EECS283, Fall 2002 Lecture 24: PERL Basics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EECS283, Fall 2002 Lecture 24: PERL Basics


Oftentimes, you will hear someone say 'Oh, I'll just write a quick script to ... The dot appends one string onto ... again, as I append to it. print 'Val: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: EECS283, Fall 2002 Lecture 24: PERL Basics

EECS283, Fall 2002Lecture 24 PERL Basics
  • Andrew M Morgan
  • Reading Programming Perl
  • by Wahl, Christiansen, Schwartz
  • (O'Reilly And Associates)

  • Oftentimes, you will hear someone say "Oh, I'll
    just write a quick script to do such-and-such..."
  • More often than not, a script is a quick, thrown
    together set of instructions to do a very
    specific operation
  • Scripts can be quite complex, though, and may be
    used over and over, by many people
  • Because scripts are meant to be a "quick
    solution" the language a script is written in
    should be "easy"
  • Also, a script is usually not a compiled program
  • Many scripts are just a set of commands.
  • Rather than run a list of commands, you can put
    them, in order, in a new file, which becomes your
    script. Then, running the script issues al the
    commands for you
  • Other scripts are in interpreted languages -
    languages that are executed without being compiled

Intro To Perl
  • One very popular (for good reason) scripting
    language is called PERL
  • PERL - Practical Extraction and Report Language
  • PERL is an interpreted language
  • You run the PERL interpreter, providing only the
    script file you wrote as input
  • Consider the following "Hello World" programs

PERL Version
C Version
include ltiostream.hgt int main() cout ltlt
"Hello world!" ltlt endl return (0)
print "Hello world!\n"
More On Perl
  • PERL is not a strongly typed language
  • You need not declare variables
  • You need not do type checking for operations
  • PERL has 3 basic data types
  • Scalars - a single, simple value - typically, a
    number or string
  • Arrays of scalars - An ordered list of scalars
  • Hashes of scalars - An unordered collection of
    mappings from one value to another (think of the
    map in the STL) aka. Associative Arrays
  • All scalar variables in PERL start with the
    character ''
  • All array variables in PERL start with the
    character '_at_'
  • All hash variables in PERL start with the
    character ''
  • Nonvariable identifiers do not start with any
    specific character
  • These include labels and filehandles

Perl Syntax
  • PERL syntax generally looks a lot like C syntax
  • Some important differences are
  • Curly braces are required, even if only one
    statement is needed in loops, conditionals, etc.
  • The "if..else if..else" structure is replaced
    with "if..elsif..else"
  • Variables must start with the appropriate
    character (, _at_, )
  • In addition to C style loops, there is also a
    "foreach" loop
  • Syntax foreach scalar (_at_list)
  • This loop iterates over each element of the list
  • At each iteration, the scalar is assigned the
    next value of the list
  • Can use "print" instead of "printf" to print to
  • Include variables inside the string to print,
    rather than dealing with conversion specifiers,

Scalars and Arrays, Example
scalarVar 19 for (i 0 i lt 5 i)
myAryi 10.25 - i for (i 0 i lt 5
i) print "index i is myAryi\n" su
m 0 foreach i (_at_myAry) print "i\n"
sum i
While this is an element of the array, it is a
scalar value, so it starts with ''
Even in a string, a dollar sign represents a
variable and is replaced with its value
number 0 is 10.25 number 1 is 9.25 number 2 is
8.25 number 3 is 7.25 number 4 is
6.25 10.25 9.25 8.25 7.25 6.25
Braces are required in PERL, even with just 1
Here, I am referring to the whole array - so
I start the name with '_at_'
Special Variables
  • PERL makes use of some "special variables"
  • There are NUMEROUS special variables, I will
    discuss a few
  • STDOUT - Since this special variable does not
    start with a '' '_at_' or '' it is a filehandle -
    the standard output (screen)
  • STDIN - The standard input (keyboard)
  • _at_ARGV - Since this special variable starts with a
    '_at_' it is a list. Contains the values from the
    execution command line.
  • _ - Since this special variables start with a
    '' it is a scalar variable. This is the
    "default" variable.
  • The default variable is used in many PERL
    statements if no other variable is used.
  • Examples of this will follow

