion. And with it the sanctions of
moral and social obligation from all
consideration and notice of the law. - Whatever strikes at the root of Christianity
tends manifestly to the dissolution of civil
government, because it tends to corrupt the
morals of the people, and to destroy good order
59Supreme Court rulings
- 1844 Vidal v. Girard
- In 1844, a school in Philadelphia decided it
would teach morality without the Bible - Why may not the Bible, and especially the New
Testament be read and taught as a divine
revelation in the schools --Its general precepts
expounded and its glorious principles of morality
inculcated? Where can the purest principles of
morality be learned so clearly or so perfectly as
from the New Testament? - The Court ruled that the Bible WOULD be taught in
American Schools
60Supreme Court rulings
- 1878 Reynolds v. United States
- The plaintiffs used a letter written by Thomas
Jefferson to try to remove Christianity from the
government. In his letter they found the phrase
61 Separation of Church and State
62A letter written to President Jefferson
- Our sentiments are uniformly on the side of
religious liberty that religion is at all times
and places a matter between God and individuals,
that no man ought to suffer in name, person, or
effects on account of his religious opinions,
and that the legitimate power of civil
government extends no further than to punish the
man who works ill to his neighbor. But sir, our
constitution of government is not specific. . . .
Therefore what religious privileges we enjoy (as
a minor part of the State) we enjoy as favors
granted, and not as inalienable rights. - Letter of October 7, 1801, from Danbury Baptist
Association to Thomas Jefferson
63Jeffersons response
- Gentlemen,-The affectionate sentiments of esteem
and approbation which you are so good as to
express towards me on behalf of the Danbury
Baptist Association give me the highest
satisfaction. . . . Believing with you that
religion is a matter which lies solely between
man and his God that he owes account to none
other for his faith or his worship that the
legislative powers of government reach actions
only and not opinions, I contemplate with
sovereign reverence that act of the whole
American people which declared that their
legislature should make no law respecting an
establishment of religion or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof, thus building a wall of
separation between Church and State. Adhering to
this expression of the supreme will of the nation
in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall
see with sincere satisfaction the progress of
those sentiments which tend to restore to man all
his natural rights, convinced he has no natural
right in opposition to his social duties. I
reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection
and blessing of the common Father and Creator of
man, and tender you for yourselves and your
religious association assurances of my high
respect and esteem.
64Jeffersons letter to Benjamin Rush
- Thomas Jefferson made it clear that the First
Amendment had been enacted only to prevent the
federal establishment of a national denomination.
The First Amendment to the Constitution Congress
shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
65Jeffersons letter to Benjamin Rush
- This wall was the will of the American people
that their new government would not meddle in
their religious freedoms by enacting a state
denomination, as the King of England had done. - Jefferson had committed himself as President to
pursuing the purpose of the First Amendment
preventing the establishment of a particular
form of Christianity by the Episcopalians,
Congregationalists, or any other denomination. - Jefferson, Writings, Vol. III, p. 441, to
Benjamin Rush on September 23, 1800
66Supreme Court rulings
- 1878 Reynolds v. United States
- The intent of Jeffersons remarks was that The
rightful purposes of civil government are for its
officers to interfere when principles break out
into overt acts against peace and good order. In
this . . . is found the true distinction between
what properly belongs to the church and what to
the State.
67Supreme Court rulings
- Feb. 29, 1892
- "These and many other matters which might be
noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations
to the mass of organic utterances that this is a
Christian nation." - Quoted 87 precedents in a 16 page document
68Supreme Court rulings
- 1947 Everson v. Board of Education
- The issue was whether public money should be used
to pay for buses to transport children to
parochial schools. In a decision of 5-4, the
Court agreed to allow this, but the majority also
expressed the need for the State i.e. schools
to have absolutely no involvement in religion. - The First Amendment has erected a wall between
church and state. That wall must be kept high and
impregnable. We could not approve the slightest
69The First Amendment
- Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof - Thomas Jefferson was not one of those ninety men
who framed the First Amendment, and during those
debates not one of those ninety Framers ever
mentioned the phrase separation of church and
state. It seems logical that if this had been
the intent for the First Amendment-as is so
frequently asserted-then at least one of those
ninety who framed the First Amendment would have
mentioned that phrase, but none did - Congressional Records from June 7 to September
25, 1789
70One mans private letter, taken out of context
- The earlier courts had always viewed Jeffersons
letter to the Danbury Baptist Association for
just what it was a personal, private letter to a
specific group. There is probably no other
instance in Americas history where words spoken
by a single individual in a private letter-words
clearly taken out of context-have become the sole
authorization for a national policy.
71Did Jefferson not want religion in the schools?
- An Ordinance for the government ofthe Territory
of the United States northwest of the River Ohio
- Drafted by Thomas Jefferson
The Northwest Ordinance
72Did Jefferson not want religion in the schools?
- The Northwest Ordinance
- The draft was prepared by Thomas Jefferson. It
was originally approved by Congress July 13, 1787
and re-passed by the Founding Fathers following
the U.S. Constitutions ratification. On August
7, 1789, President George Washington signed it
into law-during the same time Congress was laying
down the First Amendment. - Art. 3. Religion, morality, and knowledge, being
necessary to good government and the happiness of
mankind, schools and the means of education shall
forever be encouraged. - On April 30, 1802, just 6 months after he wrote
separation of church and state President
Jefferson signed the enabling act for Ohio to
join the union which said this newest state must
agree with the Northwest Ordinance.
