Title: SUPERINTENDENTS GOALS Dr' Joseph A' Lewis 20042006 School Years
Lewis2004-2006 School Years
2GOAL 1 Early Childhood InitiativeWill focus on
the development of several initiatives aimed at
preparing children to be ready to learn upon
entrance into grade 1 through the development and
expansion of the following programs
- A. SPARK Prekindergarten Program
- B. All-Day Kindergarten Program
- C. Family Centers
- D. Welcome Classrooms
- Partnership with Northampton Community College
- for a child development center on the south side
- Time line July 2004June 2006
3GOAL 2 Broughal ProjectWill begin the process
of planning, designing, and constructing a new
Broughal Middle School.
- Resolve the site location for the new Broughal
school - Plan for a magnet-school concept surrounding
science and technology - Begin construction
- Plan for the necessary resources and partnerships
to carry out the programs - Time line September
2004July 2006
4GOAL 3 TechnologyWill implement the new
Information Technologies Office from the current
interim arrangement to that which includes a new
director of information technologies position and
advances the districts Technology Plan.
- Coordinate all three existing technology
divisions -
- Continue and expand the One-to-One Laptop
Initiative a grade at a time - Develop a new multiple year Technology Plan with
renewed budgetary commitment - D. Implement a new student information system
for tracking and coordinating all student
data to improve decision making - Time line September 2004September
5GOAL 4 Curriculum and InstructionWill focus on
improving student performance in mathematics and
English language arts.
- A. Direct a refocusing on extended learning
opportunities for below basic students - B. Examine, recommend, and monitor high school
programming in English language arts and
mathematics - C. Direct the analysis of test data, portfolio
performance, and GPA to pinpoint specific student
weaknesses through use of a student profile
system - D. Establish system for sharing data and student
information with administrators, teachers, and
parents - Time line July
2004September 2006
6GOAL 5 Staff and StudentsWill work towards
the improvement of student performance of
minority groups with an emphasis on the Hispanic
and special education populations.
- Review and adjust current programming to better
meet the needs of these select groups - Review equity issues in academic opportunities
and minority affairs - Increase English language arts time for limited
English proficient (LEP) students - Evaluate special education issues surrounding
identifications, due process, and equity issues - E. Increase recruiting of minority staff
- Time line September 2004January 2006
7GOAL 6 Alternative EducationWill investigate
current programs and propose new programs in
alternative education for our varied student
- Evaluate, revise, and support the Regional
Academic Standards Academy - Establish a committee to review current Vo-Tech
Prep Program - Begin investigating alternative education
programming at middle and high school - Time line February 2005June 2006
8GOAL 7 EvaluationWill direct the completion
of new models of evaluation for teachers,
administrators, support staff, and programs.
- Implement completed administrative evaluation
- procedures, forms, and processes
- Continue processes for program evaluation
- Review and revise teacher observation and
evaluation - procedures, forms, and processes
- Review and revise support staff evaluation
procedures, - forms, and processes
- Time line September 2004August 2006
9GOAL 8 GuidanceWill begin the process of
enhancing guidance services with the
implementation of proactive guidance workshops
and efforts to lower the counselor-to-student
- Implement workshops centered on proactive
counseling - Remove clerical and support responsibilities and
other impediments to counselors time - C. Recommend increases in staff in the
counseling areas - Time line September 2004August 2006