Title: CENG 241 Digital Design 1 Lecture 4
1CENG 241Digital Design 1Lecture 4
- Amirali Baniasadi
- amirali_at_ece.uvic.ca
2This Lecture
- Review of last lecture Gate-Level Minimization
- Continue Chapter 3Dont-Care Conditions,
3Gate-Level Minimization
- The Map Method
- A simple method for minimizing Boolean functions
- Map diagram made up of squares
- Each square represents a minterm
4Three-Variable Map
Each variable is 1 in 4 squares, 0 in 4 squares
Each variable is 1 in 4 squares, 0 in 4 squares
Variable appears unprimed in squares equal to
1 Variable appears primed in squares equal to 0
5Four-Variable Map
6Five-Variable Map
Maps for more than four variables are not easy to
use. Five-variable maps require 32
squares. Alternative Use two four-variable maps
to make a five-variable one Minterms 0 to 15 in
one map. 16 to 31 in the other one.
7Five-Variable Map
Each square in the A0 map is adjacent to the
corresponding one in the A1 map.
80s in the map
For a function F, combining the 0 squares gives
us F. By using F and the DeMorgans law, we
can simplify the function to product of sums.
9Gate implementation-example 4
SUM of Products
Products of Sums
10Dont-Care Conditions
- There are applications that the function is not
specified for certain combinations and variables. - Example four bit BCD has 6 combinations that are
not used. - Mark dont-cares with X, assume either 1 or 0 to
simplify the function.
11Design Procedure example 1
- Code Conversion BCD to excess 3
- input BCD Output Excess-3
code - A B C D w x y z
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
- 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
- 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
- 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
- 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
- 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0
- 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
- 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
- 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
- 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
12Maps for BCD to excess-3 code converter
13Circuit BCD to excess-3 code converter
14Dont-Care Conditions
Simplify the Boolean function
F(w,x,y,z)S(1,3,7,11,15) which has the
dont-care conditions d(w,x,y,z) S(0,2,5)
15NAND and NOR implementations
Ease of fabrication Digital circuits are made
of NAND or NOR, rather than AND and OR gates. We
need rules to convert from AND/OR/NOT to NAND/NOR
circuits. NAND gate is a universal gate because
any digital circuit can be implemented using it.
16Graphic symbols for NAND gates
17Two-Level Implementation
Three implementations for A.BC.D
18Example 3-10
- Implement the following function with NAND gates
19Multilevel NAND circuits
- Sum of Products and Product of Sums result in two
level designs - Not all designs are two-level e.g.,
FA.(C.DB)B.C - How do we convert multilevel circuits to NAND
circuits? - Rules
- 1-Convert all ANDs to NAND gates with
AND-invert symbol - 2-Convert all Ors to NAND gates with invert-OR
symbols - 3-Check the bubbles, insert bubble if not
20Multilevel NAND circuits
21Multilevel NAND circuits
22NOR implementation
NOR is NAND dual so all NOR rules are dual of
NAND rules. All designs can be made by NORs
23NOR symbols
NOR implementation requires the function
expressed in product of sums
NOR implementation Rules 1-Convert all ORs to
NOR gates with OR-invert symbol 2-Convert all
ANDs to NOR gates with invert-AND symbols
3-Check the bubbles, insert bubble if not
24NOR circuits
25NOR circuits
Figure 3-23(a) converted to NOR implementation
- Reading up to page 96
- Gate-level Minimization, Implementation