Title: Studies on quark compositeness in ATLAS
1- Studies on quark compositeness in ATLAS
2Studies on quark compositeness at ATLAS
- What is quark compositeness and why do we care?
- What is ATLAS experiment and how can one measure
the compositeness? - Use of Combined testbeam 2004 data for assumption
of ATLAS measurement results.
3Are quarks composite?
- One can describe effects of quark compositeness
by analogy of Fermi theory. - Izoscalar left-left effective lagrangian
describes contact four-fermion interaction - ?1 interference sign, g24?, ? compositeness
scale. - We consider simple low energy approximation and
study differences to standard QCD, for instance - Inclusive jet production cross-section d?/dpT.
- Jet angular distribution.
- Are quarks composite?
- Tevatron up to ? ? 2 TeV no quark structure
seen. - LHC, ATLAS with total integral luminosity of
300 fb-1 ability to spot even ? ? 40 TeV.
4- ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS)
- A versatile particle detector for Large Hadron
Collider at CERN - pp 77 TeV, 40 MHz, 25 ns
- Sub-detectors and magnetic field system
- Inner detector (tracker)
- Central solenoid magnetic field 2T
- Liquid Argonne (LAr) em calorimeter and hadron
end-caps - Hadron calorimeter Tilecal
- Muon spectrometer
- Barrel toroid (8x 26 m long coil) a 2 x End-Cap
toroid field 4T - Coordinates
- Pseudorapidity
5Invariant amplitudes in Pythia
- Physical data versus assumed simulated detector
Particle generators (Pythia, Herwig,)
Detector response simulation (full GEANT4, fast
Data analysis (ROOT, Athena)
- What is done
- Calculation of cross-sections of all processes at
parton tree level. - Detailed comparison of theoretical angular
distributions to Pythia results (Two references
for M2 were in contradiction) - Fast simulation of detector response (ATLFAST)
- Found bug in Pythia and acquired its correction
6Invariant amplitudes check in Pythia
- Pythia 6.2 Pyt quark structure described by
isoscalar model (Chi, Eich). Effective
lagrangian see page 3. - Two formulas of M2 referenced in Pythia are in
contradiction - qiqj-gtqiqj
- qiqi-gtqiqi
- Calculations by Tomá DavÃdek in agreement with
Chia. But which formula is used in Pythia?
7Invariant amplitudes check in Pythia
- Jet angular distributions for four different
processes - Pythia simulation with ?1 TeV
- Angular distribution fit according to Chia
agrees in high precision. - Eich formula does not describe such spectra.
- -gt Pythia includes correct M2 .
8Fast simulation in Athena (6.0.3) Atlfast
- Particles generated by Pythia become input data
for ATLAS detector simulation. Output of such a
simulation are already reconstructed jets,
isolated e, ?,?, ETmiss etc. - Atlfast simulation
- Both negative and positive interferences
- ?5, 10, 20 a 40 TeV (106 events for each set)
- All quarks composite
- Cone jet algorithm R1.0
- Low luminosity
- With ? ? ? quark structure effect dissappears
(QCD only).
9Positive interference
! Spectra of ?20 TeV and ?40 TeV lie below QCD
10Negative interference
The same problem spectra of ?20 TeV and ?40
TeV lie below QCD spectrum!
11Detailed bug analysis at Pythia level
- Problem spectra of ?20 TeV and ?40 TeV lie
below QCD spectrum, opposite should be observed
(ATL)! - Analysis of all individual 4-fermion contact
interactions revealed, that lower values of
problematic spectra are caused by wrong
performance of - qi qi ?qi qi
Number of events of this process decreases with
growing ?, eventually for ?gt5 TeV not an event is
found in a 10 mil. ntuple. (In older Pythia
5.720 such a case havent appeared, but its
compositeness model did not included interference
terms. It was more simple.)
12Pythia 6.2 correction
- After reporting this problem to Pythia author
T.Sjostrand we received a remedy. - Correct spectrum with Atlfast (R0.4, corrected
Pythia, but old Atlfast Fortran version due to
Athena obstacles) -gt - In Pythia 6.223 this bug is already corrected.
13Dijet angular distribution
- Studying dijet angular distribution is a useful
tool because of its - smaller sensitivity to Parton Distribution
Functions - smaller sensitivity to calorimeter non-linearity
- Atlfast cone jet algorithm with R0.4
- Every event contains several jets (mean 7)
- Two jets with the highest pT were chosen (?1,?2)
- For case of 2-gt2 parton scattering it is related
to CMS scattering angle T as follows
- Several invariant mass bins were studied.