Dealing With Text Files
  • One advantage of PERL is that it is easy to deal
    with text files
  • Open a file and assign a file handle, using
  • Opening an input file open(FILEHANDLE,
  • Opening an output file open(FILEHANDLE,
  • Read in a full line using "lt gt"
  • Syntax line ltFILEHANDLEgt
  • This reads in all characters on a line, including
    the newline character, and any leading whitespace
  • Write out to a file using print
  • Syntax print FILEHANDLE "string to print out"

3 Scripts To Echo A File
This script echos a file to the
screen open(INF, "data.txt") while (ltINFgt)
This script echos a file to the
screen open(INF, "data.txt") while (_
ltINFgt) print "_"
This script echos a file to the
screen open(INF, "data.txt") while (line
ltINFgt) print "line"
Contents of data.txt this is a sample
file nothing special about it - nothing it is a
file for testing That's it!
Output of all three programs this is a sample
file nothing special about it - nothing it is a
file for testing That's it!
Script To Read and Write Files
This script echos odd numbered lines to the
screen and outputs even numbered lines to a file
called newData.txt open(INFILE, "data.txt")
Open input file open(OUTFILE, "gtnewData.txt")
Open output file line ltINFILEgt
Read the first line from the file while
(line) line2 ltINFILEgt Read in
next line (even numbered) print "line"
echo to screen print OUTFILE "line2"
print to file line ltINFILEgt Read
in next line (odd numbered)
Contents of data.txt 1. This is line 1 2. This
is line 2 3. And then there's line 3 4. 4 is
next 5. blah 6. ok, that's it
Output to screen 1. This is line 1 3. And then
there's line 3 5. blah
Contents of newData.txt after running 2. This is
line 2 4. 4 is next 6. ok, that's it
More Text Based Stuff
  • Lines can be split into arrays easily, which
    makes for easy processing

chop removes the last character from a string
(the newline in this case) split separates a
string into many strings delimited by another
open(INFILE, "datafile.txt") sum 0 while
(line ltINFILEgt) chop(line) _at_words
split(" ", line) print "line Elem 2
words2\n" foreach i (_at_words) sum
i print "Sum sum\n"
Contents of datafile.txt 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 30 40
50 60 70 80 90 100
Output of program 1 2 3 4 Elem 2 3 2 3 4 5
Elem 2 4 30 40 50 60 Elem 2 50 70 80 90 100
Elem 2 90 Sum 544
Strings In Perl
  • There are several operators available for use on
    Perl scalars when treated as strings
  • . The dot appends one string onto the end of
  • eq This operator checks if the two strings are
  • ne This operator checks if the two strings are
    "not equal"
  • lt This operator checks if the first string is
    "less than" the second
  • gt This operator checks if the first string is
    "greater than" the second
  • There are several functions that can be useful
    with strings too
  • length This function returns the number of chars
    in the string
  • substr Returns a portion of a string
  • EXPR The string you are getting the substring
    out of
  • OFFSET Reference point for beginning of string -
    A negative value means to start that many
    characters in from the END of the string
  • LENGTH How many characters the substring will
    have - A negative value means to leave that
    number of characters off the end of the result

Example With Strings
str "Hi" name "Bob" str str . "
There" str . " " . name print "str\n" if
(name eq "Bob") print "NAME IS Bob\n"
else print "NAME IS NOT Bob\n" if (name
eq "Drew") print "NAME IS Drew\n" else
print "NAME IS NOT Drew\n" if (name
"Drew") print "NAME IS Drew\n" else print
"NAME IS NOT Drew\n" len
length(name) print "Name is len chars long\n"
Drew Name is 3 chars long
(Try not to program like this, with code on the
same lines as the curly braces!)
Using substr For Substrings
str "Hi There, Bob!!" print "String
str\n" name substr(str, 10, -2) print
"Name name\n" str "Hi There,
George!!" print "String str\n" name
substr(str, 10, -2) print "Name
name\n" print "String str\n" substr(str,
10, -2) "Joe" print "New String
str\n" print "String str\n" name
substr(str, -5, 3) print "Name name\n"
Can use substr as rvalue to return substring Can
use substr as an lvalue to change that substring
to another (length is adjusted appropriately) Whi
le the top two examples work for ANY name, this
last example only works for three letter names...
String Hi There, Bob!! Name Bob String Hi
There, George!! Name George String Hi There,
George!! New String Hi There, Joe!! String Hi
There, Joe!! Name Joe
Data Type Conversions
  • One cool, but somewhat dangerous, feature is
    automatic type conversion

