Racial Profiling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Racial Profiling


Used by any law enforcement officer. Quick Video Example ... Racial Profiling can lead to police brutality. Such as the incident of Rodney King. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Racial Profiling

Racial Profiling
  • Presented by Adam Roman

How it is Used
  • Cops can stop cars based on vague (B.O.L.O.s)
    Be On Look Out for
  • Searches and stops at the Airport.
  • Checkpoint stops at the border.
  • Used by any law enforcement officer.

Quick Video Example
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vsKAOsaR4N24
  • Example of Racial Profiling turned into a joke

  • When used correctly with accurate B.O.L.O.s it
    can help achieve goals.
  • Helps officers catch criminals based on community
    someone is in.
  • Some say it helped after the 911 acts.

  • Leads to racism and racial discrimination.
  • Constant stops of Blacks, Latinos and Muslims.
  • Racial Profiling can lead to police brutality.
  • Such as the incident of Rodney King.
  • Amadou Diallo was shot 41 times by New York cops
    for pulling out a wallet which was believed to be
    a gun.

Video Example
  • This is an example of how racial profiling is
    used by everyone not just officers.
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vUmXo8HIiHM8
  • This is an example of DWB.

  • I was pulled over before for Driving while Brown.
  • Muslims have the problem of FWM. (flying while
  • Matt Salib a close friend of mine was constantly
    stopped in every airport we traveled to.

  • 1) International Convention on the Elimination of
    All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD)Adopted
    by the General Assembly in December of 1965
    entered into force in January 1969 ratified by
    the U.S. in 1994 as a non self-executing treaty
    to prevent filing of domestic lawsuits by
  • Part I, Article 1 In this convention, the term
    "racial discrimination" shall mean any
    distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference
    based on race, color, descent, or national or
    ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of
    nullifying or impairing the recognition,
    enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of
    human rights and fundamental freedoms in the
    political, economic, social, cultural or any
    other field of public life.
  • Part I, Article 2 States Parties condemn racial
    discrimination and undertake to pursue by all
    appropriate means and without delay a policy of
    eliminating racial discrimination in all its
    forms and promoting understanding among all

  • 2) International Covenant on Civil and Political
    Rights (ICCPR)
  • Adopted by the General Assembly in December 1966
    entered into force in March 1976 Ratified by the
    U.S. in 1992.
  • Part II, Article 2 Each State Party to the
    present Covenant undertakes to respect and to
    ensure to all individuals within its territory
    and subject to its jurisdiction the rights
    recognized in the present Covenant, without
    distinction of any kind, such as race, color,
    sex, language, religion, political, or other
    opinion, national or social origin, property,
    birth or other status.
  • Part II, Article 4 In time of public emergency
    which threatens the life of the nation and the
    existence of which is officially proclaimed, the
    States Parties to the present Covenant may take
    measures derogating from their obligations under
    the present Covenant to the extent strictly
    required by the exigencies of the situation,
    provided that such measures are not inconsistent
    with their other obligations under international
    law and do not involve discrimination solely on
    the grounds of race, color, sex, language,
    religion, or social origin.

  • Racial profiling is Illegal yet it still exists.
  • Everyone has heard of one or more instances of
    racial profiling.
  • It can lead to horrible things such as racism
    which then can lead to incidents like the death
    of Amadou Diallo.
  • Racial profiling is based on stereotypes and
    racial prejudice.
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