LHC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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D. Lissauer Brookhaven National Laboratory Presentation to: HEPAP Future Facilities Subcommittee U.S. Participation in LHC Upgrade LHC Upgrade: Schedule and Options – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LHC

D. Lissauer Brookhaven National
Laboratory Presentation to HEPAP Future
Facilities Subcommittee
U.S. Participation in LHC Upgrade
  • LHC Upgrade Schedule and Options
  • Physics Motivation
  • Detector Upgrades
  • Machine Upgrade Options
  • Conclusions
  • Questions/Answers

LHC Schedule Upgrade Options
  • LHC Schedule
  • First Beams April 2007
  • Physics Run July 2007
  • LHC Upgrade Options
  • Luminosity upgrade SLHC L 1035 cm-2 s-1
  • --extends LHC mass reach by 20-30
  • --modest changes to machine
  • --very challenging for experiment
  • --time scale 2014
  • Energy Doubled LHC - EDLHC ?s 25 TeV L
    1034-1035 cm-2 s-1
  • --extends LHC mass reach by 1.5-2 for
  • --requires new machine (e.g. 15 T magnets )
  • --very expensive option
  • --time scale gt 2020

Physics Potential of SLHC
  • integrated luminosities
    Detector Performance at SLHC
  • LHC 100 fb-1/year L ? 2 x 1034
    needs to be similar to LHC.
  • SLHC 1000 fb-1/year L 1035
  • Higgs physics
  • rare decay modes
  • Higgs self-couplings
  • Higgs couplings to fermions and bosons
  • Supersymmetry
  • Heavy Higgs bosons of the MSSM
  • Mass reach up to 3 TeV
  • New Gauge Bosons
  • Strongly-coupled vector boson system
  • Extra Dimensions
  • Quark substructure
  • Electroweak Physics
  • production of multiple gauge bosons (nV .ge. 3)
  • triple and quartic gauge boson couplings

Strongly Coupled Vector Boson System
If no Higgs, expect strong VLVL scattering
(resonant or non-resonant) at
  • Difficult at LHC
  • At SLHC
  • degradation of fwd jet tag and central jet veto
    due to pile-up
  • BUT factor 10 in statistics ? 5-8? excess in
    WL WL scattering
  • ? other low-rate channels accessible

Indicative Physics Reach
Units are TeV (except WLWL reach) Integrated
luminosities correspond to 1 year of running at
nominal luminosity for 1 experiment
EDLHC 14 TeV 14 TeV 28 TeV
100 fb-1 1000 fb-1
100 fb-1 Squarks 2.5
3 4 WLWL
2? 4? 4.5? Z
5 6
8 Extra-dim (?2) 9 12
15 q
6.5 7.5 9.5 ?
compositeness 30 40
Detectors General Considerations
Inner Tracking
  • The inner tracker will need to be re-built using
    higher granularity detectors in a harder
    radiation environment in order to preserve the
    current pattern recognition, momentum resolution,
    b-tagging capability.
  • a Radiation increase by 10.
  • a To keep Occupancy constant granularity has to
    increase by a factor 10.
  • Small Radius Region Vertex detector (r lt 20cm)
  • aim for a pixels size factor 5-8 smaller than
  • (50x400 mm2 g 50 x 50 mm2) g benefit
    b-tagging, t-tagging
  • RD
  • Pixels Sensor Technologies
  • Super rad-hard electronics to achieve small
    pixel sizes.

Inner Tracking
  • Intermediate Radius 20ltrlt60 cm
  • Aim for cell sizes 10 times smaller than
    conventional Si strip
  • detectors.
  • benefit momentum-resolution and pattern
  • RD
  • Lower cost/channel compared to present Si strip
  • Si macro-pixels of an area 1mm2 pads or
    shorter strips ?
  • Single sided two dimensional readout (new
  • Large Radius 60ltr
  • Large area Si detectors.
  • Could use present day radiation resistant
    strip technology,
  • or new single sided technology
  • RD
  • Similar to intermediate radius less demanding
    except for cost.

Inner Tracking
Engineering/Integration Aim at a factor of 10
more channels but with less material. This means
that the System aspects have to be integrated and
understood from the start. RD new light
weight materials for stable structures, Power
Multiplexing of readout cooling,
alignment installation and maintenance
aspects Activation 250 mSv/h implications for
access and maintenance Timescale Need 8-10
years from launch of RD 4-6 years of
RD and prototyping , 4 years to build,
Increased Luminosity will increase the
contribution of the pile up to the noise by a
factor of 3. Increased radiation will imply
moderate changes to the detectors mostly in the
forward direction. RD Endcap find an
alternative to plastic scintillator (CMS) Long
term irradiation effects on crystals.
(CMS) Readout electronics some will need to
be upgraded for increased radiation level.
E.g ATLAS Front end board should be redesigned
either by making components more radiation
resistant,and/or use analog optical links to
bring the signals out.
Muon System
  • Current ATLAS/CMS Muon systems have a safety
    factor of 3-5 with respect to background
  • Background has strong geometric dependence
  • Detectors that now function at high-h at LHC will
    function at low-h in SLHC
  • Radio-activation at high h, of shielding,
    supports and nearby detectors
  • may limit maintenance access
  • Strategy
  • Balance robust detectors vs. shielding and
    reduced high-h acceptance
  • RD
  • Study limits of current detectors possible
    use of CSCs at lower h.
  • At high-h - higher rates higher granularity
    CSCs, GEMs?