print "Enter an integer " val ltSTDINgt
Read in a line from the keyboard chop val
Read in from keyboard as string print "Val
val\n" val 15 val is used as
an integer now print "Val val\n" val val .
"24" A string again, as I append to it print
"Val val\n" val - 3.5 Now, I treat
it as a float print "Val val\n"
Enter an integer 8 Val 8 Val 23 Val 2324 Val
List Information
  • A list in PERL is very similar to an array in
  • When using the list as a whole, the name starts
    with '_at_'
  • When indexing into a list, the operator is
  • When using the operator, the result is not a
    list, but rather a scalar
  • Therefore, when indexing into an array to get a
    scalar, the name starts with ''

Since "sort" works on an entire array, and the
square brackets are not used, the array "myList"
start with the '_at_' character. Since we derefence
this array to get a scalar value stored inside
the array, the same name "myList" starts with ''
to denote the result is a scalar
sort _at_myList print "myList2"
Fun With Lists
  • Converting between lists and the scalars in them
    is easy in PERL

thirtyVal 30 Assign a list of scalars into
a list _at_myList (10, 0, thirtyVal, 50,
20) foreach i (_at_myList) loop over each
element of the array
_at_myList and print "i " assign the
"current" scalar to
"i" print "\n" print "_at_myList\n" print
out whole list _at_myList sort _at_myList sort the
list print "_at_myList\n" print out the sorted
list Assign list to individual scalars (a, b,
c, d, e) _at_myList print "a b c d
e\n" (a, b, c, d, e) reverse
_at_myList print "a b c d e\n"
10 0 30 50 20 10 0 30 50 20 0 10 20 30 50 0 10
20 30 50 50 30 20 10 0
Hash Information
  • A hash is similar to the STL's "map"
  • Similar to an array, but the index values do not
    have to be integers
  • Order of insertion should not be important when
    using a hash
  • When using the hash as a whole, the name starts
    with ''
  • When indexing into a hash, the operator is
  • When using the operator, a scalar results, so
    the hash name starts with a ''
  • The index values are called the "keys" of the
  • The values of a hash at different indexes are
    called "values" of the hash

Since "keys" works on an entire hash, the name
"myHash" starts with '' Since I index into
myHash to get a scalar value, the name starts
with '' (both left and right side are scalars)
keys myHash foo myHash"IndexStr"
Fun With Hashes
open(INFILE, "test.txt") while (ltINFILEgt)
chop _at_chunks split('')
myHashchunks1 chunks0 _at_keyList
keys myHash Returns a list of all
keys _at_valList values myHash Returns a list
of all values print "keys _at_keyList\n" print
"vals _at_valList\n" _at_keyList sort
_at_keyList foreach i (_at_keyList) print "i
oneeleven twotwelve threethirteen fourfourteen
Screen output
keys fourteen thirteen twelve eleven vals four
three two one eleven one fourteen
four thirteen three twelve two
Regular Expressions, Replacement, Etc
  • PERL allows you to easily search and replace text
  • The binding operator, , is used if operation is
    not being performed on the default variable
  • Syntax s/search pattern/replace pattern/flag
  • For example, to replace the first instance of
    hello with goodbye in the string string, use the
  • string s/hello/goodbye/
  • To replace ALL instances of hello with goodbye in
    the string string, use the "global" flag as
  • string s/hello/goodbye/g
  • To replace ALL instances of "two" with "three" in
    the default variable
  • s/two/three/g