14Dijet angular distribution
15Dijet angular distribution
- ?20 and 40 TeV does not differ much from
standard QCD. Higher statistics needed (here only
106 events).
16Conclusions and Plans
- Corrected Pythia must be implemented in next
Athena release. - Plans
- Fast simulation to obtain better statistics
- Convert to full simulation
- Inquire influence of different jet algorithms,
PDFs, etc. - Evaluate influence of calorimeter calibration
and linearity - Jet construction using physical data obtained at
Combined testbeam (2004) and their comparison
with MC further development of a method already
used by Tomá DavÃdek for CTB data 1996
17Combined Testbeam 2004
Motivation Construct the jet response using
signals from individual particles from the
combined beam test gt studies based on TB data
(instead of MC). Real subdetectors performance.
Investigation of many specific physics
processes (especially quark compositeness in our
case). Preparation for ATLAS data-taking and
18Constructing the response to jets
- Jets generated with Pythia
- Every particle then replaced by appropriate
testbeam data event - Available data sets will be e, ?, p, ? at 1 ?
180 (300) GeV - Particle substitution
- Muons replaced with ?, energy loss scaled
- using Bethe-Bloch formula.
- Mesons replaced with ?
- Baryons replaced with p (if ?/p separation
- in Cerenkov possible), otherwise ? used
- Electrons, gammas replaced with e
- Special treatment of K and very low energy
- particles
- Generated particle replaced with a TB event at
closest available energy, signal scaled by
Ebeam/Eparticle (except of muons)
19Constructing the response to jets
- Building the calorimeter signal in a cone around
jet axis - Reconstruct the jet axis as a ET-weighted centre
of the jet - Signal evaluation in each calorimeter radial
samplings separately - Calculate ??cell(TB) , ??cell(TB) distance of
the cell from the beam axis at TB for each TB
readout cell and then assign real cell
coordinates for the given particle direction
(?part , ?part) - ?cell ?part ??cell(TB)
- Sum-up all TB cells obeying
- (?cell ? ?jet)2 (?cell ? ?jet)2 ? R2
- Noise cuts applied to avoid accumulating noise
when summing several single particle TB events
into one jet. -
20Energy reconstruction
- Both calorimeters calibrated to the elmg. scale
(ELAr , ETile) - e/? - method for hadron energy reconstruction
used in Tilecal - cryostat correction (same as used in the
combined run 1996 paper) - Ecryo ccryo ? (? ? ELAr,3 ? (e/?)Tile ?
ETile,1)0.5 - Reconstructed energy
- Erec ?(E,R) ? (? ? ELAr (e/ ?)Tile ? ETile
Ecryo ) - function ? plays a role of weighted share of
elmg. and hadronic particles, depends on total
energy as well as ELAr . Since LAr is
non-compensated, ?gt1. - function ? corrects for several effects very
low-energy particles caught by magnetic field
within solenoid, finite size of the cone R. Both
functions are parametrised, actual values of
parameters obtained from fits (done in 1996).
- Jet response construction using experimental
testbeam data provides a tool for studying
detector performance and/or physics processes and
was succesfully used for 1996 data. - Forthcoming combined testbeam with final detector
design geometry even more attractive, since
(compared to 1996) - Parts of all sub-detectors in beam-line (ID,
calorimetry, muon system) - Larger range of beam energies should be
available (especially VLE) - Beams at various pseudorapidities
- Plans
- Construct the jet response from CTB data in the
similar way. - Study the combined calorimetry resolution
linearity with various energy reconstruction
methods. - Use the above described method to simulate
compositeness effects.
- Atl ATLAS Detector and Physics Performance TDR,
CERN/LHCC/99-15, p933. - Pyt www.thep.lu.se/torbjorn/Pythia.html,
Pythia 6.2 manual, p151. - Eich E.Eichten, I.Hincliffe, K. Lane and C.
Quigg, Rev. Mod. Phys 56 (1984), 579 Rev. Mod.
Phys. 58 (1985), 1065. - Chia P. Chiappetta and M. Perrottet, in Large
Hadron Collider Workshop, eds. G. Jarlskog and
D. Rein, CERN 90-10 (Geneva 1990), Vol. II, p806.