Title: Earth Observations: Global Collaboration for Local Benefits
1Earth Observations Global Collaboration for
Local Benefits
Paul Gilman, Assistant Administrator U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency
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3Partnering with NYAir Quality Planning
- Deliver optimized Community Multiscale Air
Quality (CMAQ) model to NY (accomplished) - Partnered with DOE/SNL to speed-up this
scientifically robust model - NY is test bed for model application and
evaluation - Provide remote access to newly available data to
estimate influences outside the boundaries of
interest (accomplished) - NY uses optimized CMAQ in air quality planning
4High Performance Computing
CMAQ Model Run Time
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6Monitoring for
- Designing regulatory programs
- Enforcing regulatory programs
- Priority setting/decision-making
- Identifying emerging issues
7Unanswered Monitoring Questions
- How much of our state/national aquatic ecosystems
are healthy? - Are we targeting the right problems to make a
difference? - How do we measure trends in the condition of
aquatic ecosystems? - How do we determine this in a cost-effective,
scientifically-defensible, and credible way? - How do we aggregate this information from the
local to the state to the national levels?
8Importance of EMAP Design
Condition of a States streams using different
Fully Supporting 13
State X
Not Supporting 87
Fully Supporting 87
Probability Survey
Traditional Targeted Monitoring
Not Supporting 5
Not Supporting 25
State Y
Fully Supporting 95
Fully Supporting 75
Probability Survey
Traditional Targeted Monitoring
9State Use of Probability Survey DesignsStreams
and Estuaries
Adopted probability design Evaluating probability
design No decision yet
Northeast lakes potential 90 cost savings
Alabama 33 cost savings
Regional Vulnerability Assessment
Moving from monitoring status and trends to
targeting risk management activities
11ReVA is
- Risk assessment research comparative,
cumulative, multi-scale - Estimating condition and exposure for every point
on the map - Identifying current and future environmental
vulnerabilities - Projecting future impacts from 5 major drivers of
change - Enabling trade-off analyses through what if
scenarios - Informing diagnosis of current conditions
- Linking environmental health with economic and
human health - Working directly with clients
12estimating condition using existing data
13ReVA synthesizes environmental data and model
results to inform decision-making
High Vulnerability
Low Vulnerability
Data on resource condition and sensitivity Model
ed distributions of stresses
14Evaluating Current Problems Projecting Future
Major drivers of change include Land use
change Resource extractions Pollutions and
pollutants Exotic invasive species Climate change
15Projecting Land Use Change
- Suite of methods
- Economics
- Planned roads, developments
- Rural and urban change
- Input into decisions affecting
- Conservation of native biodiversity
- Increased risk of flooding
- Nonpoint source pollution
- Urban sprawl/quality of life
- Drinking water quality and supply
- Pests and pathogens in forests
- Economic opportunities
16Projecting Pollution/Pollutants
- Focus on
- Air Deposition Sulfate, nitrate, ozone,
particulate matter - Sediment loadings
- Agricultural chemicals
Sulfate deposition
- Input into decisions affecting
- Forest health, productivity,and biodiversity
- Increased risk of flooding
- Aquatic habitat
- Human health, air quality
- Drinking water quality
- Permitting of point sources
- Economic opportunities
Agricultural chemicals
17May 16, 2004
18May 25, 2004
19June 3, 2004
20GEOSS will benefit
- Our understanding of the Dead Zone in the Gulf
of Mexico - Coastal Condition Assessments
- Beach Conditions
- Persistent Organic Pollutants
- Invasive Species
It will help us achieve a set of monitoring
systems that will allow us to predict future
trends and prevent undesirable outcomes
21Hurricane Charley 315 EDT August 13, 2004
22Hurricane Charley August 13, 2004
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26Photo left by S. Tojeiro, Fuerza Aerea
Argentina 3-13-02
Photo below by Pedro Skvarca, Instituto
Antártico Argentino, 3-13-02
Ice Shelf