Level-1 Trigger/DAQ
  • Increased LHC Luminosity up to SLHC means trigger
    and DAQ needs to evolve in time.
  • Reduced Bunch crossing to 12.5 n-sec will have an
    impact on the Level 1 trigger architecture.
  • RD
  • Study Required modifications to LVL1 trigger and
    detector front end
  • electronics.
  • Data transfer for processing at 80 MHz sampling.
  • Synchronization (TTC, etc) becomes an issue for
    short bunch crossing
  • period.
  • How to handle bandwidth (rate ? size) is an
    issue both for readout and
  • for event building.

LHC Upgrade Options
  • SLHC Luminosity upgrade to 1035
  • -- increase bunch intensity to beambeam limit
    ? L 2.5 x 1034
  • -- halve bunch spacing to 12.5 ns (electron
    cloud limitation?)
  • --Reduce ? to ??0.25 m (from 0.5 m)
  • --Increase crossing angle.
  • --Reduce bunch length. (new RF)
  • --Super Bunch option being investigated.

moderate hardware changes time scale ? 2014
  • EDLHC ? s upgrade to 25 TeV
  • -- ultimate LHC dipole field B 9 T ? ?s
    15 TeV
  • ? any energy upgrade requires new machine
  • -- present magnet technology up to B 10.5 T
  • small prototype at LBL with B 14.5 T
  • -- magnets with B17 T may be reasonable
    target for operation
  • in gt2020 provided intense R D
  • on new superconductors (e.g.

major hardware changes time scale ? 2020
U.S. Role in Machine RD
  • LHC RD by the U.S. Labs will focus on increasing
    the luminosity.
  • Understand the limitations of the current machine
    configuration, particularly the IRs, and
    develop proposed modifications.
  • Low b insertion sections (separation dipoles,
    triplet quads)
  • Develop high-field Nb3Sn magnets for new low b
    insertion b 15-20 cm seems possible.
  • Next Generation Machine Instrumentation and
    feedback systems.
  • Other luminosity upgrade RD to be addressed by
    CERN, e.g.
  • r.f. upgrades for halving bunch length or
    handling superbunches
  • collaborate with U.S. labs on RD on luminosity
    upgrade magnets
  • RD for EDLHC adequately covered by U.S. base
  • High-field Nb3Sn dipole RD and BNL, FNAL and
    LBNL addresses either EDLHC or VLHC.

  • Physics reach of LHC can be extended
    significantly by increasing the Luminosity by a
    factor of 10 or by doubling the energy of the
  • Luminosity upgrade can be achieved by 2014
  • Detectors must preserve (the expected LHC)
    performance to realize the physics potential.
  • RD for both machine and detectors upgrades
    needs to start soon. (Note that many present
    ATLAS/CMS detectors started RD in 87) Assuming
    sufficient funds, this is covered by the
    LHC Research Program.
  • US Machine RD projects are well suited to the
    capabilities at
  • the three national labs. (FNAL, BNL LBNL)

  • Tracking system upgrade is the most challenging.
    The system
  • will need to be almost completely rebuilt.
    Significant RD is
  • needed covering the full spectra from generic
    new materials
  • to system integration.
  • Calorimeters and Muon systems should be able to
    perform well with moderate upgrades.This will
    involve mostly increasing the radiation hardness
    of the readout electronics.
  • Trigger,DAQ will be upgraded benefiting from
    commercial developments.
  • Strong US involvements in the SLHC will ensure
    significant U.S. presence at the physics frontier
    for the coming decades.

Questions from the Committee
  • What is the estimated cost of the tracking
    upgrade, given the greatly increased channel
    count associated with the Luminosity upgrade?
  • 2. Can you give more information on the scope
    and cost of the Nb3Sn magnet RD for the
    luminosity upgrade? More generally , what would
    be the scope of the U.S. part of the accelerator
  • 3. What is the scope and cost of the U.S. part of
    the detector upgrades?

Tracking Cost estimate
  • The estimate is very preliminary and is based on
    the following assumptions The active components
    of the tracker are all Si. The inner radius has
    upgraded Si Pixel detectors, followed by Si Strip
    detectors, in the outer radius we use single
    sided 2-D Si detectors.
  • The estimate was done by scaling the cost of the
    ATLAS Si detector as well as information from
    CMS, and the CDF/D0 upgrade cost.
  • In scaling the costs we had to make assumptions
    on how the main cost drivers will scale with the
    number of channels, the area and the expected
    time evolution.
  • The RD and final design will have to be driven
    by optimizing the cost to performance of the
    overall system.

