Title: Geography Bingo
1Geography Bingo
A Chain of Island
Good grazing land for animals
Fast flowing inland body of water
Protection from Invasion
Raw Materials
Japan Greece
Ease of trade, Fertile (good) soil
Good harbors for trade
Makes frequent communication difficult,
susceptible to storms
Frequent Flooding
Japan Greece
Good Harbors fro trade
Limited water, difficult to cross
Waterfront with coves and inlets
Everywhere has at least some
Towering hills and peaks
Difficult to farm trade
Protection from Invasion
Towering hills and peaks
China India
Waterfront with coves and inlets
Japan Greece
Frequent Flooding
Flowing Water
Trade, Fertile Soil
Egypt, China, Mesopotamia
China India
No protection from Invasion
A Chain of Islands
Good for trade, protection from invasion
Makes frequent communication hard
Large Grassland
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Western China
Provides raw materials
Stronger states may covet you territory
Barren area with limited water supply
Difficult to cross limits trade hard to farm
Good for trade, protection from invasion
Large Grassland
Good Grazing
No protection from invasion
Egypt, China, India, Mesopotamia Brazil
Raw Materials for producing goods
Raw Materials
Stronger states may covet
No Water, hard to cross
Egypt, Arabia, China
Protection from Invasion
Barren area with limited water