Title: Computational Geometry Introduction
1Computational Geometry-Introduction-
2Computational Geometry Problems
Voronoi Diagram (ch. 7)
Motion Planning (ch. 13)
3Geometric AlgorithmsFocus
- Data structure for geometric objects
- Ideas from geometric structures.
- Exact and asymptotically fast algorithms
- Special case due to geometry.(Degenerate cases,
4Convex Hulls Definition
Not Convex
A subset S of the plane is called convex if and
only if for any pair of points p,q in S the line
segment pq is completely contained in S. The
convex hulls CH(S) of a set S is the smallest
convex set that contains S.
5Convex Hulls Observation 1
- If all the points of S is in a part of a line PQ,
then PQ is an edge of CH(S). - First Algorithm Test all pair P, Q. And Find
all edges of CH(S). - Time Complexity O(n3)
6Convex Hulls Observation 2
- Two points that both leftest and rightest are
always in CH(S). - New approach Incremental Algorithm(Upper hull
Lower Hull)
Upper Hull
Lower Hull
7Graham Scan Jarviss March
Graham Scan O(n log n)
Jarviss March O(hn)
8Analysis of Convex Hulls Algorithms
- O(n log n) is lower bound. (proof)
- In worst case, Jarviss march spend O(n log n)
time. But if h is small, Jarviss march is
faster. - Not End. Why?
- We Cannot overcome some special case
9Degeneracy and Robustness
- Degenerate Cases
- Input datas special geometric property.
- Ex) Collinear 3-vertices, 4-vertices on circle.
- If we need increase time for degenaracy?
- General Position Assumption, Perturbation
- Robustness
- In the situation of actual Implementation
- Ex) Floating Point Arithmetic
- We need engineering sense of selection.
10CG Application Domains
- Computer Graphics
- Polygon Tessellation (ch 3, 9)
- Clever Geometric Alrogithm (ch 6,7,8,12)
- Robotics
- Motion Planning (ch 13,15)
- Geographic Information System
- Point Location and Analysis (ch 2,6,10,16)
- CAD/CAM, Chemitry, etc.