Tracking Cost estimate
  • Mechanics The mechanics does not scale with the
    number of channels.
  • One has to keep the services and the total
    weight to a minimum.
  • The cost estimate assumes there is added
    complexity due to light weight
  • Si Detectors Scale with the detector area and
    only marginally with the granularity.
  • The optimization of the number of layers and
    exact location has not been finalized. The total
    amount of Si will be factor of 5-10 greater
    than the present ATLAS detector.
  • Possible cost reduction
  • Si detectors Cost is driven to a large extent
    by the size of the wafers and industry is
    moving toward larger wafers.
  • Minimize the the amount of Si by using
    advances in detector technology. For example
    single sided 2D readout can be used in the
    medium and larger radii where the segmentation
    needs are dominated by tracking accuracy rather
    than occupancy.

Tracking Cost estimate
  • On detector read out electronics
  • The readout electronics cost is driven by the
    number of channels.
  • Take advantage of the reduction in the feature
    size of the electronics. (ATLAS design used
    ATMEL/DMILL rad hard technology that has a
    conservative feature size of 1.2 Micron in the
    Strips. CMS and ATLAS pixels are using sub micron
    technology of 0.25 micron)
  • Present industry standard is 0.18 moving
    toward 0.13 microns. We expect that by the time
    we go into production the standard feature size
    will be as low as 0.08 microns. Allowing for a
    substantial reduction in the power and space
    needed for the electronics and allowing for finer
    granularity without an increase in power and
    space needed.
  • The reduction in power has important
    implication also on the cooling and services that
    will be needed.

Tracking Cost estimate
  • Module integration
  • Module integration costs include costs of
    Hybrids and the components assembly.
  • In the case of the Pixel detectors the cost of
    bump bonding Si is a significant part of the
    module integration.
  • Significant cost reductions are possible
    assuming one of the integrated developments
    matures in time. They integrate the readout and
    the active detector on the same wafer
    eliminating the need for individual bonds.
  • Cables Data Links
  • Assumed a higher level of multiplexing compared
    to the present solutions. In particular the
    amount of power cables that need to be reduced
    for physics (reduced mass), space and cost
  • Power Supplies
  • Power supplies will need to be optimized and
    serve a larger number of modules. This has
    implication on coherent noise and very detailed
    system integration will be needed to achieve

Tracking Cost estimate
  • Cooling (Additional) The needed cooling capacity
    will scale with the number of channels, but we
    have taken advantage of the lower power
    requirements of the lower feature size
    electronics. A large part of the external cooling
    can be reused.
  • Off detector electronics (Read out Drivers) We
    have to take advantage of advances and reduction
    in the cost of electronics. We assume that a
    factor of 10 more data 10 years from now will
    cost factor of 1.5 more than present cost.
  • The Tracker cost for one detector thus estimated
    to be between
  • 150-180 M. (assuming the full detector is built
    in the US)
  • These numbers are only given as a rough
    estimate. We are not ready for an engineering
    estimate, which will have to be done after RD
    has progressed and better optimization done.

U.S. Machine RD
  • See note from Jim Strait

Scope and cost of U.S. involvement.
  • Scope
  • The U.S. has 20 of the Physicists on both
    experiments and contributes close to 20 toward
    the construction of ATLAS CMS.
  • In the RD phase of the LHC program the U.S.
    contributions have been more significant. The
    U.S. participation in electronics development and
    production is significantly higher than 20 .
  • We expect this to hold true also in the SLHC
  • We note that the Upgrade will take place while
    the LHC will be fully operational and a large
    maintenance and operations effort will be in
  • The maintenance and operation will be
    concentrated at CERN. In principle this
    responsibility will be shared equally between all
  • The division of responsibility for the upgrade
    has not been finalized. We assume the U.S. Share
    will be the same as during the construction of
    the experiments. (20).
  • There is a good possibility that the U.S. will
    trade off some of the MO responsibility for
    additional responsibility in the Upgrade.
  • .

U.S. cost for SLHC experiments.
  • Cost
  • The total cost estimate of the upgrade is hard to
  • We expect the main cost to be in the tracking
  • The exact scope of the upgrade for the different
    systems is not clear and will be somewhat
    different in the two experiments.
  • The split between the different systems and what
    upgrade will be done will have to be a result of
    optimization based on actual LHC experience.
  • One can only make a straw man upgrade model
    for the detector upgrade.
  • This cost does not include RD that we expect to
    be covered from the ongoing LHC Research Program.
  • We expect that the experiments share will be more
    than 2/3 and the rest for the accelerator.
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