Title: Electroweak Symmetry Breaking without Higgs Bosons in ATLAS
1Electroweak Symmetry Breaking without Higgs
Bosons in ATLAS
Ryuichi Takashima Kyoto University of
Education For the ATLAS Collaboration
- Possible scenarios of EWSB
- Little Higgs Model
- Chiral Lagrangian model
- Performance studies on boson scattering
- Summary
3Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (EWSB)
Extended Gauge Symmetry Little Higgs, Higgsless,
Left-Right Symmetric Model Higgs-Gauge Unification
J.Lykken, Physics at LHC (Vienna)
Extra-Dimension LED(ADD) Randall-Sundrum Universa
l ED(KK)
Precision EW data
Dynamical Symmetry Breaking Strong EWSB, Chiral
Lagrangian, Technicolor, Composite Higgs,
Top-quark Condensation
Exotics Compositeness, Lepto-quarks, Monopole
4EWSB possible scenarios
- ElectroWeak Symmetry Breaking (EWSB)
- ElectroWeak Gauge symmetry requires gauge boson
and matter particles to be massless. The
mechanism to give them mass Standard theory of
EWSB by scalar Higgs field - Renormalization scheme predicts coupling
constants of Strong and EW force become same
value near ? 1016 GeV Suggest GUTs of SU(3)C ?
SU(2)L ? U(1)Y forces - Higgs radiative correction mass2 has a quadratic
term of cutoff parameter. Hierarchy problem in
GUTs. - If Higgs ? hierarchy problem fine tuning in rad
corr to Higgs masssolution new physics at TeV
scale (SUSY, Little Higgs, etc) - If NO Higgssolution dynamical symmetry breaking
(Technicolor, Chiral Lagrangian etc) - Unitarity violation in longitudinal WW scattering
at high Esolution Higgs boson or other new
particle with mass lt 1 TeV
5 Little Higgs Model
- Evaluate the sensitivity to the Little Higgs
models with the ATLAS experiment - at the LHC
- Little Higgs Models proposed as a solution to the
Hierarchy problem - Loop corrections to the Higgs Mass L is an
ultra-violet cut-off - Models try to arrange new particles to cancel
these effects - Little Higgs models add a minimal set of
particles (and a symmetry) to cancel these - corrections up to Lgt10TeV
- Some discussion on T-parity of heavy top and
bosons. Require pair production.
To suppress the quadratic divergence the mass of
MT and MW should not be too large
6 Little Higgs heavy top search
- Production via QCD (gg ? T Tbar, qq ? T
Tbar) via W exchange (qb ? q T) - dominant for MT gt
700 GeV - Decays T ? t Z, T ? t h, T ? b W
- cleanest is T ? t Z ? b l ? l l-but small
statistics, main bkg is tbZ5? signal up to
1.0-1.4 TeV - T ? t h ? b l n b bbar lt 5s
- T ? b W ? b l ?main bkg is t tbar5? signal up
to 2.0-2.5 TeV
M 1 TeV 300 fb-1
7 Little Higgs heavy bosons
300 fb-1
- AH, WH and ZH discovery in lepton modesup to M
6 TeV (depending on param cot q) - Discrimination against other modelspredicting
dilepton resonances via observation of decay
modeslike WH ? W h, ZH ? Z h, and WH ? t b
(important at cot q 1)
5s discovery
300 fb-1
M 1 TeV cot ? 1 30 fb-1
WH ? t b observation up to 3 TeV
8 Symmetry Breaking by Chiral Lagrangian Model
- SM cross section for Wlong Wlong scattering
diverges at high energy if there is no Higgs ?
new physics via diboson resonances? - Chiral Lagrangian Model
- Describes the low energy effects of different
strongly interacting models of the EWSB sector. - The differences among underlying theories appear
through the values of the effective chiral
couplings. - The analytical complete form can be found in
Dobado et al., Phys.Rev.D62,055011, but terms of
major importance are
- Different choices for the magnitude and the sign
of a4 and a5 would correspond to - different choices for the underlying (unknown)
9Performance studies on boson scattering
- WLWL with no resonances (Continuum) by J.M.
Butterworth, P. Sherwood, S. Stefanidis. - WLWL with resonances by S.E. Allwood, J.M.
Butterworth, B.E. Cox. - WLZL with resonances by G. Azuelos, P-A. Delsart,
J. Idarraga, A. Myagkov. - PYTHIA has been modified to include the EWChL and
to produce the resonances for different
parameters. - Detector response was studied using Athena
computing environment of both fast and full
10WW Boson Scattering
11WW Boson Scattering Event Selection
- high pT lepton
- high ETmiss
- Jet(s) with high pT and m mW.
- Little hadronic activity in the central region
(?lt2.5) apart from the hadronic W. - Tag jets at large ? (?gt2).
high pT W
- Backgrounds Wjets (W ? l?), s60,000 fb, and
, s16,000 fb ttbar - (cf signal slt100 fb).
12Resonant WW Boson Scattering
13Resonant WZ Boson Scattering
- choose parameters of a4 and a5 such that new
resonance M 1.15 TeV - qq ? qqWZ ? qq ln ll (s x BR 1.3 fb)
- qq ? qqWZ ? qq jj ll (s x BR 4.1 fb)
- qq ? qqWZ ? qq ln jj (s x BR 14 fb)
Lq.Ar FCAL hlt4.9
14Resonant WZ Boson Scattering
- Selection for qqjjll 2 forward jets central
2jets and 2 leptons Require no
additional central jet - Bkg gluon and g/Z exchange with W and Z
radiation also t tbar W4 jets (need more
stats) - Experimental issues
- Merging of jets from high-pTW or Z decay (need
cone DR 0.2) - Impact of pileup on forwardjet tagging?
- Promising sensitivity for jet modes at 100 fb-1
(need 300 fb-1 for WZ ? ln ll)? study is ongoing
100 fb-1
W Z ? jj ll
- Many scenarios for EWSB being studied.
- Heavy Top is reachable. WH ? t b hadronic decay
channel can be used to discriminate the Little
Higgs model from other models. - WZ boson scattering is studied extensively.
Promising mode to test the dynamical symmetry
breaking and various models including higgsless
model. - Atlas can explore the parameter space of Chiral
Lagrangian model by WW scattering with 30 fb-1
- G. Azuelos P. A. Delsart J. Idarraga A.
Myagkov ,ATL-COM-PHYS-2006-041 - S.Willocq,http//ichep06.jinr.ru/reports/150_11s5_
15p10_willocq.ppt - S.Stephanidis,http//indico.cern.ch/conferenceOthe
rViews.py? viewstandardconfIda0572006-07-06 - F. Ledroit,http//susy06.physics.uci.edu/talks/1/l
edroit.pdf - S. González de la Hoz L. March E.
Ros,ATL-COM-PHYS-2005-001 - G. Azuelos et al, SN-ATLAS-2004-038