Title: The Well of Sacrifice by Chris Eboch
1The Well of Sacrificeby Chris Eboch
- Reviewed by Matt Valido
- Date 11/1/07
- 1
- Foreshadow A hint the author gives in a book
to show that an event will be important or happen
later on in the book.
- Pg 6 I ventured farther into the jungle then
usual This is foreshadowing because it gives
you hint that something s going to happen - Pg 163 Hes small for a guard This
foreshadows that Evening Star might use the
guards size to her advantage
- Symbolism means to . To represent something
using objects or symbols
- Pg 87 The my mother joined me and cut and cut
off my red shell This is symbolism because the
red shell symbolizes youth and when there
becoming an adult it gets cut off to show
maturity - Pg 117 I studied the plaza, surrounded by the
Temple of Chac, the god of rain This is
symbolism because Chac represents rain.
- Interdependence means.. Two things mutually
depending on each other.
- Pg 1 My mother and aunt were healers The
Mayan people are interdependent on Evening Stars
mom to treat them. - Pg Our eyes locked This is interdependence
because Small and Evening Star are interdependent
on each other throughout the book.
8Conflict and Conflict Resolution
- Conflict means..
- A problem or disagreement
- Conflict resolution means.. To fix a
problem or disagreement
9Conflict and Conflict Resolution
- Pg 125 I was still in the burial chamber Pg
128 With my obsidian knife, I began to scratch
at the seams of the lime stone slabs The
conflict is Evening Star trapped in the chamber
and the resolution is her using her knife to make
her way out.
10Pg 193 The priests swung me back then out over
the well of sacrifice Pg 207 I was able to
roll over and pull my legs up with the rest of
my body This is conflict and conflict
resolution because the conflict was getting
thrown into the well and the conflict resolution
was getting out of the well.
11(No Transcript)
12Review Summary (did you like the novel and
- I really liked this novel. I really like this
novel because it is very adventurous and
thrilling. I liked it also because it showed the
life of the Maya. -
13Conclusionand recommendation
- I would recommend this book for people who like
adventure with a little bit of action mixed in. I
would not recommend this to people who dont like
violence or blood. -