Title: Survey of Plants, Fungi, and Algae
1Survey of Plants, Fungi, and Algae
- Medically important organisms traditionally
called plants
2Five Kingdom System
3Kingdom Monera Cyanobacteria (Blue Green Algae)
4Kingdom Protista
- Six divisions of algae
- Division Pyrrophyta - dinoflagellates
- Division Chrysophyta - diatoms
- Division Euglenophyta - euglenoids
- Division Chlorophyta - green algae
- Division Rhodophyta - red algae
- Division Phaeophyta - brown algae
- Two divisions of fungi
6Diatoms Golden Brown Algae
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8Rhodophyta Red Algae
9Div. Phaeophyta KELP - common name for several
brown seaweeds
10Algal Bloom
11Kingdom Planta
- 10 divisions of plants
- Organize into 4 groups
- mosses and liverworts (Division Bryophyta)
- ferns and fern-allies (four divisions)
- gymnosperms (four divisions)
- angiosperms (Division Magnoliophyta)
12Bryophyta mosses, liverworts, and hornworts
13Lower Vascular Plants Ferns and fern-allies
- Reproduce by spores formed in a sporangium
- Long fossil history
- Divisions
- whisk ferns Psilophyta
- club mosses Lycophyta
- horsetails Sphenophyta
- ferns Pterophyta
14Division Lycophyta Club Moss
15Division Sphenophyta Horsetails (Equisetum)
16Division Pterophyta Ferns - About 10,000 species
exist from tropics to arctic. Braken fern known
to be toxic
- Division Cycadophyta - Cycads
- Division Ginkgophyta - Ginkgo
- Division Gnetophyta - Ephedra and allies
- Division Coniferophyta - Conifers
19Cycad Female Cones
20Leaves of a Ginkgo tree
21Division Gnetophyta Ephedra is one of three
genera in the division
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23Division ConiferophytaYew (Taxus spp)
24Division ConiferophytaCupressaceae - Cedar Family
Pollen release from a male Juniperus tree
25Division Magnoliophyta - Angiosperms
26Important Angiosperm Families with Health Effects
- Solanaceae - nightshade family
- Papaveraceae - poppy family
- Brassicaceae - mustard family
- Euphorbiaceae - euphorb family
- Rubiaceae - coffee tree family
- Fabaceae - legume family
- Liliaceae - lily family
27Fungal-like organisms in Kingdom Protista
- Slime molds - Division Myxomycota
- Slimy (animal-like) feeding stage
- Reproduce by spores
- Water molds - Division Oomycota
- Many in fresh water others on land
- Important plant pathogens in this group
28Kingdom Fungi
- Divison Zygomycota (zygomycetes) - simple
mycelial fungi sugar fungi - Division Ascomycota (ascomycetes) - yeasts,
mycelial fungi, morels, cup fungi, truffles - Division Basidiomycota (basidiomycetes) -
mushrooms, bracket fungi, puffballs - Asexual Fungi (imperfect fungi) - artificial
group of mycelial fungi with no sexual stage -
29Fungi include molds and mushrooms
30Fungi and Human Health