Soil Stabilization Techniques - SSI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Soil Stabilization Techniques - SSI


There are 6 types of techniques used in the soil stabilization industry. Check this presentation to know in details about each soil stabilization technique. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Soil Stabilization Techniques - SSI

Soil Stabilization
  • Soil Stabilization Techniques, Solutions, and

What Do You Mean by Soil Stabilization?
  • Soil stabilization is all about changing the
    physical structure of loose soil to minimize
    loose dust and a road that holds together after
    long and heavy usage. Soil Stabilization can
    increase the shear strength of a soil and/or
    control the shrink-swell properties of a soil,
    thus improving the load bearing capacity of a
    sub-grade to support pavements and foundations

Where Soil Stabilization Requires?
  • It is not like that on all the roads soil
    stabilization required. Soil stabilization is
    required, where the soil particles are weak or
    sub-optimal. In such cases, the free dust
    particles can hamper road usage and also cause
    breathing and pulmonary problems.

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Industries Which Need Soil Stabilization
Solutions Most
  • Construction Sites
  • Parking Areas
  • Transportation Roads
  • Highways
  • Airfields
  • Golf Carts
  • Mining Sites
  • Military Runways and Landing pads
  • Oil Gas
  • Energy Panels sites

What are the types or techniques of Soil
  • There are mainly 6 types of Soil Stabilization
  • Soil Stabilization with Enzymes
  • Soil Stabilization with Magnesium Chlorides
  • Soil Stabilization with Asphalt Emulsions
  • Soil Stabilization with Organic Resin Emulsions
  • Soil Stabilization with  Lignin Sulfonates
  • Soil Stabilization with Polymers

Soil Stabilization with Enzymes
  • With Enzymes you need a certain percentage of
    clays in order for it to be effective. The
    application cost is high. When it cures you
    generally need to apply another product to the
    surface as there will still be top dust. Also it
    is not impervious to rain and many times will
    wash of with the slightest bit of downfall.

Soil Stabilization with Magnesium Chlorides
  • Magnesium Chlorides while very cheap in initial
    cost are back loaded with expenses. Mag Chlorides
    are corrosive to metal so it puts equipment and
    vehicles at risk. The surface becomes slippery
    when wet. It also leaches away with precipitation
    so the need to re-apply is much greater.
    Furthermore, it is harmful to groundwater and

Soil Stabilization with Asphalt Emulsions
  • Petroleum resin emulsions leach away with
    precipitation, are harmful to vegetation and
    ground water, become slippery when wet, are
    difficult to clean from application equipment and
    track onto vehicles.

Soil Stabilization with Organic Resin Emulsions
  • Organic Resin Emulsions are not easy to apply.
    They offer low tensile strength and do not create
    a great bond between the soil particles. They
    also can become tacky and stick to tires and

Soil Stabilization with  Lignin Sulfonates
  • Lignin Sulfonates are corrosive to aluminum. They
    leach away with precipitation and are harmful to
    ground water. The area that has been applied can
    become slippery when wet as well.

Soil Stabilization with Polymers
  • Soil Stabilization with polymers is the most
    advanced or modern soil stabilization technique,
    and here are the reasons why
  • They are easy to apply
  • They offer quick results and that last long
  • The polymers form a strong bond with the soil
  • The treated surface can with stand heavy rains
    and heavy vehicles

Acrylic Based Polymers
  • As we get to know that Soil Stabilization with
    polymers is the best solution but hold on, all
    the polymers are not equally good. Many companies
    are selling VAE, Styrene based, Homopolymers,
    etc. for soil stabilization because That are
    cheaper to make but do not hold up anywhere near
    that of Acrylic based polymers. We at Soil
    Stabilization Innovations sell Acrylic based
    polymers which are prepared in-house and offer
    remarkable results right from the first
  • Moreover, SSI offers these polymers at a low
    margin. Beating their price-quality balance is
    too difficult. Many soil stabilization companies
    tried to replicate their products, but none
    succeeded so far

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Soil Stabilization Innovations
  • Soil Stabilization Innovations is a California
    based dust control and soil stabilization
    solutions company. The company was founded in
    1990. Their in-house dust control products create
    high strength nano-polymerized grid with dust
    particles for quick results without damaging the
  • Many tests have confirmed Soil Stabilization
    Innovations engineered polymers to be the most
    cost effective and durable dust suppression
    product available on the market. Check out our
    line of dust control products in the soil
    stabilization industry

Dust Control Plus
  • Dust Control Plus is a eco-friendly solution in
    soil stabilization industry to control dust at
    construction sites, mining, parking lots, etc.
  • https//

Soil Stabilization Plus
  • Soil Stabilization Plus is the best performing
    soil stabilizer on the market
  • https//

Erosion Control Plus
  • Erosion Control Plus to protect slopes and
    embankments from erosion.
  • https//

Road Stabilization Plus
  • Increase load bearing and tensile strengths of
    roads with road stabilization plus.
  • https//

Helpful Resources
1/find-lasting-dust-control-products/ http//arti
t.20170302.12.pdf https//soilstabilizationinnov
Contact us
79405 Highway 111, Suite 9-260, La Quinta, CA
92253 (909) 657-8817 https//soilstabilizationin
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