Title: Chapter 9: Causal Attribution
1Chapter 9 Causal Attribution
- Social Psychology by Tom Giliovich, Dacher
Keltner, and Richard Nisbett
2Why Social Psychologists Study Attribution
- attribution - linking a cause to an instance of
behavior - ones own or that of other people - 1. The Pervasiveness and Importance of
Attribution - 2. Explanatory Style and Attribution
- Explanatory style - a persons habitual way of
explaining events, typically assessed along three
dimensions internal/external, stable/unstable,
and global/specific
3Seligman and colleagues
4Nonverbal Communication
- Nonverbal Communication- an unspoken language of
expressions and body language - Basic channels
- facial expressions- reveals current
moods/feelings - eye contact- reveals friendliness, shyness,
aggression - body language (position, posture, movement)-
reveals emotional states, status, cultural
emblems - touching- reveals affection, interest, dominance,
caring, threat, aggression
5Facial Expressions of Emotion
Ekman found that 6 facial expressions were
recognized across various cultures
6Facial Expressions and Social Thought
- Cognitive tuning model (Schwarz, 1990)
- when others smile, we sense that the current
situation is safe so we process information
superficially (heuristic processing) - when others frown, we sense that careful thought
about their words is required (systematic
7The Processes of Causal Attribution
- 1. Attribution and Single-Instance Observation
- Discounting principle - idea that we should
assign reduced weight to a particular cause of
behavior if there are other plausible causes that
might have produced it - Augmentation principle - idea that we should
assign greater weight to a particular cause of
behavior if there are other causes present that
normally would produce the opposite outcome
8Attribution Theories
- 2. Attribution and Single-Instance Observation
- Correspondent inference- we can tell something
about a persons traits from observing their
behavior, especially when behavior - is freely chosen
- person rallying for womens rights is feminist
- is socially undesirable (or unusual)
- teacher who wears white hi-tops is free spirit
- yields noncommon effects (one cause only)
- woman who marries rich, stupid, ugly man is
probably marrying for money
9Inferences Using Noncommon Effects
Prestigious School Clinical Program Desirable
Location Lots of Requirements
Prestigious School Desirable Location Lots of
10Inferences Using Noncommon Effects
Prestigious School Clinical Program Desirable
Prestigious School Lots of Requirements
Desirable Location
11Attribution Theories (cont)
- 3. Attribution and Multiple Observations
- Kelleys Covariation Principle
- To explain others behavior we use
- consensus- extent others behave in same way
- consistency- extent person always behaves this
way - distinctiveness- extent person acts differently
in other situations
12Internal vs. External Attributions
- Internal attribution (e.g., Scott is good
climber) made if - Low consensus others have difficulty climbing
this cliff - High consistency Scott has successfully climbed
cliff in past - Low distinctiveness Scott has climbed
easier/more difficult cliffs - External attribution (e.g., restaurant is good)
made if - High consensus others like the food
- High consistency Ann liked the food every time
- High distinctiveness Ann doesnt like many
13The Processes of Causal Attribution
- 4. Attribution and Imagining an Alternate Chain
of Events - a. The influence of what almost happened
- counterfactual thoughts - thoughts of what might
have, could have, or should have happened if
only something had been done differently -
14Counterfactual Thinking
- imagining what might have been (mentally
undoing events) - Counterfactual thinking can
- regret over missed opportunities
- increase our understanding of why event happened
- affect our current moods
- upward- imagining better outcomes (envy)
- silver medalist who imagines winning gold
- downward- imagining worse outcomes (satisfaction)
- bronze medalist who imagines winning no medal at
15Fig. 9.2
16The Processes of Causal Attribution
- emotional amplification - a ratcheting up of an
emotional reaction to an event that is
proportional to how easy it is to imagine the
event not happening - Medvec, et al., (1995) study of counterfactual
thinking in Olympic atheletes
17Fig. 9.3
18Attributional Errors
- Attributional Errors
- Fundamental attribution error (correspondence
bias)- tendency to overestimate internal causes
of others behavior while ignoring external
causes - Actor-observer effect- tendency to attribute own
behavior to external causes, but others to
internal - Self-serving bias- tendency to take credit for
success and blame failures on the situation - Western (individualistic) cultures are more
susceptible to these biases than Eastern
(collectivistic) cultures
19Applications of Attribution Theory
- Attribution and Depression
- depressed persons often show a self-defeating
pattern of attributions opposite of the
self-serving bias - attribute positive events to temporary, external
causes - attribute negative events to internal causes
- cognitive therapy that reverses pattern is
effective - Attribution and Rape
- people with a strong belief in a just world (bad
things happen to bad people) are more likely to
blame the rape victim
20Errors and Biases in Attribution
- c. Causes of the Fundamental Attribution Error
- 1. Dispositional inferences can be comforting
- 2. People tend to attribute behavior to
dispositions (they are motivated to do this) - just-world hypothesis - the belief that people
get what they deserve in life and deserve what
they get -
21Causes of the Fundamental Attribution Error
- 3. People are more salient causes than situations
- 4. Behavioral information is considered first,
before situational factors - 5. Because the behavioral (personality)
characterization is rather automatic, it is
incorruptible (hard to reverse).
22Errors and Biases in Attribution
- 3. The Actor-Observer Difference in Causal
Attributions - differences in attribution based on who is
making the causal assessment the actor (who is
relatively disposed to make situational
attributions) or the observer (who is relatively
disposed to make dispositional attributions)
23Errors and Biases in Attribution
- 4. Processes that give rise to the
Actor-Observer Effect - 1. Assumptions about what it is that needs
explaining can vary for actors and observers - 2. The perceptual salience of the actor and the
surrounding situation is different for the actor
and the observer - 3. Actors and observers differ in the amount and
kind of information that they have about the
actor and the actors behavior -
24Errors and Biases in Attribution
- 5. The False-consensus effect
- false-consensus effect - tendency for people to
think that their behavior (as well as their
attitudes, values, or responses more generally)
is relatively common -
25Culture and the Fundamental Attribution Error
- 1. Cultural Differences in Attending to Context
- 2. Causal Attribution for Independent and
Interdependent Peoples - 3. Priming Culture
- 4. Dispositions Fixed or Flexible?