Search And Replace, Example
initialStr "abcdefgabcdefgabcdefg" print
"Initial initialStr\n" blah
initialStr blah s/bcd/dcb/ Change the
first print "\nblah\n" "bcd" to
"dcb" blah initialStr blah s/bcd/dcb/g
Change ALL "bcd"s print "\nblah\n" to
"dbc"s instead blah initialStr blah
s/bcd//g Remove all "bcd"s print
Initial abcdefgabcdefgabcdefg adcbefgabcdefgabcd
efg adcbefgadcbefgadcbefg aefgaefgaefg
Special Patterns
  • There are some special patterns that allow
    complex matching
  • \s This matches any whitespace character
  • \S This matches any non-whitespace character
  • . This matches any character
  • There are also some manipulators to change the
    behavior of a search
  • Means to search only at the beginning of the
  • After another character, means match 1 or more
    of that character
  • After another character, means match 0 or more
    of that character
  • ? After another character, means match 0 or 1
  • For a better explanation, see the example on the
    next page

Searching With Special Patterns
str " Hello. How are you?" print "BEFORE
str\n" str s/\s//g Remove ALL
whitespace print "AFTER str\n" str
"Hello. How are you?" print "\nBEFORE
str\n" str s/\s// Remove first chunk of
whitespace print "AFTER str\n" str
"Hello. How are you?" print "\nBEFORE
str\n" str s/\s//g Remove leading
whitespace print "AFTER str\n" str "
Hello. How are you?" print "\nBEFORE
str\n" str s/\s// Remove leading
whitespace print "AFTER str\n" str "x1 x2
y3 x4 z5 x z6" print "\nBEFORE str\n" str
s/x. /M /g Anytime the character x is print
"AFTER str\n" followed by another character
and then a space,
replace that pattern
with "M "
BEFORE Hello. How are you? AFTER
Hello.Howareyou? BEFORE Hello. How are
you? AFTER Hello.How are you? BEFORE Hello.
How are you? AFTER Hello. How are
you? BEFORE Hello. How are you? AFTER
Hello. How are you? BEFORE x1 x2 y3 x4 z5 x
z6 AFTER M M y3 M z5 x z6
Executing Scripts
  • A PERL script is just a text file containing the
  • PERL is interpreted, it does not need to be
    compiled into object code.
  • You can execute a PERL script by running the
    interpreter and providing the filename.
  • perl myScript.perl
  • You can also make your PERL script realize it is
    a PERL script, so that you can run it directly
    without having to run the interpreter yourself
  • The first line of your script should be
  • !/path/to/interpreter
  • Your script's permissions should be changed so
    that it is considered executable
  • Now when you type the name of your program, it
    knows the interpreter can be found at the path
    you provided, and your script will execute

Executing Scripts, Example
UNIX Session
Script hello.perl
25 temp - ls -l hello -rw------- 1
help2801 24 Nov 29 1220 hello.perl -rw-----
-- 1 help2801 37 Nov 29 1223
hello2.perl 26 temp - chmod 700
hello2.perl 27 temp - ls -l
hello -rw------- 1 help2801 24 Nov 29
1220 hello.perl -rwx------ 1 help2801 37
Nov 29 1223 hello2.perl 28 temp -
./hello.perl ./hello.perl Permission denied.
29 temp - perl hello.perl Hello World! 30
temp - ./hello2.perl Hello World! 31 temp -
print "Hello World!\n"
Script helloExec.perl
!/usr/um/bin/perl print "Hello World!\n"
Command Line Arguments
  • Most PERL scripts do not take in user input from
    the keyboard
  • All input to the program is done via data files,
    or the command line
  • PERL has a variable called "_at_ARGV"
  • This is obviously a list
  • It contains the values the user entered on the
    command line
  • Determine how many params were given by treating
    array as a scalar
  • argc _at_ARGV
  • Index directly into array with notation
  • val1 ARGV0
  • Use shift to get values
  • val1 shift
  • This actually takes the first param off the front
    of the list, reducing its size!

