Title: Kein Folientitel
1OBJECTIVE 1998start of a new German web-based
patient information system - internet address
http//www.therapie.net THE AIMproviding
interested and affected lay people with current
evidence-based health information THE
PROBLEMWhich sources of evidence are appropiate?
Which quality criteria should be taken into
account? How can we improve the system in order
to make it user friendly?
reviews of the effectiveness of health
technologies produced by the German Scientific
Working Group of Technology Assessment in Health
content quality of written consumer health
information and the HON3 Code principles for
medical and health web sites IMPROVEMENT The
information in the system was restructured into
information services and levels. Comprehensible
navigation bars were added to gain aneasy and
quick access to information.
- PSA screening for prostate cancer
- NMR-tomography in the diagnostics of female
breast cancer - mammography screening
- back pain school for people with back pain
- therapy of benign prostatic hypertrophy
- osteoporosis and osteodensitometry
- immunotherapy of allergic asthma bronchiale
- immunotherapy of insect allergy
- early rehabilitation in stroke
CONCLUSIONS and OUTLOOK www.therapie.net is
designed to combine a high quality of content and
user friendliness. New topics and information
services are added continually. Furthermore,
interactive elements will be implemented. An
online survey has been started in June 1999. It
will be used to get information about users and
to evaluate the quality of our approach.
Literature 1. German Health Technology
Assessment Project. URL http//www.epi.mh-han
nover.de/(eng)/hta.html accessed 1999 Jul
30 2. Charnock D. The DISCERN Handbook. Quality
criteria for consumer health information on
treatment choices. Radcliffe Medical Press
1998. 3. HON Code of Conduct (HONcode) for health
and medical Web sites. URL
http//www.hon.ch/HONcode/Conduct.html accessed
1999 Jul 30