Title: Probing Cosmic-Ray Acceleration and Propagation with H3 Observations
1Probing Cosmic-Ray Acceleration and Propagation
with H3 Observations
- Nick Indriolo, Brian D. Fields,
- Benjamin J. McCall
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Takeshi Oka University of Chicago
- Tom Geballe Gemini Observatory
- Tomonori Usuda Subaru Telescope
- Miwa Goto Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Geoff Blake California Institute of Technology
- Ken Hinkle NOAO
3Cosmic Ray Basics
- Energetic charged particles and nuclei
- Thought to be primarily accelerated in supernova
remnants - Diffuse throughout the interstellar medium along
magnetic field lines - Generally assumed that the cosmic-ray spectrum is
uniform in the Galaxy
4Example Cosmic-Ray Spectra
1 - Nath, B. B., Biermann, P. L. 1994, MNRAS,
267, 447 2 - Hayakawa,
S., Nishimura, S., Takayanagi, T. 1961, PASJ,
13, 184 3 - Valle, G., Ferrini, F., Galli,
D., Shore, S. N. 2002, ApJ, 566, 252
4 - Kneller, J. P., Phillips, J. R., Walker, T.
P. 2003, ApJ, 589, 217 5 - Spitzer,
L., Jr., Tomasko, M. G. 1968, ApJ, 152, 971
6 Indriolo, N.,
Fields, B. D., McCall, B. J. 2009, ApJ, 694, 257
5Interactions with the ISM
- Ionization and excitation of atoms and molecules
- CR H ? CR p e-
- CR H2 ? CR H2 e-
- Spallation of ambient nuclei and of heavier
cosmic rays - CR C,N,O ? CR Li,Be,B fragments
6Interactions with the ISM
- Excitation of nuclear states, resulting in
gamma-ray emission - CR 12C ? CR 12C ? 12C ?4.44
- CR 16O ? CR 16O ? 16O ?6.13
- Production of mesons (?, ?-, ?0) during
inelastic collisions - CR H ? CR H ?0
7Cross Sections
Bethe, H. 1933, Hdb. d Phys. (Berlin J.
Springer), 24, Pt. 1, 491 Read, S. M., Viola,
V. E. 1984, Atomic Data Nucl. Data, 31, 359
Meneguzzi, M. Reeves, H. 1975, AA, 40, 91
8Pionic Gamma-Rays Supernova Remnants
9Pionic Gamma-Rays Supernova Remnants
VERITAS gamma-ray map of IC 443 Acciari et al.
2009, ApJ, 698, L133
10Pionic Gamma-Rays Supernova Remnants
11Pionic Gamma-Rays Supernova Remnants
Abdo et al. 2010, ApJ, 718, 348
12Tracing Lower-Energy Cosmic Rays
- Formation of molecular ion H3 begins with
ionization of H2 - CR H2 ? H2 e- CR
- H2 H2 ? H3 H
- Cross section for ionization increases as
cosmic-ray energy decreases, so H3 should trace
MeV particles
13H3 Chemistry
- Formation
- CR H2 ? H2 e- CR
- H2 H2 ? H3 H
- Destruction
- H3 CO ? HCO H2 (dense clouds)
- H3 e- ? H2 H or H H H (diffuse clouds)
- Steady state in diffuse clouds
14Calculating the Ionization Rate
xe from C Cardelli et al. 1996, ApJ, 467, 334
nH from C2 Sonnentrucker et al. 2007, ApJS, 168,
- Transitions of the ?2 ? 0 band of H3 are
available in the infrared - R(1,1)u 3.66808 ?m R(1,0) 3.66852 ?m
- R(1,1)l 3.71548 ?m Q(1,1) 3.92863 ?m
- Q(1,0) 3.95300 ?m R(3,3)l 3.53367 ?m
- Weak absorption lines (typically 1-2) require
combination of a large telescope and high
resolution spectrograph
IRCS Subaru
Phoenix Gemini South
17Select H3 Spectra
Crabtree et al. 2010, ApJ, submitted
18Current Survey Status
- Searched for H3 in about 50 diffuse cloud sight
lines - Detected absorption in 20 of those
- Column densities range from a few times 1013 cm-2
to a few times 1014 cm-2 - Inferred ionization rates of 28?10-16 s-1, with
3? upper limits as low as 7?10-17 s-1
Dame et al. 2001, ApJ, 547, 792
- Variations in the ionization rate suggest that
the cosmic-ray spectrum may not be uniform at
lower energies - If true, the cosmic-ray flux should be much
higher in close proximity to the site of particle
acceleration - Search for H3 near the supernova remnant IC 443
20Target Sight Lines
Indriolo et al. 2010, ApJ, in press
22(No Transcript)
N(H3) ?2
(1014 cm-2) (10-16 s-1)
ALS 8828 4.4 1610
HD 254577 2.2 2616
HD 254755 lt 0.6 lt 3.5
HD 43582 lt 0.8 lt 9.0
HD 43703 lt 0.6 lt 5.7
HD 43907 lt 2.1 lt 40
24Case 1 Low electron density
- By taking an average value from C, have we
overestimated the electron density? - xe decreases from 10-4 in diffuse clouds to
10-8 in dense clouds - C2 rotation-excitation and CN restricted chemical
analyses indicate densities of 200-400 cm-3
(Hirschauer et al. 2009) - Estimated values of x(CO) are 10-6, much lower
than 310-4 solar system abundance of carbon
25Case 2 High Ionization Rate
- How can we explain the large difference between
detections and upper limits? - Cosmic-ray spectrum changes as particles
propagate - Perhaps ALS 8828 HD 254577 sight lines probe
clouds closer to SNR
Spitzer Tomasko 1968, ApJ, 152, 971
Torres et al. 2008, MNRAS, 387, L59
26Propagation Acceleration
- MHD effects
- May exclude lower-energy particles from entering
denser regions - Damping of Alfvén waves may limit time spent in
denser regions - Acceleration effects
- In models of diffusive shock acceleration, the
highest energy particles escape upstream while
the others are advected downstream (into the
- With sufficient spatial coverage (i.e. sight
lines), it may be possible to track particle flux
in supernova remnants - This may be useful in constraining particle
acceleration/escape efficiency in models - Allow for better constraints on the interstellar
cosmic-ray spectrum
- H3 has been detected in 20 of 50 diffuse cloud
sight lines studied, and ionization rates range
from 0.78?10-16 s-1 - Ionization rates inferred near IC 443 are
2?10-15 s-1, suggesting that the supernova
remnant accelerates a large flux of low-energy
cosmic rays - Propagation effects and proximity to the
acceleration site may cause non-uniformity in the
cosmic-ray spectrum
29Future Work
- Continue survey of H3 in diffuse cloud sight
lines - Search for H3 near more supernova remnants
interacting with the ISM - Where possible, perform necessary ancillary
observations (H2, CH, CO, C, C) to constrain
sight line properties
30p H2 Ionization Cross Section
Padovani et al. 2009, AA, 501, 619