Title: Chris David Rosenthal - Provides Consultation in Project Management
1Chris Rosenthal
President, Portfolio Manager, Head Trader at
Municipal Portfolio Managers, Inc.
2(No Transcript)
3Chris Rosenthal is an expert in terms of sourcing
from the primary as well as secondary markets
using proprietary inventory as well as street
wide contacts.
4Chris David Rosenthal is a useful and inventive
Senior Executive and Fixed Income Specialist who
is quite accustomed with all areas of municipal
bonds with manifold years of experience in
unconstrained value investing.
5Chris Rosenthal is accustomed with the techniques
to distribute all market shades and direction to
clients and professional partnerships.
6Chris David Rosenthal while working as the senior
vice president, distributed tax free and taxable
municipal debt to Trust Departments, Bank
Portfolios, RIAs, Insurance Companies and
Corporations. In addition to it, Chris David
Rosenthal also facilitated account base in
outclassing their benchmark index or total return
7At the present time, Chris Rosenthal is serving
at Municipal Portfolio Managers, Inc., Atlanta,
GA as president portfolio managers head traders.
He has the teamwork aptitudes by means of which
he collaborate with and supervise a team of five
professionals in handling 135 separately handled
municipal bond accounts.
To know more about him visit his official site