Title: ACCY 301
1ACCY 301 302 Labs
2Todays Agenda
- Whats lab about?
- Who is Jackie Hammersley?
- Syllabus Investigation
- Lab Resources
- The Writing Process
3Whats lab about?
- Supports the ACCY core curriculum
- Provides coverage of technical topics used in the
core - 301 Recording transactions and understanding
effects of F/Ss - 302 Variance calculations and basic probability
- Do you have to attend?
4Who is Jackie Hammersley?
- BBA, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- CPA, State of Wisconsin
- MSA and ABD (Ph.D.) U of I
- Rutgers University faculty
- Research Auditor decision making
5Syllabus Investigation
- Lab Resources
- Course web site and FAQs
- Course note packet
- Office hours
- Course policies
- Missed quizzes and in-class activities
- Grade disputes
- How are grades determined?
6Syllabus Investigation INTAACT
- Online tutorial for ACCY 301
- Buy login and password at bookstore or online
dont buy used! - Homework problems homework quizzes are not
graded answers will be available - Technical support call 800-423-0563
7Syllabus InvestigationWebCT Quizzes
- Access WebCT through course web site or
- http//webct.cites.uiuc.edu
- Login using your UIUC NetID login and password
- Click slowly though quiz
- Two attempts take highest score
- Quizzes are due 7 am on due dates auto graded
and grades posted on WebCT - 1st quiz due 9/9
8The Writing ProcessStep 1 Getting Started
- Before you write
- Read the assignment several times carefully
- Think about and plan your paper
- Prepare a brief outline (or a series of bulleted
notes) - Decide upon main points subsidiary points
- Arrange main points in prioritized order
- Subsidiary points should follow appropriate main
points - Review outline to ensure that response adequately
covers the assignment
9Step 2 Drafting Your PaperGeneral
- Be sure to write in narrative prose.
- Avoid outline/bulleted format (unless instructed
otherwise). - Strive for a simple and clear writing style
- Use short sentences organized in brief paragraphs
(of four to five sentences). - Follow necessary memo or report format
10Step 2 Drafting Your PaperDetailed
- Refer back to your assignment to devise a brief
introductory sentence/paragraph. - Refer back to your outline
- Main points from outline serve as topic
sentences. - Subsidiary ideas follow in logical order and
relate back to main points. - For longer papers, devise appropriate
sections/headings under which you can logically
group your points. - Refer back to your outline again to devise a
brief conclusion/summary of main points.
11Step 2 Drafting Your Paper
- Now that you have a draft of your paper,
PROOFREAD! - Review it carefully for typos, misspellings,
missing/unnecessary words, imprecise words, etc. - REVISE your essay as needed
- Insert any necessary information/delete any
unnecessary (or redundant) information.
12Strategies For Working/Writing In Groups
- Best athlete strategy--the best writers prepare
text of report the best researchers gather
dataetc. - Advantage Generally yields the highest group
grade - Disadvantage May negatively impact some group
members test results - Narrow focus may prevent some group members from
learning all concepts
13Strategies For Working/Writing In Groups
- Equal division of labor strategysections divided
among group members for research and report
writing - Advantage Most group members will learn concepts
as group compiles and writes up research - Disadvantage(s) Write-up/research may not seem
cohesive - Group grade may suffer as a result
14Strategies For Working/Writing In Groups
- Combined strategy - equal division of labor
initially, coupled with best athlete strategy - Best researchers review content, edit as needed
- Best writers work to ensure that paper is
seamless/coheres as a whole - Advantage Should yield good group grade
(as/almost as good as best athlete strategy) - Disadvantage Time constraints--strategy may be
too time-consuming for some assignments
15Resources for Writing Assistance
- Joanne Slutsky and the Communications TAs
- They will read your papers and suggest
improvements to - Coherenceorganization and unity of paper
- Clarityeffectiveness at communicating intended
meaning clearly and persuasively - Concisenesssimplicity and precision of language
- Mechanicsconformity with rules of grammar,
punctuation and spelling - They will not offer guidance on Accy
content-related matters!
16Resources for Writing Assistance
- Project Discovery Communications Web Site
http//www.cba.uiuc.edu/discovery/guidelines.html - Site includes the following information
- Guidelines for written assignments and
presentations - Criteria for grading written assignments
- List of correction symbols used by Communications
Team - Suggested reference materials
17Resources for Writing Assistance
- Office hours for the Communications team are
posted as follows - On Joanne Slutskys door, 220 DKH (where she
holds hours) - On the bulletin board as you enter the Survey
Building (where Communications TAs hold office
hours) - On the lab website
18Resources for Writing Assistance
- Writers Workshop (WW)
- http//www.english.uiuc.edu/cws/wworkshop/ww_info.
html - Consultants will help guide you through the
writing process - Note that WW consultants will not serve as
proofreaders - CAUTION WW Consultants are drawn from a variety
of disciplines - writing styles differ across
19Resources for Writing Assistance
- Division of English as an International Language
(EIL) - EIL offers ESL courses, a Language Lab, and
tutors (for hire) - http//deil.lang.uiuc.edu
20General Tips
- Get in the habit of reading good writing
- Read business publications such as Forbes, The
Wall Street Journal, and Business Week - Read quality magazines such as Time and Newsweek
- Read quality newspapers such as, The New York
Times, The Washington Post, or The Chicago
Tribune - If you prefer to read about sports, read Sports