73Supreme Court rulings
- 1958 Baer v. Kolmorgen
- A dissenting judge said, If this court doesnt
stop talking about Separation of Church and
State, then the people will think it is a part
of the Constitution!
74Supreme Court rulings Remove student prayer
- June 25, 1962 Engel v. Vitale
- Prayer in its public school system breaches the
constitutional wall of separation between Church
and State. - This was the very first US Supreme court case in
which no precedents were quoted. The Court said
a year later in Abington v. Schempp, that no
previous cases were cited because these
principles were so universally recognized
75No prayer?
- In the beginning of the contest with Britain,
when we were sensible of danger, we had daily
prayers in this room for Divine protection. Our
prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were
graciously answered do we imagine we no longer
need His assistance? - Constitutional Convention
- Thursday June 28, 1787
Benjamin Franklin
76Supreme Court rulingsRemove the Bible from
- Abington v. Schempp 1963
- No state law or school board may require that
passages from the Bible be read, or that the
Lords Prayer be recited in the public schools of
a State at the beginning of each school day.
77No Bible in schools?
- 1844 Vidal v. Girard
- Why may not the Bible, and especially the New
Testament be read and taught as a divine
revelation in the schools --Its general precepts
expounded and its glorious principles of morality
inculcated? Where can the purest principles of
morality be learned so clearly or so perfectly as
from the New Testament?
78No Bible in schools?
- "Let the children who are sent to those schools
be taught to read and write and above all, let
both sexes be carefully instructed in the
principles and obligations of the Christian
religion. This is the most essential part of
education - Letters of Benjamin Rush, "To the citizens of
Philadelphia A Plan for Free Schools", March 28,
Benjamin Rush signer of the Declaration of
Independence Physician, Treasurer of the US
Mint The Father of Public Schools
79Supreme Court RulingsRemove the Ten Commandments
- STONE v. GRAHAM, 449 U.S. 39 (1980)
- If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are
to have any effect at all, it will be to induce
the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon,
perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments.
However desirable this might be as a matter of
private devotion, it is not a permissible state
objective under the Establishment Clause.
80The Ten Commandments A matter of private
devotion, or State objective?
- We have staked the whole future of American
civilization, not upon the power of government,
far from it. Weve staked the future of all our
political institutions upon our capacityto
sustain ourselves according to the Ten
Commandments of God. - 1778 to the General Assembly of the State of
James Madison The Father of the
81The Ten Commandments A matter of private
devotion, or State objective?
- The Law given from Sinai The Ten Commandments
was a civil and municipal as well as a moral and
religious code. - John Quincy Adams. Letters to his son. p. 61
John Quincy Adams
82The Ten Commandments A matter of private
devotion, or State objective?
- All the miseries and evils which men suffer from
vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression,
slavery and war, proceed from their despising or
neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible. - Noah Webster. History. p. 339
Noah Webster
83Supreme Court rulingsCreationism is not a
- 1982 McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education
- The court decided that balanced treatment of
Creationism and Evolution as was the practice in
Arkansas was unconstitutional. Creationism was
not to be taught in the schools as equal to
Evolution since, Creationism is not a science
84Creationism is not a science?
- It has been the error of the schools to teach
astronomy, and all the other sciences, and
subjects of natural philosophy, as
accomplishments only whereas they should be
taught theologically, or with reference to the
Being who is the author of them for all the
principles of science are of divine origin. Man
cannot make, or invent, or contrive principles
he can only discover them and he ought to look
through the discovery to the Author. - "The Existence of God 1810
Thomas Paine
85Creationism is not a science?
- The evil that has resulted from the error of the
schools, in teaching natural philosophy as an
accomplishment only, has been that of generating
in the pupils a species of atheism. Instead of
looking through the works of creation to the
Creator himself, they stop short, and employ the
knowledge they acquire to create doubts of his
existence. They labour with studied ingenuity to
ascribe every thing they behold to innate
properties of matter, and jump over all the rest
by saying, that matter is eternal. - The Existence of God 1810
Thomas Paine
86Supreme Court RulingsThe Bible is not an
independent source of law
- Commonwealth v. Chambers November 20, 1996
- Karl S. Chambers, seeks relief from his second
sentence of death for robbery and first degree
murder - In appellant's original penalty hearing, the
prosecutor stated in closing argument "Karl
Chambers has taken a life. . . . As the Bible
says, 'and the murderer shall be put to death.'"
We held that the argument exceeded the bounds of
permissible oratorical flair as it advocated to
the jury that an independent source of law
existed for imposing the death penalty on
87The Bible isnt an independent source of Law?
- We are next to consider the crime of deliberate
and willful murder a crime at which human nature
starts, and which is I believe punished almost
universally throughout the world with death. The
words of the mosaical law (over and above the
general precept to Noah , that whoso sheddeth
man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed
Genesis 96) are very emphatical in prohibiting
the pardon of murderers . Moreover ye shall take
no satisfaction for the life of a murderer, who
is guilty of death, but he shall surely be put
to death for the land cannot be cleansed of
the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood
of him that shed it. Numbers 3531 - Blackstones Commentary on the Law. Book IV,
Chapter 4 Public Wrongs
88What are the consequences of not following in our
forefathers footsteps?
- PhysicalRomans 128
- Spiritual
- Governmental
89Jedediah Morse
- To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe
that degree of civil freedom, and political and
social happiness which mankind now enjoys. . . .
Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be
overthrown, our present republican forms of
government, and all blessings which flow from
them, must fall with them. -
- Election Sermon given at Charleston, MA, on
April 25, 1799
Jedediah Morse The Father of American
Geography, whose Writings were official
textbooks In our public schools