Command Line Arguments, Example
!/usr/um/bin/perl argc _at_ARGV print "Num
Args argc\n" argc 2 die "Provide TWO
params to add!\n" print "ORIG ARGV0
ARGV0\n" sum ARGV0 ARGV1 print
"Sum sum\n" val1 shift Takes value off
front!! print "AFTER SHIFT ARGV0
ARGV0\n" val2 shift Takes value off
front!! print "AFTER SHIFT ARGV0
ARGV0\n" sum2 val1 val2 print "Sum2
sum2\n" str val1 . val2 print "Args
appended str\n"
50 temp - ./cmdLine.perl Num Args
0 Provide TWO params to add! 51 temp -
./cmdLine.perl 87 72 12 Num Args 3 Provide TWO
params to add! 52 temp - ./cmdLine.perl 87
12 Num Args 2 ORIG ARGV0 87 Sum 99 AFTER
99 Args appended 8712 53 temp -
System Calls In PERL
  • Two ways to perform system calls in PERL
  • retVal system(cmdStr)
  • Executes the command described in cmdStr, and
    returns the exit status of the process times 256
    (weird, I know)
  • Like the C/C system() function, output that
    results is not available
  • output cmdStr
  • Executes the command described in cmdStr, and
    returns the output that the command sent to
    standard output
  • This allows you to parse the commands output and
    extract values of interest

System Calls In PERL, Example
cmd "ls -l" print "Using system - output will
go to screen only!\n" retVal
system(cmd) print "retVal retVal\n" print
"Using back-ticks - output will go to return
variable!\n" listing cmd _at_listingLines
split("\n", listing) foreach curLine
(_at_listingLines) _at_elems split(/\s/,
curLine) if (substr(curLine, 0, 1) ne "d")
if (substr(curLine, 3, 1) eq "x")
print " Executable non-directory
Using system - output will go to screen
only! total 36 drwx------ 2 morgana
csestudents 4096 Mar 26 2205
aDirectory -rwx------ 1 morgana csestudents
74 Mar 26 2206 -rw------- 1
morgana csestudents 4492 Mar 26 2205
img3.gif -rwx------ 1 morgana csestudents
16028 Mar 26 2204 tryme -rw------- 1 morgana
csestudents 3288 Mar 26 2204
tryme.cpp retVal 0 Using back-ticks - output
will go to return variable! Executable
non-directory Executable non-directory
Parallel Programming In PERL
  • When a fork operation is performed, the current
    process running your PERL script splits itself
    into two unique processes
  • The original process continues to execute after
    the fork operation
  • A second (child) process also continues executing
    after the fork operation
  • This implies that fork is called ONCE, but
    returns to two different processes
  • The call to fork will return different values to
    the two processes
  • To the original (parent) process, fork returns
    the process ID of the new chid process that was
  • To the new (child) process, fork returns 0.
  • You can check the return value in the script to
    specify which code is to be executed by the
    parent, and which code is to be executed by the

More on fork
  • To perform a fork, simply say
  • pid fork
  • After the fork operation, you should have an
  • if (pid ! 0)
  • ... code to be executed by the parent
  • else
  • code to be executed by the child
  • If the parent relies on the child completing
    before it can continue its own operation, a
    system call is more appropriate!
  • You can also tell the parent to wait for its
    child process at a certain point
  • Child processes that finish do NOT get removed
    from the system automatically you need to
    reap the zombie processes

Example of Using fork
!/usr/bin/perl print "Starting (Prints
ONCE)\n" totalRuns 20 pid fork if
(pid ! 0) for (i 0 i lt totalRuns / 2
i) print "Parent running run number
i\n" for (j 0 j lt 100000 j)
k j i just waste some time
else for (i totalRuns / 2 i lt
totalRuns i) print "Child running
run number i\n" for (j 0 j lt 100000
j) k j i just waste some
time print "Done (Prints TWICE)\n"
13 temp - ./ Starting (Prints
ONCE) Child running run number 10 Parent running
run number 0 Parent running run number 1 Child
running run number 11 Parent running run number
2 Child running run number 12 Parent running run
number 3 Parent running run number 4 Child
running run number 13 Parent running run number
5 Parent running run number 6 Child running run
number 14 Parent running run number 7 Child
running run number 15 Parent running run number
8 Child running run number 16 Child running run
number 17 Parent running run number 9 Child
running run number 18 Done (Prints TWICE) 14
temp - Child running run number 19 Done (Prints
Note UNIX prompt shows up in middle of output.
More Functions To Deal With Processes
  • The waitpid function checks to see if any of the
    process' children have finished (died), and if
    so, it "reaps the dead child process"
  • Note It is somewhat of a misleading name,
    because it does not "wait" until a process dies
    to continue if no processes are dead, waitpid
    will just return -1 indicating that no processes
    were reaped
  • Obtain the waitpid function by including the
    following line in your script
  • use POSIX "sys_wait_h"
  • Pass in a specific process id to check if it is
    dead, or pass in "-1" to say "reap any child
    processes that have died"
  • Pass in WNOHANG as the second argument
  • The sleep function causes a process to stop
    processing for a certain number of seconds
  • Usually used to allow child processes time to

