Title: Chapter 5 Study Questions
1Chapter 5 Study Questions
- What is the perception process?
- What are common perceptual distortions?
- How can perceptions be managed?
- What is attribution theory?
2Study Question 1 What is the perception
3Study Question 1 What is the perception
4Study Question 1 What is the perception
- Information attention and selection.
- Selective screening.
- Definition
- Two types of selective screening.
5Study Question 1 What is the perception
- Information interpretation.
6Study Question 1 What is the perception
7Study Question 2 What are commonperceptual
8Study Question 3 How can perceptions be managed?
- Impression management.
- What is it?
- Successful managers
9Study Question 3 How can perceptions be managed?
- Distortion management.
- Managers should
10Attribution Theory
- The theory is really quite simple despite its
rather strange sounding name. (When you see the
term, "attribution," you should think of the
term, "explanation," as a synonym.) The theory
works like this. - Two types
11Attribution Theory(external)
- An external attribution (get ready for this)
assigns causality to an outside agent or force. - Or as kids would say, "The devil made me do it."
- An external attribution claims that some outside
thing motivated the event.
12Attribution Theory(internal)
- an internal attribution assigns causality to
factors within the person - Or as the sinner would say, "I'm guilty, grant me
forgiveness." - An internal attribution claims that the person
was directly responsible for the event.
13Study Question 4What is attribution theory?
- Attribution theory aids in perceptual
interpretation by focusing on how people attempt
14Study Question 4What is attribution theory?
- Techniques for effectively managing perceptions
and attributions.