Title: Committed to making the worlds
1Committed to making the worlds scientific and
medical literature a public resource
2Outline of presentation
- Background
- Challenges
- Status report
- Future plans
3The journals crisis
Journal prices
Journals purchased
Source Association of Research Libraries
4The promise of open access
- Maximum impact for authors
- access to the largest possible audience
- New ways to access and use literature
- full-text searching and mining
- Greatly expanded access to research
- for scientists, educators, physicians, the
5PLoS Founding Board of Directors
Harold Varmus PLoS Co-founder and Chairman of the
Board President and CEO of Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Patrick O. Brown PLoS Co-founder and Board
Member Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Stanford University School of Medicine
Michael B. Eisen PLoS Co-founder and Board
Member Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
University of California at Berkeley
6What is open access?
- Free access
- Unrestricted use
- Author retains the right to be acknowledged
- Papers are deposited in a public database
- eg PubMed Central
7Subscription journals
8Open access
Publishing is the final step in a research project
9Transition state economics
Open access
Subscription- based
10Catalysts for change
- Open access journals - BMC, PLoS
- Experimentation amongst publishers - ESA, OUP,
APS, COB - Policy change in funding agencies - HHMI,
Wellcome Trust, Berlin Declaration - Other organizations - SPARC, JISC
- Institutions, libraries
- Pioneer authors
11Publishing strategy
- Launch two high quality open access journals to
rival existing top tier journals. - PLoS Biology - October, 2003
- PLoS Medicine - 2004
- Launch specialist open access journals
- Inspire other organizations to do the same
12Basic information
- All the qualities of a top-tier journal
- Online journal has primacy
- Print subscription at cost
- Monthly issues
- Publication charge 1500
- Primary research plus commentary
13Where are we now?
- Launch Oct 13
- Extensive press coverage
- High volume traffic
- www.plosbiology.org
14Long-term goals
- Economic sustainability
- Development of tools/resources
- Open access becoming the favoured mode of
15Open Access and Developing Nations
- Access to knowledge
- Improved impact
- But
- Connectivity/bandwidth
- Author charges
- PLoS is
- driven by the scientific community
- an open access publisher
- a research organization
- an agent of change
17Make PLoS journals the journals youve always
- Authors submit your next great paper to PLoS
Biology - Reviewers provide prompt constructive reviews
- Tell us how you want your journals to look and
operate - Be an open access/PLoS advocate
- Tell your colleagues about PLoS
- Sign up for PLoS alerts at our web site
18Developing a sustainable operation
- Flagship journals
- journal growth, author charge, advertising,
sponsorship, costs - Increase volume
- new titles, database style journals
- Lobbying
- Transitional measures
- membership scheme, grants
19Kofi Annan - Challenge to Scientists
- the way in which scientific endeavours are
pursued around the world is marked by clear
inequalities. - This unbalanced distribution of scientific
activity generates serious problems not only for
the scientific community in the developing
countries, but for development itself - your advocacy can bring about a breakthrough to
scientific knowledge - Science, March, 2003
20PLoS a brief history
- Founded in October, 2000
- Circulated an open letter urging publishers to
increase access to research literature - gt30,000 signatories
- Some positive effects, but overall response from
publishers fell short of demands - In December, 2002, 9million grant from Moore
Foundation to launch open access journals.
21Barriers to open access
- Publishers - commercial success
- Societies - publishing supports them
- Authors - submitting to a new journal
- Funding agencies - dont fund publishing
- Libraries - funding uncertainties
22Editorial Staff
Vivian Siegel PLoS Executive Director Formerly
Editor of Cell
Catriona MacCallum PLoS Senior Editor Formerly
Editor of Trends in Ecology Evolution
Philip Bernstein PLoS Senior Editor Formerly
Executive Editor of Journal of Experimental
Hemai Parthasarathy PLoS Senior Editor Formerly
Senior Editor at Nature
Barbara Cohen PLoS Senior Editor Formerly
Executive Editor of Journal of Clinical
Mark Patterson PLoS Senior Editor Formerly
Publisher for Company of Biologists
23Editorial aims and scope
- The best life science research
- from molecules to ecosystems.
- Outstanding service to authors
- editorial board members working with
- professional editors from start to end.
- Accessibility and relevance
- synopses, opinion and commentary.
- Maintain standard in PLoS Biology
- Launch PLoS Medicine next year
- Plan launch of specialist titles
- Establish collaborations to convert/launch OA
25The Berlin Declaration
- the Internet now offers the chance to
constitute a global and interactive
representation of human knowledge, including
cultural heritage and the guarantee of worldwide
access. - New possibilities of knowledge dissemination not
only through the classical form but also and
increasingly through the open access paradigm via
the Internet have to be supported. - Signatories All major funders in Germany
- CNRS, INSERM, and others