Title: JangHui Han, DESY
1Half Cell Length Optimisation of Photocathode RF
Jang-Hui Han, DESY
- Cell length optimisation
- for lowest transverse emittance
- Consideration on dark current from gun
2RF Gun Schematic
1.5 cell L-band RF gun (1.3 GHz)
Electron beam
Bucking solenoid
Coaxial RF coupler
Main solenoid
3Phase Dependence of Ebeam
4Average Beam Energy
45 MV/m
40 MV/m
At cathode 0 MeV At the first iris
2 MeV At the exit 4.5 MeV
Most important for beam quality
5Thermal Emittance
- Measurement with
- laser temporal distribution
- 3 ps rms Gaussian
- laser spot size 0.55 mm
- bunch charge 3 pC
? E Emax sin ?
6?trans Vs Half Cell Length
ASTRA simulation with 50000 macro particles
45 MV/m at cathode
Half cell length
longitudinal (fixed)
2 ps rise/fall 20 ps fwhm
radius variable
7?trans Vs Half Cell Length
40 MV/m at cathode
50 MV/m at cathode
8?trans Vs Half Cell Length
55 MV/m at cathode
60 MV/m at cathode
9Gun (50 MV/m) Linac
Thermal emittance (?therm 0.5 mm mrad)
included assuming Ekin 0.55 eV
10Gun (50 MV/m) Linac
11Emission Phase Variation
12Field Emission (Dark Current)
Dark current after gun
Field emission Vs RF phase
13Dark Current Source
The maxima of the rf field strength can be the
major source of dark current
ASTRA simulation at 40 MV/m max field and 300 A
main solenoid current
14Dark Current Beam Momentum
measurement at PITZ
simulation with ASTRA
PITZ Photoinjector Test Facility at
DESY, Zeuthen
15Dark Current at 60 MV/m
Dark current at the entrance of the 1st module
dark current reduced by 63
half cell length 65 ? 75 mm
Very small overlap in the momentum spectra
16Dark Current (Simulation)
Dark current starts from the cathode area (2 mm
rms) ASTRA simulation with 100 000
macro-particles Particle tracked up to 10 m
downstream including aperture
- Beam transverse emittance calculated for cavities
with different half cell length. - Transverse emittance shows no big difference for
64 70 mm first cell length. - With increasing first cell length, dark current
separated from beam.
18RF Field Profile
Calculated by Microwavestudio
19Dark Current Beam Images
y ??3 mm
? 16 mm
Dark current image
? 5 mm
y ?0 mm
laser spot (0.44 mm rms)
y ?2 mm
mirror scan
Electron beam movement on the dark current image
By the influence of the solenoid field the
trajectory of the beam rotates by 90?.
20Bunch Charge Vs RF Phase
Operating condition for min. ?transverse ? max.
Electron bunch is emitted with a combination of
several factors
- Space charge force dominated emission
longitudinal laser profile - Schottky effect dominated emission
- Beam dynamics after the emission and aperture
ltGun parametersgt Bunch charge 1 nC at 35? Laser
parameter temporal 20 ps flat top
transverse 0.55 mm rms RF gradient 45
MV/m Cathode Cs2Te with 60 nm Main solenoid 320
A Bucking solenoid 24 A