Title: An Introduction to Computational Geometry
1An Introduction to Computational Geometry
Joseph S. B. Mitchell Stony Brook University
2Voronoi Diagrams
3Historical Origins and Diagrams in Nature
René Descartes 1596-1650 1644
Gravitational Influence of stars
Dragonfly wing
Giraffe pigmentation
Constrained soap bubbles
Ack StreinuBrock
4Post Office Problem
Query point
Post offices
5Voronoi Diagram
- Partition the plane according to the equivalence
classes V(Q) (x,y) the closest sites of S
to (x,y) is exactly the set Q ? S - Q 1 Voronoi cells (2-faces)
- Q 2 Voronoi edges (1-faces)
- Q ? 3 Voronoi vertices (0-faces)
Q cocircular
Voronoi cell of p
7Delaunay Diagram
- Join pi to pj iff there is an empty circle
through pi and pj - Equivalent definition Dual of the Voronoi
diagram - Applet Chew
A witness to the Delaunayhood of (pi , pj)
If no 4 points cocircular (degenerate), then
Delaunay diagram is a (very special)
8Voronoi and Delaunay Properties
- The planar dual of Voronoi, drawn with nodes at
the sites, edges straight segments, has no
crossing edges Delaunay. It is the Delaunay
diagram, D(S) (defined by empty circle property). - Combinatorial size ? 3n-6 Voronoi/Delaunay
edges ? 2n-5 Voronoi vertices (Delaunay faces)
O(n) - A Voronoi cell is unbounded iff its site is on
the boundary of CH(S) - ?CH(S) boundary of unbounded face of D(S)
- Delaunay triangulation lexico-maximizes the angle
vector among all triangulations - In particular, maximizes the min angle
9Voronoi and Delaunay Properties
- In any partition of S, SB ? R, into blue/red
points, any blue-red pair that is shortest B-R
bridge is a Delaunay edge. - D(S) is connected
- MST ? D(S) (MSTmin spanning tree)
- NNG ? D(S) (NNGnearest neighbor graph)
- Voronoi/Delaunay can be built in time O(n log n)
- Divide and conquer
- Sweep
- Randomized incremental
- VoroGlide applet
10Delaunay Edge Flip Algorithm
Lawson Edge Swap Legalize BKOS
- Assume No 4 co-circular points, for simplicity.
- Start with any triangulation
- Keep a list (stack) of illegal edges
- ab is illegal if InCircle(a,c,b,d)
- iff the smallest of the 6 angles goes up if flip
- Flip any illegal edge update legality status of
neighboring edges - Continue until no illegal edges
- Theorem A triangulation is Delaunay iff there
are no illegal edges (i.e., it is locally
Delaunay) - Only O(n2 ) flips needed.
Locally non-Delauany
11Connection to Convex Hulls in 3D
- Delaunay diagram ? lower convex hull of the
lifted sites, (xi , yi , xi 2 yi 2 ), on the
paraboloid of revolution, zx2 y2 - Upper hull ? furthest site Delaunay
- 3D CH applet
12Voronoi and Delaunay
- Algorithms
- Divide and conquer (first O(n log n))
- Sweep
- Randomized incremental
- Any algorithm that computes CH in R3 , e.g.,
Qhull website
13Fortunes Sweep Algorithm
Ack GuibasStolfi
14Parabolic Front
Ack GuibasStolfi
15Site Events
Ack GuibasStolfi
16Circle Events
Ack GuibasStolfi
17Scheduling Circle Events
Ack GuibasStolfi
18Incremental Construction
- Add sites one by one, modifying the Delaunay
(Voronoi) as we go - Join vi to 3 corners of triangle containing it
- Do edge flips to restore local Delaunayhood
- If added in random order, simple Backwards
analysis shows expected time O(n log n)
Guibas, Knuth, Sharir
20Voronoi Extensions
- Numerous ! see Okabe, Boots, Sugihara, Chiu
- Different metrics
- Higher dimensions
- Delaunay in Rd ? lower CH in Rd1
- O( n log n n ?(d1)/2 ? )
- Order-k, furthest-site
- Other sites Voronoi of polygons, medial axis
- Additive/multiplicative weights power diagram
- ?-shapes a powerful shape representation
GeoMagic, biogeometry at Duke
21VRONI Fast, robust Voronoi of polygonal domains
Incremental algorithm
22(No Transcript)
23Computing offsets with a Voronoi diagram
24Alpha Shapes, Hulls
Erase with a ball of radius ? to get ?-shape.
Straighten edges to get ?-hull
25(No Transcript)
- Theorem For each Delaunay edge, e(pi,pj),
there exists ?min(e)gt0 and ?max(e)gt0 such that e
? ?-shape of S iff ?min(e) ? ? ? ?max(e). - Thus, every alpha-hull edge is in the Delaunay,
and every Delaunay edge is in some alpha-shape.