Title: CapStat GIS Overview
1CapStat GIS Overview
- CapStat Project Introduction
- Technology Overview
- GIS Issues
- GIS Committee relationships
- Demonstration
- Discussion
3What is CapStat?
- A project to develop an interoperable
infrastructure for data exchange - A concept for the interoperable architecture
suite of web services - Technology to implement the architecture web
services (ESB, GIS, Fast Data Search) - Joint effort among DC NCR jurisdictions
- Funded by a DHS grant of 976K
- Completed by March 2006
4Project Scope
- Establish secure network that enables
applications to work together and exchange
information on regional basis regional
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) - Connect the District and selected NCR partners
using this regional network - Publish seamless GIS situation map of NCR with
coordinated content from CapStat partners - Post relevant E-911 incident calls to shared NCR
GIS situation map on real-time basis - Publish situation notification news and weather
alerts with content collected from databases, web
sites (e.g. NOAA) and syndicated news wires
5DHS/Emergency Issues Requirements
- Security
- Authentication
- Real time data management
- Managed routing
- Guaranteed delivery
- Penetrate firewalls
- Emergency data exchange vs public web service
6Service Oriented Architecture
ESRI ArcIMSWeb Feature Service
SonicEnterpriseService Bus
GML, NIEM, NCR Jurisdiction Schemas
7Business Value of SOA
- Broaden business integration partners
- Deepen business integration outsourcing
- Reduce data communication cost
- Faster process change
- Reduce cost of change
- Accommodate uneven rates of change
- Speed!
8What are Web Services?
- Application component interfaces that
- Communicate via open protocols (HTTP, SMTP, etc)
- Process XML messages framed using SOAP
- Describe its message using XML schema
- Provide an endpoint description using WSDL
- Can be discovered using UDDI
- Standalone service
- eXtensible Markup Language
- Provides a universal data format that lets data
be easily adapted or transformed - Example
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltaddr1 version1.0"gt
- ltrequest type"validate"gt
- ltBLDGNUMgt1350lt/BLDGNUMgt
- ltSTREETNAMEgtPennsylvania Avelt/STREETNAMEgt
- ltQUADgtNWlt/QUADgt
- lt/ADDRESSgt
- lt/requestgt
- lt/addr1gt
- XML based language for exchange of geographic
data - Uses XML schemas to define the geometry elements
needed to encode geographic elements - Supports spatial non-spatial properties
- Works on browser
- Custom map styling
- Editable maps
- Sophisticated linking capabilities
11What is an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)?
- Standards-based integration platform that enables
applications to reliably work together and
exchange information - Support for legacy applications
- Sonic ESB services
- Message quality of service
- Intelligent routing
- Data transformation
12ESB Functional View
J2EE Applications
Packaged Applications
.NET Applications
Jurisdiction Message Schema
Process Flow
Exception Handling
Jurisdiction Message Standards
Load Balance
Federated Management
Web Services
Message Bus
Relational Databases
13New Bus Architecture
SQL Access
DB Query
Web Server
Data Tier
Address Verifier
Business Logic Tier
14Regional Enterprise Service Bus
CapStat Web Services
Fairfax County
District of Columbia
Fast Search
Montgomery County
Situation Notification/Alert
Internet Monitoring
Additional CapStat Partners
15Example Regional Services
- Enterprise Search Engine
- Web sites, Media feeds (RSS), District databases
- Alert generation triggers, actionable
information - EPA Hazmat data
- Weather observations
- District 311/911 data
- District address validation
- Spatial services radius search, nearest neighbor
16SOA Benefits to Regional Interoperability
- Publish services
- Publish data as is, transforming
- Content meaning
- Versions
- Owner controls access, distribution
- Security, authentication, encryption
- Guaranteed message delivery
- Traverse firewalls
17How Fast Can Government Respond?
- How fast can government
- Move resources where needed?
- Make a decision when asked?
- Engage teamwork when needed?
- Change course when needed?
18Emergency GIS Operations
- Normal pre-event data exchange (MEDS)
- Periodic exchanges
- Ad-hoc requests
- Emergency event operations
- Updates to pre-event data
- Real time event data
- Real time additional data acquisition
19General GIS Use Cases
- Publish GIS data for external use
- Download/access data form other jurisdiction
- Push update data to another jurisdiction
- Request data from another jurisdiction
- Exchange event report/situation data
- Exchange data for real time collaboration
- Monitor location of event data to recognize alert
20GIS Issues
- ESRI software relationships
- Map/image service, feature/vector service
- OGC-GML (2, 3.0/1), catalog standards
- NIEM standards
- MEDS determination
- Real time emergency event data
- Compose map from multiple GMLs
- Consume external jurisdiction data
21Related Projects Systems
- National Capital Region Interoperability
Program-overall interoperability throughout the
region - WebEOC system-widely used incident management
system with GIS interface - Maryland EMMA/MEGIN capabilities-ESB handle
actual data movement
22GIS Committee Roles
- Determine MEDS content
- Determine GIS exchange processes, rules, policies
- Agree upon standards
- Establish web service development methods
- Share development responsibilities
- Participate in ESB web service training
23Jurisdiction Roles
- Determine web services to be provided to NCR
- Develop jurisdiction web services
- Publish jurisdiction GIS data
- Consume external data in jurisdiction
applications - Determine ESB administration parameters
24Demonstration Scenario
- Introduce show Mobile View application
- Describe Mobile View-ESB relationship
highlights - Examples of diagrams code of ESB operation
25About MobileView
- Objective Provide mobile workers in the District
access to strategic DCStat data and services - Integrates databases from multiple agencies
- Property owners, tax and vacant housing
- Housing complaints
- Citations for housing violations
- Resident requests for city services
- Crime incidents
- Search and GIS spatial analysis functions
- Optimized for Microsoft PocketPC PDA over
wireless connection
26MobileView Demonstration
27Bus Process Orchestration
- Application services
- Message channels (queues endpoints)
- Intelligent routing rules
- Message transformations
28(No Transcript)
29Intelligent Routing
- Eliminates need to return to broker between
process steps - Route messages through applications based on
message body content - Transform Message
- Reshape message content between MobileView XML
document message and signatures expected by web
services - Filtering, security
- Demo example includes both .NET and Java web
- Mobile View employs Mini-MAR address validation
service and database - DC has a new MAR V1 validation service and
database now available - Without changing the Mobile View application the
EBS can transform the validation request from the
Mini-MAR to MAR - Example address not present in Mini-MAR database
now available in MAR
31Questions and Answers