Title: Nives Klopcar and Jadran Lenarcic
1Kinematical Shoulder Complex Model
- Nives Klopcar and Jadran Lenarcic
Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Automatics,
Biocybernetics and Robotics Jamova 39, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
5th International Shoulder Complex Conference,
Portugal, 27 28 August, 2004
21. Introduction
3Biomechanical musculoskeletal model of human
upper limb (W. Maurel, 1996)
W. Maurel, D. Thalmann, P. Hoffmeyer, P. Beylot,
P. Gingins, P. Kalra, N. M. Thalmann, A
Biomechanical Musculoskeletal Model of Human
Upper Limb for Dynamic Simulation, Proc. 7th
Eurographics Workshop and Animation and
Simulaton, Wien, Sept. 1996.
1. Introduction
4W. Maurel, D. Thalmann, P. Hoffmeyer, P. Beylot,
P. Gingins, P. Kalra, N. M. Thalmann, A
Biomechanical Musculoskeletal Model of Human
Upper Limb for Dynamic Simulation, Proc. 7th
Eurographics Workshop and Animation and
Simulaton, Wien, Sept. 1996.
1. Introduction
51. Introduction
6Shoulder girdle measurements
- OPTOTRAK system
- active markers
- 5 male and 5 female
- (healthy, right-handed)
- shoulder girdle
- segment SG
- humerus segment GE
- humerus elevation
- 4 planes
- anterior/posterior
- bilateral/unilateral
2. Methods
7Shoulder rhythm
0.3 j,
j lt 0 jpr 0,
0 ltj lt 70 - 0.21 j 14.7,
- 0.23 j, j
lt 0 jed 0, 0
ltj lt 30 0.31 j 9.3,
3. Results
8Shoulder rhythm
0.3 j,
j lt 0 jpr 0,
0 ltj lt 70 - 0.21 j 14.7,
- 0.23 j, j
lt 0 jed 0, 0
ltj lt 30 0.31 j 9.3,
3. Results
9Shoulder rhythm
0.3 j,
j lt 0 jpr 0,
0 ltj lt 70 - 0.21 j 14.7,
- 0.23 j, j
lt 0 jed 0, 0
ltj lt 30 0.31 j 9.3,
3. Results
10Shoulder girdle length changes
do SGf0 dRO SGf
3. Results
11Shoulder girdle length changes
dSG/do - 0.0064 jed 1
dSG/do 0.0028 jpr 1
3. Results
12Shoulder girdle length changes
dSG/do -1.9 . 10-5j 2 4 . 10-4j 1
3. Results
13Shoulder girdle length changes
dSG/do -1.6 . 10-5j 2 3 . 10-4j 1
3. Results
14Shoulder girdle angular motion
3. Results
15Shoulder girdle angular motion
3. Results
16Shoulder girdle angular motion
?je - 0.1 j 30
?jd 0.01 j - 14
?jp - 0.09 j 30
?jr 0.07 j - 26
3. Results
17Shoulder girdle angular motion
?jed 2.1 . 10-3j 2 - 4 . 10-2j -14, 1.3 .
10-3j 2 - 3 . 10-2j 30
?jpr -1.2 . 10-3j 2 0.15 j - 26, 2.2 . 10-3j
2 0.15 j 30
3. Results
18Kinematical shoulder complex model
rE Red Rpr T . rSG RA RF RR . rGE
Red Rot(y, jed) Rpr Rot(z, jpr) T Trans (x,
dSG/do) RA Rot(y, jA) RF Rot(x, jF) RR Rot(z,
rSG ( dSG, 0, 0)T rGE (0, 0, - dGE)T
dSG(H), dGE(H) H...subject height
D. A. Winter, Biomechanics and Motor Control of
Human Movement, A Wiley-Interscience Publication,
University of Waterloo, Canada, 1990.
3. Results
19Elbow points calculation
rE Red Rpr T . rSG RA RF RR . rGE
- abduction/adduction jAm, jAM
- flexion/retroflexion jFm jA/3, jFM - jA/6
- internal/external rotation
- jRm7jA/9 - jF/9 2jAjF/810,
- jRM 4jA/9 5jF/9 5jAjF /810
- j acos (cos jA ? cos jF)
- - shoulder rhythm, shoulder girdle length
changes - jed, jpr and dSG/do
- - angular motion range
- Dje, Djd, Djp and Djr
Lenarcic, J., Umek, A., 1994. Simple model of
human arm reachable workspace. IEEE Transactions
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 24, 1239-1246.
3. Results
- shoulder girdle elevation and retraction is
- accompanying humeral elevation (shoulder
rhythm) - shoulder girdle changes length as a quadratic
function - during humeral elevation
- shoulder girdle angular motion range is the
biggest in - non-elevated humerus position, it lessens
during - humeral elevation and it halves in humerus
maximal - elevated position
- difference between bilateral and unilateral
humeral - elevation
- kinematical shoulder complex model
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