Example 2 Using "fork"
18 temp - ./ Starting (Prints
ONCE) Child running run number 10 Parent running
run number 0 Parent running run number 1 Child
running run number 11 Parent running run number
2 Child running run number 12 Parent running run
number 3 Parent running run number 4 Child
running run number 13 Parent running run number
5 Parent running run number 6 Child running run
number 14 Parent running run number 7 Child
running run number 15 Parent running run number
8 Child running run number 16 Parent running run
number 9 Child running run number 17 Child
running run number 18 Waiting for child to
finish! Child running run number 19 Done (Prints
TWICE) Done (Prints TWICE) 19 temp -
!/usr/bin/perl use POSIX "sys_wait_h" print
"Starting (Prints ONCE)\n" totalRuns
20 pid fork if (pid ! 0) for (i 0
i lt totalRuns / 2 i) print "Parent
running run number i\n" for (j 0 j lt
100000 j) k j i just
waste some time reapedPid
waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) while (reapedPid !
pid) print "Waiting for child to
finish!\n" sleep(1) reapedPid
waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) else for (i
totalRuns / 2 i lt totalRuns i)
print "Child running run number i\n" for
(j 0 j lt 100000 j) k j
i just waste some time print "Done
(Prints TWICE)\n"
New Code
Now, parent finishes ONLY after its child dies
PERLs exec Function
  • The exec function transforms a currently
    running process into a process executing
    something else
  • It literally replaces the current program being
    executed by the process with a different program
    at the users request
  • When the program that is being executed by the
    process finishes, the process is done
  • Often, after a process is forked, its child is
    execed to a different program

Example of Using exec
!/usr/bin/perl use POSIX "sys_wait_h" print
"Starting (Prints ONCE)\n" totalRuns 20 pid
fork if (pid ! 0) for (i 0 i lt
totalRuns / 2 i) print "Parent
running run number i\n" for (j 0 j lt
100000 j) k j i
reapedPid waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) while
(reapedPid ! pid) print "Waiting for
child to finish!\n" sleep(1) reapedPid
waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) else cmd
"" print "Child process becoming
cmd!\n" exec(cmd) print "This will never
print!\n" print "Done (Prints ONCE)\n"
37 foo - ./ Starting (Prints
ONCE) Child process becoming! Using
system - output will go to screen only! total
44 drwx------ 2 morgana csestudents 4096
Mar 26 2205 aDirectory -rwx------ 1 morgana
csestudents 651 Apr 8 2036 -rwx------ 1 morgana csestudents
74 Mar 26 2206 -rw------- 1
morgana csestudents 4492 Mar 26 2205
img3.gif -rwx------ 1 morgana csestudents
491 Apr 8 2035 -rwx------ 1
morgana csestudents 16028 Mar 26 2204
tryme -rw------- 1 morgana csestudents
3288 Mar 26 2204 tryme.cpp Parent running run
number 0 Parent running run number 1 retVal
0 Using back-ticks - output will go to return
variable! Executable non-directory Executable non-directory
Executable non-directory Executable
non-directory tryme Parent running run number
2 Parent running run number 3 Parent running run
number 4 Parent running run number 5 Parent
running run number 6 Parent running run number
7 Parent running run number 8 Parent running run
number 9 Done (Prints ONCE) 38 foo -
Output of "" script
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