Title: Making Good Techniques Great
1Making Good Techniques Great
- Presented by
- Sara Zarick Gutting
- Adult Education Instructor/Coordinator
- (317) 259 5275
- sgutting_at_msdwt.k12.in.us
- 1915 East 86th Street
- Indianapolis, Indiana 46240
2Circle of Courage
- What is the Circle of Courage?
- Reclaiming Our Youth At Risk
- Belonging
- Mastery
- Independence
- Generosity
3Applying What Youve Learned
- Things to Consider
- Create lessons in 10 minutes or less
- Use what you know and what you have
- Decide how you will share answers to worksheets
or lessons - Using Resources you already have
- Resource Binders
- GED Best Practices
- Web Sites
- Newspapers/Magazines
4Creating Your Own Classroom Style--Things to
- Number of Students
- Open Entry
- Academic levels
- Learning Styles
- Student Goals
- Retention Rate
- Performance Rate
- Physical Set Up of Classroom
5Whats on My Buffet Table
- Resource Binder (Contemporary/McGraw-Hill)
- Calculator skills
- Franklin Speller
- Maps, graphs, charts
- Political Cartoons
- Scruples
- If Books
- Wrap Ups
A doctor failed to complete his professional
training, but began to practice illegally. He
did learn to remove gall bladders. Each patient
was scheduled for surgery, no matter what the
symptoms, and each patient had his gall bladder
removed. Some patients got better! Teachers who
continue to use two instructional methods 88
percent of the time will also succeed with some