Title: Student Selection in Targeted Assistance Programs
1Student Selection in Targeted Assistance Programs
- Title I Technical Assistance Networking Session
- Alex Lilley
- School Improvement Grant Programs
- November 19, 2008
2Purpose of Title I
- To provide supplementary support to enable
participating students to achieve challenging
State content and performance standards. - Two types of programs
- Schoolwide all students are eligible
- Targeted Assistance only targeted students are
3Title I Programs
- Schoolwide Programs (SW)
- Have at least 40 poverty
- Have Schoolwide Plan for improving entire
academic program - Particular attention paid to those furthest from
reaching standards - Funds supplement state local effort
- Targeted Assistance Programs (TA)
- Additional assistance provided to a select group
of students - Coordinate with and support regular education
program - Funds supplement state local effort
- Services supplement general classroom instruction
4Targeted Assistance Program Where, What, Who
- "Needs Assessment" - systematic processes
districts schools conduct in order to establish
priorities for action make appropriate
decisions about the allocation of resources - Drill-down district, school, grade(s), students
- Statutory Language NCLB Sec. 1115 (b)(1)(B) and
From the population described in subparagraph
(A), eligible children are children identified by
the school as failing, or most at risk of
failing, to meet the State's challenging student
academic achievement standards on the basis of
multiple, educationally related, objective
criteria established by the local educational
agency and supplemented by the school, except
that children from preschool through grade 2
shall be selected solely on the basis of such
criteria as teacher judgment, interviews with
parents, and developmentally appropriate
measures. - (A) IN GENERAL- Children who are economically
disadvantaged, children with disabilities,
migrant children or limited English proficient
children, are eligible for services under this
part on the same basis as other children selected
to receive services under this part. - Greatest Need failing or most at risk
5Selection Criteria Must Be
- Multiple (not just one test)
- Educationally-related (measurement of academic
performance) - Objective (based on unbiased evidence, not
opinion) - Universally applied (all students eligible on
same basis)
Students in pre-Kindergarten through Grade 2
developmentally appropriate criteria should be
used, which allows more subjective criteria
(e.g., teacher recommendations parent
- Eligibility based on status
- Head Start, Even Start, or Early Reading First in
2 years preceding - Migrant services received in 2 years preceding
- Homeless children
- Children in local Neglected or Delinquent programs
Equal opportunity - Basis for consideration
selection is the same for all students,
regardless of status Special Education ELL
students, for example, can receive supplementary
Title I services just like all other students.
6Student Selection Procedure
- Written statement of selection process
- Timing of selection
- Scoring process
- Rank-order lists
- Statement of equal opportunity
- Selection Criteria Sheets
- Use separate criteria sheets for each subject
area grade level - Assign point values for each criterion
- Use multiple, educationally-related, objective
criteria - No points for information unrelated to current
academic performance (e.g., retention history,
Title I history, SPED or ELL status, home
language, sibling achievement, etc.) - Rank-Ordered Lists
- One list per subject/grade
- Ranked highest to lowest academic need based on
composite score - Has an established cut-off point
- Indicates who is participating who is not
- May contain special notes
- Must be updated as changes in service occur
- ESE Monitoring Samples (Tabs 15A, 15B 15C)
- http//www.doe.mass.edu/titlei/monitoring/
District Practice
- Nancy Follansbee
- Director of Curriculum
- Easthampton Public Schools
- Grades 2-4 Reading
- Grades 1-4 Math
- Grade 6 Reading
- Grade 6 Math
- Dr. Sylvia Pattavina
- Director of Title I ESL/TBE
- Quincy Public Schools
- Grade 1 Title I Selection Checklist
- Grade 5 Title I Selection Checklist